Berlusconi intends to re-organize the Constitutional Court: "It will require the concurrence of two thirds of the members to repeal the laws." This is to prevent the supreme judges, "mainly from the left," decide on acts of the majority, according to a political bias. Today the second Silvio goes like this: "If a reform discussed and adopted by Parliament do not like the judges left the contest in front of the Consulta, repealing it."
by 'Free' February 20, 2011, p.. 8
imagine for a moment that the Knight to the powers conferred on him by his majority in the House, now at 325 share, succeeds in reforming Look . Imagine that governments until the end of the mandate, and that the policies of 2013 are won by "communists" of the Democratic Party. Imagine, then, that Silvio is right about everything, that there are red robes, who are powerful and agguerritissime, and occupying most of the benches of the Constitutional Court. What would happen? Are you ready?
According to what has always supported the prime minister, the left, once in power, automatically acquire an absolute power : the Court almost always winked at her, and even in cases of serious questions of constitutionality of a law could only bend to the will of a government in league with even a small minority of the Judiciary. The introduction of a qualified majority for the constitutional decisions would be the suicide of democracy : by 2018, Italy would become the new Soviet Union . And this is a result of major reforms in personam of our Prime Minister. Berlusconi is a communist?
The contradiction is obvious. The reason for this is an oxymoron only: Berlusconi is blind to the country's future because he sees no future for themselves . For him, the Parliament is ontologically right and the Court is ontologically the left, confirming the fact that he lives in a present dilated. Another argument of this theory is the so-called 'machinery of the mud ". For her, the same holds true for the machines in general, cars are said to more than the car is bigger, my penis is small. The penis is a happy metaphor inferiority complex the premier. The "Newspaper Gian Berlusca" increased over the last two years propaganda through the selection of the truth to manufacture and convenient to shop of lies. In the beginning was the method Boffo . Today there is a method Zurlo, who among other things is a method funny. If it gives me so much, then maybe the empire is crumbling, and these signals are like the crackling of the tree before the last stroke of the ax struck by the woodcutter.
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