Coming to know what is revealed by our newspapers about the state of rebellion in Libya and statements Mu'ammar Gaddafi, I was born a suspect.
Libyan Colonel said something "interesting" from the geopolitical point of view: surprisingly, has accused Italy , her friend, that he sold weapons - specifically rockets - the riotous. These are the ravings of a madman now in its fruits? I think not.
It 'very unlikely that the Italians have really done what they were accused. The announcement of the dictator is, however, an important signal, a warning that seems to say "Hey, I'm willing to take care that everything, even to go against my allies, and even against the American superpower." In addition to the constant threat of invasion of immigrants, the words of rais also, in my opinion, a significant strategic impact .
showed its determination to everything, Gaddafi put in place a strategy of tension , indirect ventilation that among the exiles may have infiltrated terrorists always ready to unleash a retaliatory . With this, the strategist takes two birds with one stone: pressure is on Italy, Europe and, perhaps, by extension, the United States, not to intervene, while architect and a possible revenge against migrants " traitors, "which impede or impossibiliterà l'asilo in terra straniera.
Il mio sospetto è quindi questo: che Gheddafi faccia dichiarazioni nient'affatto folli, ma anzi studiate ingegnosamente , al fine di ricattare nello stesso momento l'Occidente ed il popolo libico ribelle. Pur credendo di avere il coltello dalla parte del manico, è palese che il dittatore sia ben consapevole del fatto di non poter resistere ad un intervento delle forze internazionali. Sembra chiaro anche che Gheddafi abbia valutato di risolvere la situazione nel giro al massimo di tre o quattro giorni: si è parlato di 30.000 mercenari pagati ognuno 30.000 dollari al giorno , più un "bonus" di 12.000 dollari per ogni ribelle ucciso; se le cifre are right, we start from a daily expenditure of $ 900 million , nearly one billion per day, amounting to approximately EUR 750 million. Per day. A sum exhausting, unsustainable, I suppose, but that can be justified if the idea is to stifle the revolution in the shortest possible time. In a sense, an investment.
And speaking of money, Hillary Clinton is urging you to take the penalties . I think the idea is ridiculous. Gaddafi is a dictator, Libya is not a democracy but an autocracy, a country-directed, an appendix of his own helpless leader. would punish Libya come se la polizia sparasse in testa ad un ostaggio per fare dispetto al suo sequestratore . Il che francamente non mi sembra un'idea grandiosa.
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