Torno a parlare del tema della violenza. Ne riprendo in mano la trattazione perché in questo Paese nostro urge contrastare con la fermezza dell'acume e della cultura il divampare della rivolta auspicata dai piromani della politica e del giornalismo .
Lancio un appello a tutti coloro che, come astanti o come gladiatori, stanno prendendo parte e posizione all'interno di this duel media, social, and perhaps even anthropological . An appeal, not a threat, there remains firmly anchored in mind, regardless of the tone that I use.
Dear Alessandro Sallusti, editor of the Journal, "which was to Montanelli, I beg you to stop. Stop the vilification of the honor which is sitting behind the desk, propinano its readers a kind of journalism that is not worthy of those who preceded his head high, but at most of the Press of a party. You are free to support Mr Berlusconi, but not if it is wrong to go along with the historical truth . You can seduce a naive or an extremist the PDL, but not me, and certainly not much more than other preparations of the undersigned. She has consented to its pen Stefano Zurlo to write falsehood, and has performed with the tacit consent, even if I had I sent an email asking for a correction.
Caro Giuliano Ferrara, editor of the Gazette », too, the tears please. E 'smart enough to understand what he understood even a mediocre blogger like me, namely that today's scandals have nothing to do with the hypocritical moralism and neopuritanesimo, but with the value of legality, and net of exploitation This left non-existent. She had a mammoth opportunity to make clear, and instead showed underwear and used them to mo 'of sheets to hide the truth killed. But he knows that will have to give account to the history of his choices, and that his conduct will determine whether posterity will remember as an end or as a bully liberal who has sold his voice to Mammon?
Dear Pier Luigi Bersani, secretary of the Pd , what about you? So far it has only been able to sing out of tune on the notes of a broken record, asking for the resignation of Berlusconi machine gun, and riding the tiger of the square. But his party that proposes an alternative to this government? Lei e i suoi colleghi da mesi rispondete che i lavori sono in corso. Ma, come per tutti i cantieri italiani, dei lavori non si vede termine. Qual è, dunque, la sua alternativa? E' forse l'emulazione dell'Egitto? Ma il suo non si chiamava Partito Democratico? Paragonare la situazione dell'Italia a quella egiziana è da folli , e se è questo il suo programma, spiacente, ma credo che le uniche maniche che dovrebbe rimboccarsi siano quelle di una camicia di forza .
Caro Marco Travaglio , io sono un suo lettore, e la considero uno dei più grandi giornalisti comparsi negli ultimi vent'anni . Però non è il best, and humbly I say that because I do not like that she uses nicknames to label and stigmatize his opponent , turning it into an enemy. Beppe Grillo launched this psychodwarf talking about fashion, she did talking about his humble faith , Minzulpop and more. E 'legitimate irony, sarcasm and so is doing, I did too, and probably I'm wrong, but let's not exaggerate, for the joke to dehumanization step is shorter than you might perceive . She who protects us from Newspeak B. you look good from hearing sirens Newspeak T.
Dear Silvio Berlusconi, I did not ask to resign, because it seems ridiculous to ask anyone to resign . But I will say one thing, in all sincerity. You do not heap on the judiciary, because if she is innocent as he says then the judiciary may not be even a hair twist. To the rest prove his own past: each has his trial saw him winning (although, I admit, sometimes cheated by using tricks); if there were the red robes, as you say, it would be now a fact that nothing can if she is really innocent . Conspiracies are not there and, if they are, they are blunt, as I said other times. Instead though, she , now 74, should be a reflection After half a century of business and 17 years in politics, would not be best for her and for her physical well-being if he retired to private life maybe on a bell'isolotto the tropics, surrounded by beautiful girls, enjoying in peace until the end of his days on this planet, the result of years and years of hard work for the good of his country and its companies? A vacation, after all, if it deserves it.
I thought if it is true what they say some gossips that she actually fell in campo per non finire in galera? Mi segua per un momento. Mettiamo che sia vero. Dopo un ventennio, crede ne sia valsa la pena? Per sfuggire al carcere, si è reso prigioniero del Parlamento, dell'opposizione, dei pm, e delle tante chimere con busto da iena, ali d'avvoltoio e faccia di amico che le si sono attorniati per depauperarla del suo successo e delle sue ricchezze. Ne sarà valsa la pena?
Carissimi tutti, ascoltatemi . Ciascuno di voi, nel suo piccolo, ha contribuito a tirare un filo che ha intessuto il clima sociale degli ultimi tempi. Anzi, mi correggo, ciascuno di noi lo ha fatto, e deve prendersene la responsabilità. I said earlier that violence is a last resort in every way that we try not to make it necessary. Unfortunately, it seems that we are approaching the point of no return . If one door closes, they say, you open a door. Similarly, if you close the phase of the square, the square that opens (Loreto) . Which is not convenient to anyone. Neither me, nor you, nor to the protesters. Neither, of course, democracy.
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