Realpolitik. She 's the word of the moment, the key to understanding the events of the Libyan and Italian and international reactions.
Berlusconi and Foreign Minister, Franco Frattini, have finally broken the silence. This is not earned, however, to silence the controversy that arose after the very first non- position of Prime Minister (" No, I have not heard. The situation is evolving, and then I would not disturb anyone ). Among other things, on the table was re-launched the kissing pictures of Colonel Knight taken at the Summit Arab League of Sirte July 27, 2010 . It is not known, however, as the prime minister should behave.
Beyond the easy accusations of those who are sitting in the control room (but "strangely" aspires to sit) is to wonder if by "ben'altra" Most reports Italy-Libya would have been different. Frankly, I tend not to do this.
course another leader would have avoided perhaps define "friend" the dictator Gaddafi , and surely he would abstain from leave with him, kissing his hand, but saved the appearance, relations would remain unchanged. And because of this realpolitik ; because Italy is a Republic founded on oil .
A quarter of our black gold requirement is filled by Libya. Add to this the natural gas imports, no less important to us. There is talk of humanitarian emergency , but only interested in Italy real three things: prevent a military intervention in our area (equal to or worse than the April 15, 1986) or to the detriment of our fellow citizens, reduce migration from the country in revolt and protect the economic interests our and our companies on Libyan soil, primarily Eni. For realpolitik, human rights are crap, have an alibi mixed, ready to use when they need to defend one of these three interests.
There are escape routes from this system? In fact, a solution exists, and is called energy independence . No longer depend on fossil fuels in Africa, the West would no longer constrained by demands of realpolitik to intervene in Middle East issues. And, if anything, to intervene, he would not do more, as it is today, following a economic calculation, mechanically, but for a purpose genuinely humanitarian.
Indeed, to say everything, I believe that once the Western powers will be emancipated from fields in Africa, would drop the curtain not only on the attention from the media polarized issues in the Middle East, but also on the practice exporting democracy, a scam with a saccharine aftertaste which is nothing but a variation on the theme of the White Man's Burden by Rudyard Kipling , a colonial anachronism made acceptable through the mask of ' altruism and the myth of progress.
The concept of exporting democracy brings to mind the example hydrops that Descartes in his Meditations on First Philosophy : an individual who because of illness in his throat feels perennially parched with thirst, but more drink more intense and horrible that makes sense.
Here, using the military to spread democracy is like giving a glass of water all'idropico: it may make him feel much worse. I think the two wars (one of independence and the secession) that were needed by North American states to settle their union democracy, and the two wars (World) occurred in European countries to devise the apparatus ensures and peaceful part of which today are evolving.
I think about, wondering whether it would be an inevitable step, rather than that of imported democracy, that democracy discovery and self-built , paying the price of the popular blood, democracy researched, genuinely desired by the combatant nation. That is, the stage that we crossed us Westerners. I wonder if it ever really a democracy transplanted organ as a foreign body can be established and function without rejection .
It's about time that these nations were left alone to fight for the values \u200b\u200bthey believe in, free to make and unmake themselves and their society, even at the cost of allowing their members to slaughter each other. In the end we passed we, at the risk of self-destruction, and we're still here. But this can not happen as long as our society does not devise plans to free us from vital need we have of their energy sources.
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