The dignity of women has nothing to do with the current political scandals. You tried, with the mobilizations of the past few days to ride a tiger in itself was nothing to do with the issues at stake.
I will be brief, concise and as clear as possible. I had written, not even a week ago , that the real scandal "Rubygate 'was the concussion . I would also add that it is unacceptable , politically, the confusion between the public and private sphere. More precisely, it is the merger of private power, economic and personal and public, party and institutional.
Ad essere indecoroso sarebbe - uso il condizionale in attesa di una sentenza - il fatto che un leader o un segretario, potendo modificare autonomamente la composizione delle liste di candidati del suo partito, sia in sostanza in grado di determinare che ad ottenere una carica pubblica di rappresentanza politica, cioè una posizione stipendiata coi soldi dei contribuenti , non sia tanto un meritevole quanto un amico, un parente o, eventualmente, un'amante più o meno prezzolata o « escort » che dir si voglia.
Il problema sta nella legge elettorale attualmente in vigore , la quale prevede le liste bloccate and does not allow the selection of candidates rated. The so-called "puttanopoli 'or' pornocracy" is nothing but a contingent form of a rough and very much rooted patronage . If there were girlfriends of State would be in-laws or athletic trainers, only a true Puritan attempts to notice a difference. It is therefore necessary to change the law so as to prevent the recurrence of situations that are clearly borderline .
E 'was also suggested that the scandal would be to conduct the gap between public and private, that is between morality proclaimed and practiced in concrete. Personally I believe this is mostly a problem political, if not fall in the event of a crime, in which case the judiciary is sacrosanct that we put beak.
E 'preaching the classic question of good and evil scratching. We are neither more nor less than in the open parenthesis with Micciché : Is it right that our representative is made of cocaine, but looking at the same time prohibit us? In my opinion it is a fake problem.
An MP who preaches good and evil Razzoli is guilty of a despicable hypocrisy , and must respond to certain politically, from the moment his constituents might not like the behavior (e sempre al netto delle ipotesi di reato). Ma è pur vero che, se si predica bene, la predica è buona a prescindere da se chi la fa la mette anche per primo in pratica. Per fare un esempio, un pedofilo non è meno peccatore (e criminale) solo perché dei preti gli fanno “buona” compagnia. Della serie, due torti non fanno una ragione .
Francamente non ho apprezzato le manifestazioni del 13 febbraio . Ho fatto presenza a quella di Ancona e non è piaciuta l'atmosfera che si respirava. Peraltro, mi è parso di capire che in tutte le altre città italiane ed estere il clima fosse grossomodo il medesimo. E' comunque denied the right of the "square" to say his .
A cold, I can say that the event on Sunday but has had at least one positive side : recent events have cast a shadow of disrepute on Italy from other countries, not only in Europe, and countless were those who wondered why the Italians have reacted. The mobilization, shouting "If not now when?" had the honor to meet this demand, sending a clear signal to world public opinion, not all Italians feel represented by Berlusconi, not all Italians bunga bunga to applaud, real or imagined. Italy is not only bunga bunga.
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