Monday, January 31, 2011

Wearing A Kilt With A Jacobite Shirt

high-sounding title here Enter

A friend suggested that I stop reading newspapers The Newspaper as or Free daily activities and to devote more ladies. Has pushed me to my health, but luck would have it was not a doctor. It is true, however, that a sense of what is honorable has now suffered a reversal of the poles worthy of the most catastrophic predictions pre-Columbian, and that it takes a well-lined mouth, an esophagus lubricated properly and an iron stomach to swallow for some items .

So exalt justice-injustice . E 'in this way that the text directly from Sallusti headline today a piece of ingenuity birth Giuseppe De Bellis , which reviewed a sample of sickly virtuosity only serves to discredit enemies of the usual suspects: Labor and Santoro . Oh, and of course, the inevitable judiciary.

All this for half a game of blame unoriginal but very imaginative. Silent voice of his angelic choir, the editor in the pen tip against the intolerable impunity for "togas".

" slam in jail for no reason? " writes " continue to work. Accuse an innocent person in front of microphones? remain in place." If you are here already smell di fumus berlusconis , il passo che segue è proprio sulfureo. " Indagano e indagano e indagano le stesse persone salvo poi vedere assolti sempre i loro obiettivi? " incalza lui " Qualcuno ricorderà il caso dei bimbi di Gravina di Puglia scomparsi e trovati morti in una casa abbandonata. Il padre era un tipo strano, per qualcuno anche ambiguo: fu indagato, finì in televisione, sui giornali, sul web come l’orco assassino. I magistrati erano certi: «È stato lui». Non era così. Tante scuse e scarcerato, non certamente riabilitato dopo il fango che l’aveva sporcato nelle settimane precedenti. Quei magistrati che sbagliarono tutto non sono stati puniti ".

Prego? Sono anni che gli studi televisivi di ogni rete vengono arredati ex novo e riconvertiti ad ogni piè sospinto in aule di tribunale. Fino a quando alla sbarra non c'è il Cavaliere, e più in generale il padrone di turno, pare che ciò passi inosservato. E' la normalità, è il mondo dell'informazione e così funziona da sempre. I giornalisti non hanno remore nello spiattellare in prima pagina la faccia del presunto mostro, né si curano di raffreddare i bollenti spiriti dei lettori ricordando a tutti l'importanza di princìpi cardine della nostra democrazia, come la presunzione di innocenza . Non si può nemmeno dire che non si servano di artifizi and to render more palatable literary scams and sensationalist headlines of their scoop. Above all, we can not say that of the need to rehabilitate people equally, then suspected criminals that were strengthened innocent, on whose shoulders have secured the Most plays or sold at newsstands . Guaranteed, yes, but only their head and their income. And now the blame is not journalism-show, which never goes out of fashion, but the magistrates and their work, and interviews that may be issued?

No. It is the fault of journalists. Call to raise the shields in the name of freedom of the press and diligence of reporter. The news is given, but there are ways and ways to give . And the one currently in vogue is the wrong way. The fault lies with those many journalists who already Gaber in 1980 were "cannibals , necrophilia, De Amicis, smart," many of those hosts Vespa style in their living rooms that invite guests to delight greedy for yet another model of the scene of the crime. But more than the crime scene, here you should start talking about crime scene.

Now, you are talking about judges who throw mud at people without rehabilitation. As if the journalists precaution of rehabilitation, and rehabilitation as I said a moment ago, equally, people covered their pedantic attention. I will not see in the latest crime news, because it is still evolving situation and made progress. But I can think of many other examples of how the reporters are accustomed to shooting at zero and never apologize proportionally.

Two examples I particularly care. One concerns the origins of the crime of Perugia . During the investigation, an assessment was made on a knife belonging to Raffaele Sollecito. It was held, among others, by a coroner, Mariano Cingolani , who declared that the knife in question was consistent with the weapon used in the crime, neither more nor less could it be any other knife of the same features and dimensions. What the newspapers headlines of the time? "The knife Sollecito is the murder weapon! . Many newspapers season with a photograph depicting the accused with a dagger in his hands. If the facts, then, gave reason to this fringe of journalists, it should be stated, however, that it was not of foresight, but guilty of recklessness, and a sense of the domestic economy more than the headlines.

Other example, dates back a few years before. Such Marco Dimitri was investigated for a series of alleged sexual abuse of minors held in satanic rituals. The affair caused a great outcry, which used to be stirred up by journalists in view of current events held by the public especially heinous or lousy. We speak here of the front pages and headlines. Once all the charges and lapsed definitively established the innocence of the character in question, if there was a short article to make amends for the "mud" was really fat that dripped.

The prosecution is calling for legislation to suspect. And 'their job to investigate, within the law. I giornalisti sono il ponte che, in una società democratica e trasparente, garantisce il passaggio delle informazioni sensibili dall'aula all'opinione pubblica. Quello del giornalista è, insomma, lo spinoso compito di un soggetto che si trova a dover tradurre un dato tecnico in una nozione stringata e di facile accesso e comprensione al cittadino medio. Non certamente, come invece avviene, quello di usare l'arte della teatralità per fare della notizia un dramma, e del dramma un business . Un giornalista serio è un uomo di cultura, un educatore. Troppo spesso, al contrario, diventa oggi un imbonitore, uno che si butta " sul disastro umano col gusto della lacrima in primo piano ", To quote the great George as always.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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policy in the flask. The ball politics. The structure of the truth

If I had said just a couple of days ago I would not have thought possible, yet today, exceptionally, I will talk about football. I will not as a lover of the sport, because I do not love, nor a spectator, why not loving him, of course, do not follow him, subject to appointment every four years for his country, which remains wedded to more a sense of patriotism sublimated conviviality and solidarity than anything else. I will not talk, in short, the Italian league, but football as a phenomenon social and political.

Because-and here the term metaphor transcends football has at least the last two decades, an invasion of field work in politics, noisy and quiet at the same time. Just this morning, on page 4 with the first reference in the print edition of Free , Massimo Fini signs article, in my view, very well done, which analyzes the optical Berlusconi in football.

Parafrando very discourse of the journalist, it is interesting to note that he finds an analogy between the figure of Silvio Berlusconi and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi that the was President of the Milan , and, commentary, Silvio Berlusconi of entrepreneur. In fact, the chief minister is one and three, a collage of faces that are identified in a common modus operandi . E 'indicative of this, and no longer appears as the result of a curious coincidence or a happy joke, the fact that the political landscape nell'affacciarsi, Berlusconi has chosen the famous metaphor of the descent into the field.

one who ran the company as Milan, he ended up managing the nation like the country. The gist of the problem is that elections are not the league: you do not win to win, but to implement an idea, albeit questionable, progress, and the competition is not a rule but one of the options.

Instead, what we have today in Italy? We parties and coalitions that resemble more of a team, whose players fresh parliamentary transfers are already hot and ready to compete with friends the day before, and not feel ideological differences, but because of the T-shirt have him. We have for the journalists eager to pack ultras banners against the traitors of the last hour. And we, indeed, most of us-a right to be elected by definition and in fact, a crowd of loyal fans and fiery che cantano cori da stadio nei talk show e nelle piazze o inveiscono ottusamente contro il televisore, difendendo strenuamente le ragioni dei loro club , ma senza capirne veramente il perché e spesso in barba ad ogni logica che non sia quella del conflitto sportivo.

Colpa di Berlusconi? No. La colpa è degli italiani. Di TUTTI gli italiani. Di sinistra o di destra, parlamentari e non.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

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Mi è capitato di finire in situazioni imbarazzanti. Sarà capitato a tutti di finirci, e di esser costretti a difendersi da accuse più o meno infamanti. Spesso questo imbarazzo is a side effect of civil life and pluralism that drives the rhythms of everyday life: the conflict with another, usually peaceful, but not necessarily preventable, requires the positions that have a large echo in our interpersonal relationships, and that stimulate curiosity, questions, and sometimes in those reviews, standoci around, sees the conflict, taking part morally.

E ' a speech that applies to all individuals and all types of companies , from the smallest to the most complex, from the group of friends to political parties, from families to nations. I have called an embarrassment as a "side effect", but actually I consider it a healthy part of human ethics. The embarrassment is a sixth sense that warns us of attitudes "socially" inappropriate. I use quotes because we are not always all agree in recognizing as part of the same society, and on the other hand the company is changing the context and the context is, by definition, evolves because of dissent and often subliminal its States. I do not want here, however, bore no dusting Hegel nor its abstruse concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.

What I want is instead talking of a sense of embarrassment, shame, or if you prefer, and the role it has assumed a very special in Italy, especially in recent times. But it is impossible to talk about it without calling into question the structure of truth, a concept very little practical and philosophical, and that, far from being complicated, is actually so easy to understand that not hardly feel it a-glance.

The truth is, first, its inherent structure, which is peculiar. In this, it is characterized by the fact that an event, if it is true, it needs to fit together like piece of a mosaic in the midst of other equally real events. The contact points between the various events are those that are defined in the common vocabulary tests . For example very small change, the fact that you are reading this is proof that you exist (thankfully, not the only one). The fact that you exist, try to turn that exist or have existed for you a father and a mother. Within the case we shall use this assumption to try to prove the occurrence of a fact or not. This is a process which, although it can not be definitive strictly scientific, it has many characters of clear scientific.

What is a lie? A lie is the story of a fact not true, but likely. E 'on the basis of this likelihood that we are led to believe in a lie: the more an event seem real, the more we will be induced, after an early observation, to assume that it is. A lie, that is, it simulates the reality of a fact. It is said, however, and rightly so, that the devil is in the details , and in fact go down more specifically and less convincing lies there. Details are still the evidence, that the contact points to the fact that he claimed as true with other events that are obvious or the veracity of which has already been demonstrated in other ways.

The attachment of a lie, from a purely scientific point of view, is based on the ability of bugiardo di imitare la struttura della verità per mezzo della sua menzogna. Ciò avviene mediante l'invenzione di una prova, ossia di un nesso logico con la realtà. Esiste, insomma, una verità vera, che è la verità, e una verità finta, che è la bugia. Una domanda soggiace a tutta questa digressione: è possibile architettare una falsità talmente ben progettata da sostituirsi alla verità senza che sia possibile scoprire l'inghippo?

Sì e no. Dal punto di vista logico, è chiaro che sia possibile costruire una prova contraffatta , ma è altrettanto chiaro che la verità è basata su un numero di nessi logici talmente grande da potersi considerare infinito, e che nessuna mente umana potrebbe, da sé sola, gestire una mole tale di informazioni da riuscire ad ottenere il risultato di falsificare la realtà stessa in maniera infallibile. Neanche un genio, e neanche una organizzatissima cospirazione segreta potrebbero riuscire in un tale intento. Bisogna tuttavia anche tener conto dell'umanità di chi indaga, del fatto che anch'egli, in quanto essere umano, può non soltanto essere ingannato, ma persino corrotto. E' quindi in concreto possibile che un evento fittizio sia dato per vero (e viceversa). Ma si tratterebbe, comunque, di situazioni di considerazione relativamente scarsa: possiamo costruirci un buon alibi per un furtarello commesso, magari with murder, but it makes sense to conclude that the shot is big more and more risky it becomes .

Why speak of a sense of embarrassment for us we had to climb up the structural concept of truth? Why this structure, as I have described, is the shield of the righteous . It may seem too politically correct for me, but although I am not free from doubt about it, the above considerations lead me to have faith in the Italian judiciary . If not of the investigator, at least one of the judging. And here comes the embarrassment.

E 'natural feel embarrassed when you are accused of an inconvenient fact, whether a crime or a morally questionable behavior. But it is incorrect to the point of lacking confidence the investigator and a pretext to accuse him of mendacity, to use euphemisms. In these cases, rather, it would be fair and even highly recommended that your sense of embarrassment gave way to colder and lucid evaluations. As I said, the chance to form a human machine capable of subverting the very fabric of reality is so unlikely as to be reasonably excluded in the policy debate. This is not to say that the institutions of justice can not be made better through the actions of the legislature, or che non ce ne sia il bisogno, ma occorre sottolineare l'insensatezza delle ipotesi di teoremi tanto in voga attualmente.

Chi è indagato o imputato, non dovrebbe aver nulla da temere. I processi sono incardinati su principi precisi, fra cui la presunzione di innocenza, e l'attribuzione dell'onere della prova a carico dell'accusa. Peraltro, indagati e imputati hanno diritto di difendersi per mezzo dei loro bravi avvocati. In un contesto simile, è ben difficile che si possa sovvertire la storicità dei fatti: la verità, quella vera, verrà fuori, quindi, se può esser naturale sentirsi imbarazzati, certamente non è ammissibile esser furibondi.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Duty is the 'only truth of' human existence, is the 'incarnation in acts of conscience and what the tradition of the' teach the whole humanity, the only thing that can take away the life of blasphemy appear or irony.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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A little vice (Almost) all Italian

Ruby's case and exploded, much to the amazement of everyone, even the most reluctant to admit it. For days, virtually no mention of another, in newspapers, on radio and television: everything else is secondary, temporarily left in a limbo of cotton wool, almost as if there were, while securities and attention are all for Berlusconi and, occasionally, for a so Marchionne peeping in the sidebars. In all this chaos, some interesting news to the media could escape our own.

That today's appearance on the BBC website , could be particularly "juicy", especially at a time when Italy is shaken, but unfortunately I fear that this is hyperbole, by a burst of moral issues. The news is this: in Ireland erupted a document of January 1997 rekindling the debate, in fact never reached a conclusion, but merely dormant, pedophilia scandal involving the Vatican. This is a letter that adds a piece to the revelation of that secret is to try to cover up child abuse by priests.

E 'providential that he learns in these days, and is a vero peccato che non se ne parli di più. Mi scuseranno se parlo di Provvidenza e di Peccato, ma giuro che lo faccio in nome mio, non in nome di Dio. Apprendendo la notizia in questione, non ho potuto contenere un senso estremo di deja vù : a quanto pare, è un vizietto quasi tutto italiano quello di fare del sesso e delle sue deviazioni un tabù a scoppio ritardato.

I bambini non si toccano. Ma se li tocchi, fallo di nascosto. La magistratura non deve mettere bocca su quello che accade fra le quattro mura di una casa. E questo vale anche per la casa del Signore, of course . Del resto, loro lo sanno a memoria il diritto divino, e scordano sempre il perdono. Tranne, needless to say, for themselves and their fellow snacks. 'S interview with Vittorio Messori appeared today on the columns of The Journal houses between the aberrant and terrifying. Deserves a neologism: abbiacciante or agghiarrante , you name it.

Warning. I'm not saying that Berlusconi is a pedophile. the presumption of innocence until the third grade of the trial is sacrosanct, and that applies no matter how certain are the evidence and how this resulting in public outcry. And I do not feel even to invoke the resignation , which are a big dick in which the left seems all too fond of her. But our Prime Minister for years now, has shown, moreover implicitly boasted of being the private person is very different from the character made for the consumption of the public.

In other words, it has been shown unequivocally to be a hypocrite . It 'just Messori to argue that "the sin that most is angry Jesus in the Gospels is hypocrisy, ie appear as obsequious and moral, but then have a private life that goes somewhere else " except then remain greedy after all, declaring that "it is certainly better than a politician pimp but makes good laws of a prominent catholic who then makes laws contrary to the Church . "Vittorio greedy!

I do not hate the Vatican, do not hate the Church and not hate priests. and striving to be more realistic I could even accept an axiom similar to good. But we are not talking about salus animarum . We're not talking about bioethics, family law and religious freedom, but a lot of interest of land, materials, and often even cheap. Then, c 'is really little room for conciliatory statements like the one above. And here Golosastro Messori gives his best, saying

Us the usual, that is the usual confusion. The word Church expresses a double meaning, includes both the guardian and dispenser of the sacraments, is the institution that lives in history, has at the same time of austere spiritual directors and confessors, and skillful and pragmatic diplomacy. Between the Vatican and the Italian government, there are reports from State to State. Pope entrusts to him that in fact is called Secretary of State, which is certainly a very good priest, but in dealing with the government does the confessor or spiritual director

of climbing mirrors so that could be extending to him the miraculous beatification, but that sounds like a misguided attempt suggest the higher spheres of granting a 'premier plenary indulgence to which he for the Catholic Church has done so much. I'm quite sorry, but I still want to break a lance in favor of the Vatican. I believe very strongly in the good will of those men of faith who support this government with a clear conscience. And I believe that no-fault still have not realized that this government (and is not the only, nor will it be) exploits the Church and religion only in times of election or lack of consent, to make leverage of uncertain 'Catholic voters and stealing of useful numbers to promote their porcellum .

I believe that Ratzinger, Bertone and priests attached to intervene on political and even economic because they are aware that something is wrong with this political class. And I want to say something, something very simple.
I Lateran, in theory, forbidden to men of the Church of doing politics. Consistency would categorically that they refrain from expressing on matters of state. Yet, for years and without reserve, you cardinals and bishops, with the utmost candor make their shoulders to get national exposure and give your opinion on everything. I assume you have your reasons for doing so, you have some valid and indispensable moral reasons that prevent you to stick to the fulfillment of a treaty internazionale.

Col senno di poi, i Patti Lateranensi hanno rappresentato una mordacchia che per ottant'anni vi ha impedito di curarvi del benessere vostro e delle vostre pecorelle, costringendovi a delegare una grossa fetta di tale responsabilità alle mani di pastori come lupi. Direi che, a questo punto, sarebbe il caso di rescindere questo trattato e di rinunciare a tutti i privilegi che esso vi ha comunque garantito, e di riprendervi, contestualmente, il diritto di fondare un vostro partito. Così, potrete finalmente marcare una linea politica autenticamente cattolica da sottoporre democraticamente al vaglio del popolo italiano, evitando le ingerenze di una mano invisibile. Ed evitando che, inavvertitamente, hand wash it another.

Monday, January 17, 2011

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Where students are mistaken

I remember the days not too far away when, still at high school, I used to dive into the mass of my comrades to protest against anything that provokes our outrage. I remember especially, among all, the Moratti reform of the Bossi-Fini law, a disservice to our institution (a rooftop laundry for years, which made it unusable to the gym every squall), the Biagi law, the repeal of Article ventilated. 18 of the Workers' Statute. Already, workers. From that memory, students and employees have always been characterized by a mutual sympathy, often finding himself, with thought or physical presence, to support each other on the slopes to the streets: it seemed that, when no one listen to her students, you could always thinking of the affection of consular workers (and sometimes trade unions - indeed, the unions), it seemed that, when no one gave heed to workers, the heart of the brave young men represented a refuge in which to unwind, the trench from which to address with renewed hardening the shadows of an uncertain future. For better or for worse, students and workers are very often identified as the two souls in the same category, add in the terms of the struggle and the media of fighting.

Yes, tools. The demonstrations, strikes . The weapon of the weaker classes, the squares as the counter of the Palace. A balance often abused and discussed, an "unbalanced balance" at times, but whose value is recognized in law. But it's really all there is?
In recent months, first with Pomigliano, then with the Reform and Gelmini now with Mirafiori, we witnessed once again in this march of students and workers nell'antagonismo cohesive. A soft resistance, which has gone without much delegitimizing gradually, either by direct intervention of the powers that be, both for the mistakes of the discontented. Students and workers, sometimes working students. The things we have in common are many, since the means of pressure we have, the way in which this pressure and the mistakes we made and continue to commit in that year.

December 14 is the day of confidence in the government and Berlusconi, for that most interest for the purposes of this discussion, the riots in Rome. On December 16, Annozero, we are talking about this. The theme is clear, the question is clear: Students are violent? Luca Carfagna spoke, bursts and a casino. A request does not meet, but it revolves around innocently, with dialectic acrobatics to more than one person recalled the "best" tradition of Italian politicians. The Russian bark, black is pissed off (which is consistent with his political views) barks, gets up, to bite, it lacks only the foaming at the mouth, then I wonder why we think back, sits down, smiling. Santoro conciliatory speeches, Casini and Porro. Rephrase the question, " son courage, answer, violence is right or wrong? The referendum question is a simple yes or no?

No answer, just another couple of carp in newspeak. So the lesson in political science at the procedures are given and studied fine! 30 and to praise Lucapezzone Carfagna, and Congratulations to l'occasione sprecata. Sentite condoglianze a tutti gli altri studenti. Quella puntata di Annozero è stata la personale Ruby del rappresentante-non-rappresentato, lo sputtanamento in diretta televisiva degli studenti e delle loro ragioni, la derisione delle loro angosce. Adesso, però, via quel microfono, per cortesia.

I giorni a seguire sono stati uno spasso. Soprattutto per Mario Sinatra Giordano e per il suo direttore Alessandro Voldemort-col-naso Sallusti, nonché per Maurizio Ghigno Belpietro. Il primo, all'interno del memorabile editoriale dell'11 gennaio , sentenziava che ai giovani d'oggi quel che occorresse fossero dei sonori " calci in culo " ( sic ). That same day, but on the pages of Free, Alessandro Dell'Orto criticized the students because, after " diciassettegiornidiciassette " of Christmas vacation, just back on the shelves already preparing new strikes, new events, new jobs, that is, according to the prosecution , new opportunities for excuses not to exercise the right that you claim to want to defend: the study.

And sorry guys, sorry students, but this time you are wrong . Not that they are right, but if you offer the next opponents in a manner so loud, that you can not blame yourself. To be taken seriously must be serious. And see, I'm sure che molti di voi siano serissimi. Ma so anche, per esperienza, che il vostro cesto è pieno di mele marce, e non sto parlando solo dei violenti (ché per quelli andrebbe fatto un discorso a parte), ma anche e soprattutto di quelle persone che, non so se per ingenuità o ipocrisia, saltano la scuola per difendere il diritto allo studio. Logico che poi Berlusconi vi percula dicendo che i veri studenti non stanno nelle piazze, ma nelle aule. Certo, lui è fazioso, e interessato e disonesto, ma voi?

Opponetevi. Prima ancora che al governo, a voi stessi. Prima ancora che al potere che vi schiaccia dall'esterno, a quello che vi logora dall'interno delle vostre stesse istituzioni. Occorrono sforzi, occorrono coraggio e onestà intellettuale, e soprattutto occorre inventiva. In queste ultime settimane avete avuto la prova del fatto che le manifestazioni e le occupazioni sono armi a doppio taglio. Per renderle più efficaci, occorre innanzitutto smussarne tutti quei lati che attirano le facili critiche di ipocrisia che vi sono piovute addosso dall'alto del Palazzo. Bandite dalle vostre iniziative le manifestazioni, se queste inficiano il tempo dello studio. Non vi dico di non manifestare, ma manifestate di pomeriggio, di domenica, fate vedere a questo Paese che siete in grado di sacrificare il vostro tempo libero, non l'ora di matematica o di latino. Occupate pure le scuole, ma nel rispetto della legalità: agite di concerto coi docenti e col resto del personale; occupate senza interrompere le lezioni, le interrogazioni o i compiti in classe; organizzatevi, accordatevi coi professori e coi presidi che hanno simpatia per voi e accampatevi negli auditorium, passateci la notte, dormiteci, e al mattino presentatevi in classe, non distraetevi durante la lezione e sostenete i test e le esercitazioni senza lamentarvi, proprio perché sono un vostro diritto.

Il compianto Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa , recentemente scomparso, qualche anno fa venne deriso perché pubblicamente affermò che " pagare le tasse è bellissimo ". Ed io prendo a prestito le sue parole, anche a costo di essere deriso, insultato e offeso a mia volta, e vi dico che study is beautiful. Submit questions is beautiful. Do a task in the classroom is wonderful. They are all ours and your duties, but also our and your rights. It 's wonderful exercise these rights. And it is great defense. But we can and can exercise them without giving up their defense, and defending them without giving up exercise. And you will see that with a little effort, with a little 'courage and honesty, and with a little' creative, you can achieve this. At that point, no one can hurt the side, giving you the big babies, no one can afford not to listen. Why do people set to be taken seriously.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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The key to any progress in this proposition is of Emerson. "Finding a way to turn an 'era of skepticism, which is always mean, in an' age of faith, which is always great." – Il progresso consiste nella eliminazione progressiva del male che è quel residuo, quella feccia che la società, a somiglianza della natura, si sforza continuamente di rigettare fuori di se come inutile e dannoso alla vita. – Ogni conquista induce qualche sconfitta. La società conquista nuove arti e perde vecchi istinti. – Civiltà che non insegna moderazione dei desideri è barbarie. – Il vero progresso non sta nelle macchine, ma nella crescente potenza del senso morale, del senso del giusto e del vero. – Il bisogno, il patimento, eccitando la nostra attività, sono una condizione del progresso comune.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

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La saggezza è la ragione improved by knowledge, as prudence is right reason applied to living well. - It is not giving up on the joys that surround us that we will become wiser, and be wise that we give up without knowing the joys that most do not rise up to us. - The paper says the Talmud, the king goes ahead. - During the processing of the tests are to reserve a shelter in traditional morality. Only gl 'improvident evacuate without having afforded the new accommodation. - When the moral health is back, you'll have fun with little, you will know the real gaiety. - The recognition of madness is the principle of amendment, those who study and learn wisdom folly. (Job) - The sage passing stops thousand drachmas. (Maeterlinck) - The surest sign of wisdom is to recognize a constant cheerfulness. (Montaigne) - It 's the fix that everyone does every day in self-comparison between theory and practice, between the' ideal and reality. - Ne quid nimis, ie: nothing too much. (Oracle of Delphi)