Friday, April 17, 2009

Wenmon That Masterbat

21 - 23 aprile : il programma degli eventi

climate justice and peoples' rights
Siracusa, Piazza Saint Lucia

Information stands / Fair Trade / Tastings / projections / Child / / Environmental Education / Farming / Storyteller / Dance / Music / Saving and Recycling / in the Piazza All .

April 21

strategies to combat climate change and protect biodiversity
Speakers: Vittorio Cogliati
Dezza (P resident National Legambiente)
Kim Carstensen (WWF International)
Sergio Marelli (Chief Operating Officer and President of Volunteers in the world FOCSIV AssOng)
Giuseppe Gullo (Lega Fisheries)
Giampiero Sammuri (President Federparchi)
Massimo Scalia (University La Sapienza, Rome)
Nicola Cipolla (CEPES)

Sicilian Regional Coordination Committees engaged in struggles for Environment and health

Evening events
Viewpoints - video projections

film An Inconvenient Truth - Documentary by David Guggenheim.
Al Gore presents a number of unassailable scientific data, listings, local weather on our next and future responses to the question of how to deal with global warming.

April 22

Lawlessness environment and the role of organized crime
by G-All
Speakers: Maula
Pino (Director of "Earth" )
Favetto Gian Luca (writer)
Pino Maniaci (Director of TeleJato)

A school of the future: forum meets students
Music and art by the students

16.00 pm
consumption of soil, safety and protection of the landscape
by G-All
Speakers: Giorgio Sabella
(University of Catania) Salvatore Granata
(Legambiente Sicily)
Osvaldo Pieroni (University of Calabria)
Loredana De Pretis (Research)
Gianpaolo Schillaci (Regional Coordinator FIAB)
Domenico Turibio (organizing committee of the Park Iblei)
Stefano Lenzi (WWF Italy)

climate justice and the economic crisis
Speakers: Gregory
Malavolti (Resp.le Arci Environment - Climate Justice Now Network)
Maurice Gubbins (Resp.le Legambiente International - Network Climate Justice Now)
Mariagrazia Marrow (Resp.le Climate and Energy WWF Italy)
Antonio Granata (National Secretariat of CGIL)

Evening events
Bars literary stories Ecomafia
Presentation of the book and Gian Luca Favetto "The rooms of Mogador" necklace Verdener

Undue theater song
Claudio Giglio and Tributama in
concert music, dancing and tasting

23 April

A new strategy for waste management in Sicily
by G-All
Speakers: Maxine
Narburgh (Zero Waste International Alliance)
Enzo Favonio ( Scuola Agraria del Parco di Monza)
Rossano Ercolini (National Network "Zero Waste")
Vincenzo Parisi (Sicily Legambiente)
Ernesto Burgio (ISDE Italy)
Alfio La Rosa (CGIL Sicilia)

"The green gold of iblei"
Tasting of extra virgin olive oil by the Slow Food in Syracuse

Terra Madre: food, market, migration
by G-All
Cinzia Scaffidi (Director of Studies Centre Slow Food)
Henry Reggio (CTM altromercato)
Tonino Perna (Lecturer in Economic Sociology - University of Messina)
Mauro Millan (represented by indigenous peoples in Patagonia, Argentina and Chile - Mapuche Indians)

Evening events
Bars Solidarity Fair by dell'ALTROMERCATO
Qbeta in concert

Agesci - Zone Aretusea, act in solidarity, Environment and Health non-profit organization, Amnesty International, Arci, Arciragazzi, Arethusa Bike, Acquanuvena Association, Cultural Association Alimede, Jamii Onlus Association, the Association of Families and Logos Minor, The Nereid Association, Association for the left, Auser Sicilia, Banca Etica Della Sicilia East Research Center David against Goliath, Cepes, Cittadinanzattiva, Italian Alpine Club, Committee of 100 Women, Zero Waste Committee, Slow Food in Syracuse, Co-Martin - Altromercato, Sicily Decontamination, Emergency, Ente Fauna Siciliana, GAS Syracuse, Greenpeace Italy, Grilli Aretusea, Legambiente Sicilia, Sicily Manitese, Movement for Degrowth Felice, Nature Sicula Network Radie 'Resh, Vivisimeto.
March to Climate
Legambiente, ACLI ACLI Environment - Anni Verdi, ADOC, AIAB Altreconomia, Environment and Labour Friends of the Earth, Arci, Arcicaccia / SCF Arciragazzi, Arci Civil Service Association of Italian NGOs, Auser, Banca Popolare Etica, CGIL, CIA, CittadinanzAttiva, Civitas, Coldiretti, Italian Committee for World Water Contract, Italian Committee for Food Sovereignty, World Contract for Energy, Ctm, CTS, Environment and Labour, FAI , Fairtrade, the National Federation of Pro Natura, Federconsumatori, Federparchi, Fairy Tale, CIDSE, Environmental Forum, the Third Sector Forum, Greenpeace, LAV, Consumers League, Lega Pesca, Free, LIPU, Lunaria, MCE, MDC, Doctors for the Environment, Consumer Movement, Slow Food Italy, Tavola della Peace, Middle-earth, UIL, Uisp, Humanists on the Environment, Union of Students, VAS, WWF.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thick White Discharge

Uscire dalla recessione

the political agenda of the G8 Environment Ministers of Siracusa are the problems that this growth has led to reckless and lawless. What we think can do the Department of Earth in this summit? Nothing or at best, to defend the interests of their country and economic groups and industry that the Minister is in office.
Climate change and biodiversity are the main themes of the next G8 Environment. That energy problems and dominion over nature.
On these issues we can not intervene with imaginative strategies and improbable subject of policy statements, memoranda of understanding, bilateral agreements and similar nonsense.
continue to seek solutions, even with all the skills and goodwill as possible, and driving without inducing profound changes in the lifestyles of the people "developed", does not lead anywhere. No one has the solutions and when someone offers to quit Formula dalla crisi economica e ambientale globale senza portare gli interessi di grandi gruppi economici purtroppo non ha alcun ascolto.
La strada della decrescita non fa gli interessi di nessuno in particolare ma semplicemente di tutti. Se riduciamo i consumi, produciamo meno rifiuti, impariamo ad autoprodurre qualcosa per comprare meno, se rallentiamo, se diventiamo tanti a fare questo non ci sarà bisogno di centrali nucleari o di salvare specie animali e vegetali in via di estinzione.
Non si tratta di continuare a chiedere ai nostri governanti di risolvere un problema che non ha soluzioni: dobbiamo partire da noi, da ognuno di noi.

A Siracusa un gruppo di persone che da anni riflettono su questi temi e provano continuamente to change their lifestyles, reducing, repairing, recycling and slowing the movement founded a Club of decrease Felice.

The Circle of the movement founded by Maurizio Pallante, was born in Syracuse in these days when there is an atmosphere of preparation and demonstrations "to" and "against" the G8.
The Club has been adhered to GTutti - Environment Forum and within its own events will be the next Maurizio Pallante April 4 Syracuse at 9:00 ITIS "E. Fermi to talk about "decreasing to emerge from recession" and to present to the public and the press the circle of Syracuse. A club that wants to find ways to practically implement the decrease in a difficult area where still retain the myth of "development".
To quit the easy slogans and clichés where we all agree to no avail and experience in their everyday fun and rewarding ways to "decolonize the imagination."

All The Types Of Burs

Dal 21 al 23 aprile 2009 in Piazza Santa Lucia

climate justice and peoples' rights
2009 is a crucial year for the Planet. By the end of the year, the international community will reach a final agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions after the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012 provided.
The impact of human activities has altered the natural balance of ecosystems with serious consequences for the health of the environment and the species that inhabit it. Changes in climate are the most evident sign of this process, closely linked to the dominant development model. To stop the overheating the planet and contain the disastrous effects of climate change, whose main victims are the poorest, need to change the neo-liberal economy dominated by corporate interests. need a profound cultural and political change , which affects the modes of production and consumption and that will stop the fever of the Earth.
We have to do for our future, to ensure the beauty of our landscapes and biodiversity. We have to do to enable all to live in peace, fight poverty and to free us from the wars and conflicts that arise for the control of resources.

The revolution that we have the objectives provides accurate and in ten years: a reduction of 20% of the total consumption of energy through savings and efficiency gains, increased by at least 20% energy needs from renewable sources and reducing 30% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Italy so far has marched in the opposite direction, increasing rather than decreasing their emissions. Now the government proposes a different model, based on return to nuclear power and plans to build a future in central Dubrovnik. It's a throwback that focuses on technology and anything but dangerous economic threatened to thwart the development of our country "revolution" technology (but also economic and social) triggered by the development of renewable sources.
We can not be passive spectators of these choices, but instead we want to decide our future. Especially if we look at the serious environmental problems of our country. Failing to clean up the environment in the petrochemical, ecomafie, fine dust to the stars, recycling to a minimum, unbridled consumption of land, for years relegated our province over the last places in the rankings on environmental quality.
For these reasons we formed the environmental forum "G-All," a coordination of individuals and associations who, at the upcoming G-8 environment of Syracuse, will discutere di tutela dell’ambiente, di lotta ai cambiamenti climatici e di riconversione ecologica dell’economia.
Per tre giorni, dal 21 al 23 aprile a Siracusa, Piazza Santa Lucia sarà animata da incontri, convegni, seminari e concerti all’insegna della pace, della solidarietà sociale e del rispetto per l’ambiente.
Lo faremo con il contributo di importanti personalità della comunità scientifica e della società civile e soprattutto di tutti i cittadini che vogliono impegnarsi per un mondo più sostenibile e più giusto.