Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why Does Alabama Have Number 12 On Helmets

Miliband: "War on Terror 'and' was a mistake

Foreign Minister of Great Britain maintains that only
the cooperation between States could destroy
le reti terroristiche.

Middle East Online (NdT.: medio oriente online)

15 gennaio 2009

LONDRA - Il ministro degli Esteri di Gran Bretagna David Miliband

ha affermato in data odierna che la nozione di una "guerra al terrore" e'
stata "fuorviante e sbagliata", nel corso di una schietta critica di uno
degli elementi fundamental policy of the outgoing U.S. President George W.

Writing in the Guardian, Mr Miliband said that the definition

suggested the idea of \u200b\u200ba unified enemy, which in fact does not exist, and also
encouraged a response from the beginning of military problems that
more general 'tall can admit that the West would not have been able
"resolve in this manner." The article appears

be an extended effort to trash the one that has been the mission
qualifying the Bush administration, which

start to finish Tuesday, January 20, 2009.

"The idea of \u200b\u200ba war on terror suggests an impression of an enemy

unified, transnational, personified by the figure of Osama bin Laden and
by al-Qaeda," Miliband wrote, and that ' when in India.

"The reality 'is that the motives and identities' of terrorist groups are


He also added: "The more 'Group and terrorist groups

we draw the battle lines as it was a simple fight
binary between moderates and extremists, or between good and evil, the more 'we
game those who seek to unify the groups that have little in common
. "

Miliband has rejected the notion that the fight against violent extremism can

only be done through military means.

"As the U.S. General David Petraeus has reported to me and others in Iraq,

coalition operating here can not 'be able to resolve in this way the onset of problems
and clash with civilians, "Miliband wrote.

So 'argued that only cooperation between Member States could destroy

terrorist networks, noting that if India and Pakistan could
resolve their dispute over Kashmir, would be to deprive the extremists of the region
one of the main reasons for their call to arms.

Miliband added that the democratic nations must not abandon

their values, citing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba

"We have to respond to terrorism with a reaffirmation of the supremacy

of the law, not making the law on terrorism, 'cause
it represents the cornerstone of the company' democratic, "he wrote.

"We confirm our commitment to human rights and freedoms'

civilians at home and abroad. This is' certainly the lesson of Guantanamo and
this and 'why We welcome the commitment by the
President-elect Obama to close. "

Translated by Francesco Caselli

January 15, 2009


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