Thursday, January 8, 2009

Play Solitaire Unblocked

Clash of Gaza near the end

is not 'more' just a conflict in the Gaza Strip;
this clash is not 'near the end

Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. - LaRouche Political Action Committee . html

January 7, 2009 Even as the world observes the massacre in Gaza
become more and more 'bloody, so-called news updates
proclaim that some agreement on the cessation of hostilities' was behind' corner, and it
Buttera 'the whole situation behind us.
It 's not so!

"The fundamental fact that we should keep in mind," said Lyndon LaRouche
this afternoon, 'and'
that this clash is not 'start to finish.
The intention behind it, and' was to light a fire,
could not be turned off. The parties involved in scontro non
sono di tale disposizione d'animo, sia le Israeliane che le altre.

E' intervenuta la "mano sanguinaria" in questo evento. Questa
e' ora la miccia volta ad accendere il conflitto; non si tratta piu'
di un conflitto della Striscia di Gaza, bensì di uno scontro
internazionale. Qualcuno ha acceso la miccia, ed essa sta
bruciando, mentre la bomba non e' stata rimossa.

E' questo l'avvertimento fondamentale che abbiamo il
dovere di far pervenire alla gente. Non e' finita qui; non si tratta
di un evento pressocche' terminato; bensì di qualcosa che non
avrebbe mai dovuto nemmeno cominciare.

"Gli Israeliani sono stati con intensa force urged to put into action
the conflict, "LaRouche continued," and the pressure side and '
originated from the U.S.. This and '
been well known for a year. Has 'been a planned murder, and one of the reasons for the Israelis and
' was to
groped to deny the fact that they were defeated in the 2006 war in Lebanon
taken by them.

In fact, they lost that war, and yet
try to pretend they were not defeated. "Do not tell us that we
lost the war!" Well, actually they lost the war;
would not even have to initiate it. Indeed the Israelis are
started to lose that in progress!

"And of course Cheney and members who are British,
are fully responsible for this conflict," he added
LaRouche. "The British have launched the conflict, it is
of something similar to the Sykes-Picot Agreement, (NdT.: 01,
background article) is not a mystery," he said.

"But the problem we have, 'that these people still live in a universe
Cartesian (NdT.: 02, at the bottom of article)
and do not believe in reality'."

(NdT. 01 - Sykes-Picot (-Sazonov of Russia)
English Wikipedia

was a secret agreement, signed in 1916 between the Governments of
Britain and France, in the absence of the delegate of the Russian Empire
. It defined their respective spheres of influence and control in
Western Asia, to be maintained in the account pending
fall of the Ottoman Empire during the 1st World War. It will stretch '
mainly a commercial agreement, but with
values \u200b\u200bof indirect political control of the Arab states.)

(NdT. 02 - The man the measure of things without God has no more measure

Science and diagnosis - Michael Waldstein - December 2004

Fuga dalla realtà
Cartesio concepiva la natura come semplice res extensa. Il mondo

è un meccanismo privo di senso e di scopo. L’uso corretto di
questo mondo è assoggettarlo completamente agli scopi umani.
L’universo cartesiano non è un luogo infernale, ma insignificante.
Non si tratta né di un luogo diabolico, né di un luogo realmente
ospitale, consono ai desideri dell’uomo. Non è altro che materia,
that must and can be used in any way be considered

Translated by Francesco Caselli

January 8, 2009


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