Friday, May 21, 2010

Thank You Wedding Welcome Bag Letter


La volontà è principalmente una potenza d’ arresto e d’ inibizione. – L’ atto di volere è diverso dall’ atto di pensare: un eterno venir fuori, mentre il pensiero è un eterno rimanere in se. – Volontà corta, courage just nervous, that's the explanation of many abortions. - Intelligence and know little about Jupiter when I let it hang at your side, rusted and dull, the 'weapon of the will. - Do not miss the will, time and place will not fail. (Prov.toscano) - The largest and most suffering disgrace for a man is the 'abdication of their own will. - The more I live, the more I am persuaded that the major difference between men, between the weak and the powerful, between the brave and the fearful, is the energy and indomitable determination. With this precious quality can be anything you want in the field as possible, without it there's no wealth, nor wit, nor fortune that the two-legged creature that we can make a man.


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