Saturday, December 27, 2008

Yellow Unitard Womens

Silvio Berlusconi disconnected from the real world

I was probably the first Italian to sue a bank for
seigniorage of the coin. "In Action
the Criminal Court is active primarily looking at the "public good", and only secondarily
the events of the plaintiff. However

provide for the public good is' much more 'simple
well as a duty, not for rulers to citizens,
' cause the first available funds and the right tools to
commitment. Our Premier, however, can not 'deal,
because' too busy to serve "mammon", which appears more
'good in Italy.

Under the superficial reasons of the Premier, smart and
carnal man, at first glance this might seem like a compliment
, and instead 'a reproach. He materialist
significant instance, mistakenly thinks to be the most 'remarkable
of Italians, as the more' rich. Instead, at least for
Believers, be full of wisdom, which is'
the Spirit of God, that is a lot more 'to' accumulate gold and pearls "
(Proverbs of King Solomon, ch. 3, verses 13 - 15).

The Premier must urgently correct its hierarchy
remarkable, because 'because of it, if anything, can' lose
at any moment the same chair as Prime Minister.
In it he takes a lot, but it is at risk, since he
ignores this and that 'a period of exceptional challenges,
never before seen by mankind'. From this we find that the
carnality, 'materiality' has made it a rich and powerful man, but at the same time
make a man spiritually blind, not seeing what
'and that' indisputable
for those who enjoy a more spiritual life 'worthy of a human being. And the nation
Italian you can not 'afford a guide disconnected from the world.
Other countries themselves need to Italy a good guidance,
to help the world, and does not constitute a burden to it.

On a correct hierarchy of remarkable - the Premier
horror! - It appears that the Minister Tremonti, because of his
behavior based on ethics and because of his wisdom,
is certainly the first Premier, and certainly many other citizens
precede it, and for the same reasons.

Minister Tremonti seems capable person, whose action against the inequitable power
banking and 'correct, and even a duty
SO' removal does not deserve any! To listen to people like
Scajola, Brunetta and Giavazzi
turn would mean the Revolt of Italy, which are incubated and swells
now under the ashes. This is because 'the suffering of the Italians to
because of the state of the economy intensified, with a dramatic acceleration
, as throughout the world. Rather,
in this regard, there 'to ask why, in the presence of such gravity
', Governor Draghi has not yet andato, insieme
con le sue colpe, a nascondersi nel Mato Grosso.

Il fatto che anche il ministro Brunetta non riconosca
l'eccezionalita' del momento costituisce una colpa imperdonabile
e distende una grande ombra sulle sue capacita' di preteso
Economista e di preteso "Public Servant".
Infatti lo smentiscono Autori molto noti, la gran parte
statunitensi, quali Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, Jr., Bob Chapman,
il prof. Antal E. Fekete e tanti altri, davanti ai quali egli
letteralmente scompare, per essere delicato.

Il presidente eletto Obama si e' circondato di una gran
maggioranza di ministri di intonazione "clintoniana".
Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, jr., attivista political, already 'candidate,
engaged for decades in the Democratic Party, "Clinton"
himself, will' obviously one of their favorite
Consultants for Economics and Political Science.

And with good reason, since its very
broad scientific background has enabled him, among his many achievements, one of
July 25, 2007. On that date he predicted exactly what was
started the tsunami we are experiencing financial,
and much more '. Therefore

Premier Berlusconi would be a reckless and careless in not a
Reserve's warnings about the Mr. Larouche
they deserve. Is 'cause he certainly and' very good at predictions
economic policies, but also because '
might be tempted, at the right moment, to deal with events
a "flip" (tap).

Francesco Caselli
December 27, 2008


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