Monday, January 8, 2007

Diverticulitis Gay Men

Prodi: the factor B. (Bilderberg) and the plan to turn off the Pinto Law Section of the Finance Act 1348

Alfonso Luigi Marra

22 dicembre 2006


Manovre di Prodi per disattivare la legge Pinto, mediante
l’art. 1348 della finanziaria 2007, perché ciò è funzionale
a coltivare l’inflazione mediante il signoraggio ad opera
del gruppo Bildeberg, che è l’artefice occulto della sua
fortuna politica.

Segnalo ai cittadini tutti, ai politici, agli avvocati,
ai magistrati, ai giornalisti - non importa se di destra,
sinistra o centro, because I believe that politics is
all under the control of economic power - which is a dangerous mistake to believe
the tale of fortune

And 'it's even possible that neither he nor any other
"economist" or type Schioppa Mountains one has noticed, but
his famous "luck" is the result of the work
secret of a huge system of protection and support ,
managed in Italy and abroad by the occult powers
national and international bank, behind the
Bilderberg group, which of course is also an integral part
and Goldman Sachs, the big American investment bank,
which is known to be linked for a long time.

Bilderberg Group, consisting of
dynasties that dominate the world through economic policies or,
in countless, highly detailed internet sources,
Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li,
Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn and

The strategy of taxes and
good relations with the ECB (European Central Bank) and other European environments that are controlled by
this far from what they seem, it is actually the result
objective of the company .

demonetization revolt, raking in taxes
the resources and generating a continuous, serious inflation
through the primary and secondary seignorage,
to impoverish the society, in order to facilitate the domain
by the power transfer.

central and commercial banks, ranging
confiscated and made public, because, as their private shareholders, the legally-
of counterfeiters, creating
virtual money "delivering", just as virtually
absurdly, loans and mortgages to to fifty times their capital
(seigniorage secondary), and then have them return
But really, since only they can
creare (illegalmente) il denaro, laddove i cittadini
possono solo guadagnarlo.

(salvaguardandosi con ogni necessaria strategia giudiziaria),
sia perché non c’è alcunché da restituire (la banca
“eroga” null’altro che un numero scritto su un pezzo di
carta), e sia per impedire che le banche usino i mutui e
i fidi per aumentare a dismisura, creandolo, il circolante
nelle loro mani, per abbassare così quello in mano alla
società ai suddetti fini inflazionistici. Argomenti sui
quali, del resto, Prodi's silence, even in the face of extraordinary
their gravity, would be incomprehensible, if not eloquent

The attempt to neutralize the Pinto Act
with the system for years not to pay the judgments (formally
decrees) and at the same time crippling the reactions of citizens
creditors, making the funds
not be attached by the Council Presidency and the Ministry of
Justice, is functional in these goals. The bank

occult powers that want to turn off the Pinto Act
not for the few million who are all those fees
the few thousand sentences
Italy (nothing compared to the tens of thousands
billion euro, which use easily), but because
acceleration of the processes that the law is
Pinto is causing the greatest political phenomenon that is
place in Italy since the war, and the power transfer
sees This speeds up the principle of justice
its end, because Italy has always been the leading country
of world cultures.

Things that, in truth, I wrote before the election
a document in which he states, inter alia, of fear,
" whether Prodi will head the government, meaning that changes in
denying the civil law, especially in cases
contro la Pubblica Amministrazione, con particolare
riferimento alle cause contro la Presidenza del Consiglio,
per equo indennizzo per la durata eccessiva dei processi
ex legge Pinto

Spero pertanto che ciascuno dalla sua posizione faccia
tutto quanto può per fermare questo abominio, e che i
deputati, rifiutandosi di rendersi complici di un simile
dono di Natale alla collettività, boccino l’art. 1348.

Contando di vedere presto tempi migliori, spero altresì
vogliano gli Onorevoli Deputati e Senatori insistere
per norme rivolte sì ad evitare i pignoramenti, ma
mediante il garantire il pagamento delle sentenze entro
the six months that the European Court has recognized
as "reasonable time" maximum.

Six months after which, it should be noted that in the hands of people we
, the European Court recognizes the right to a
additional compensation for the delay in payment.

Alfonso Luigi Marra


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