Millions may resist database, says a survey of the dollar and
Philip Johnston
December 5, 2006
I first signs of a significant popular revolt against
the Government's action plan for the "card" of
identities are confirmed by a YouGov poll (1)
on behalf of the Daily Telegraph. "
The survey suggests that hundreds of thousands of citizens
, maybe even millions,
refuse to register on the proposed database, which will be based
the project, even if it meant a fine or imprisonment
Despite ministerial proclamations during
passage through Parliament of the "Law for
ID (2) Card" as ID, that there
extended public support to the project by many
billion pounds, survey of the views
show a nation split in two on the issue. The survey
also indicates a growing concern about the invasion
made by the so-called "surveillance society", with wide layers of
suspicious of the intentions of the Government.
While people seem to accept measures such as CCTV
(3), closed circuit television cameras, which it considers
help tackle specific problems such as crime
, citizens have increasingly turned
the rapid expansion of electronic records,
that collect information on each one.
configuring an irresistible phenomenon, the citizens refuse to grant
trust the promises of the government not to use your personal information and
wrongly fear that the national ID database will contain inaccurate and unreliable
information about them.
Although half of respondents have declared
still support the 'idea of \u200b\u200bnational identity card,
this represents a significant decrease from' 80% support
proclaimed by the ministers a few years ago.
Many still do not associate the card with the national ID database
that will accompany it. When interviewed
more insistently, the majority was
upset that their personal data were recorded by
and is concerned that inaccurate information
could cause them harm, denying '
access to services or jobs.
Even more worrying for the Government is that a large portion of respondents
accept a penalty rather than be registered. Half of those who have opposed the project
ID - Documents of Identity -
would be willing to pay a fine or risking
prison after refusing to provide their personal data
. 15% said that would go to jail rather
Anche se una larga percentuale di questi
"refuseniks" (4) alla fine si allineassero, esiste
tuttavia il potenziale per una enorme reazione negativa
della popolazione. Se appena 2 su 100 persone di età
superiore ai 16 anni rifiutassero di sottoscrivere,
il Governo dovrebbe perseguire 1 milione di cittadini.
La Legge sulle Card ID deliberatamente non ha reso il
rifiuto di registrarsi un reato penale da punire con la
prigione, perchè i ministri hanno voluto evitare la
creazione dei "martiri degli ID". Le principali penalità
consistono in una multa da 2.500 sterline per la mancata
registrazione and a 1,000-pound
for failure to notify the authorities of a change of address.
However, if people refuse to pay their fines
, then would arise the prospect of going to prison
The Law also not required to bear if '
an "ID card", even in this case to avoid
phenomenon called Clarence Willcock, "named
' s last person prosecuted for refusal to
show his ID documents of the war period in 1952,
episode that led to their removal.
Citizens must submit a document
at a police station if they receive the request, or simply
will be subject to verification of their
biometric data, which will be stored in national databases
, using special instruments to read.
The survey is the first major analysis of opinions
since Tony Blair has tried to revive the public interest in the project
ID last month.
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, "he said
" We can not ignore the advances in biometric technology
in a world where security and
validation of identity are more important than ever ...
This technology will allow us to reduce our expectations,
improve access and secure
whole range of services, giving confidence in declaring
our identity and simplicity in verifying it. "
However, the YouGov poll shows that many people ,
aware of the poor results of the Government in the Information Technology
, do not believe in such statements.
A substantial number of citizens believe that the
database will contain inaccurate and unreliable information.
Two-thirds of those polled said that we are confident
the government maintained
confidential information, despite
safeguards built into the law.
Support for ID card was strongest among Labour voters
, and weakest among the Tories and Liberal Democrats
, whose parties have stated that
trash the project.
There is also compelling evidence that Mr. Blair
wrong in asserting that there is at stake
the issue of civil liberties, but only a debate
and costs of operation. Of those adverse to the database, the
70% target for a reason of principle.
Phil Booth, coordinator nazionale del gruppo per la
campagna "No alle card di Identità" - NO2ID (5) -, ha
affermato che il sondaggio ha confermato un progressivo
declino nel sostegno al progetto ID, che crescerebbe,
quando la cittadinanza constatasse i costi implicati e
dovesse sottoporsi a fornire i propri dati biometrici,
recandosi presso uno dei centri della rete degli ID,
che è ora in via di allestimento in tutta la nazione.
"Dal prossimo anno le persone di almeno 16 anni che
richiedono il primo passaporto da adulto dovranno
presentarsi al più vicino centro, presso il quale
saranno sottoposti ad indagini sui precedenti, sarà ad
essi richiesto di porre their personal history to
comparison with official records, to make
photos and, before long, the relief
digital fingerprint, "said Mr. Booth."
When this starts to happen, public support will slip even
more. The vast majority of the population
not want to be treated as numbers or as common criminals
. "
Philip Johnston
domestic political reporter 3Bjsessionid3DCNFYVWY1UHZ05QFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0? xml = /
translator's notes
1) "YouGov is a society of opinion polls
English, based on the Internet.
2) Identity Document - ID.
3) Closed-circuit television camera.
can produce images or recordings for surveillance purposes.
4) The term "refuseniks" applies to those who refuse to participate in activities
5) Literally acronym of the initials "NO to
Identity Documents", a pun
the preposition "to" and the number "two, ie 2.
translation of Francesco Caselli
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Sunday, December 3, 2006
Ar Tonelico 2doujinshi
Capitulation 'catalyst for a global government of robbery
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones
December 1, 2006
Americans remain unaware of the devaluation
35% of their savings bank, while the dollar
setbacks have been caused
for the introduction of Amero, the North American Union.
As the dollar goes into free fall and the market for home
increases sales and therefore falls in prices,
the acceleration of a plan for the rhythmic
economic catastrophe allied to the "technical solution" of predatory globalism
and the creation of a North American Union,
is a harbinger of trouble and it means potential disaster
to the livelihoods of all Americans.
House prices fell by 24% over the past 12 months
and most of that drop occurred
in the last six months. The dollar has devalued
about 35% compared to its level six years ago and is crushed by
'Euro and Pound.
a false sense of economy is expanding
distributed through the rise in the stock market.
Doubling the printing of money by '
former Fed governor Alan Greenspan and the promise of
Bernanke that the creation of money will be doubled again
lead only to a single result.
Common sense tells us that a collapse of the dollar
is inevitable and that if the housing market is not the
place to dump all these devalued dollars, then such excess
dollars will launch
purchase of securities market stock.
Taking into account the devaluation of the dollar, the stock market share
actually about 6,000, not 12,000 points in the Dow Jones.
All real indices of financial health
tell us that the 'economy is in the toilet.
Treasury Secretary Snow and others have publicly stated
their desire to
weak dollar, pushing the foreign lenders, which have in the past
propped the greenback
in particular Japan and China, all the more reason to sell dollars
The catalyst for this behavior were the
statements made in November 2004 by Snow,
when he said during a seminar in London that
"The history of efforts to impose on the foreign currency ratings
market is not rewarding at best
and marked by ups and downs. " The "Japan Times" wrote
that as a result of this statement, the operators of
Tokyo Stock Exchange began to get rid of the ticket
green and have continued steadily since then, bringing
the current situation, in which the dollar has recently fallen to its value
more 'low
in the world market in 15 years.
The excuse that a weak dollar would secretly
encouraged to reduce trade and fiscal deficits
is continually contradicted by the fact that the deficit
to Japan and China reached the highest
of all time, more than 200 billion dollars the
China in 2005, exactly a year after the statements
Snow and continue to further increase
the current year.
leaders of industry and government as Dick Cheney, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet
are trying to get a sneak
the exit door, with their massive sales
the dollar, 'cause that possess large amounts of tickets
green and want to get rid of silence.
This process is currently accelerating and it now appears that
a furious struggle to reach the exit door is
close to achieving, at the expense of hundreds of millions
of U.S. citizens, who remain completely unaware of the fact that
their mutual savings bank account
have lost 35% of their value for only
fact that it remained in storage since 2001.
The alleged experts they propose and
controlled media continue to assure Americans that the '
economy is expanding and there is little to worry about it.
No doubt the dollar will bounce a little for some
the next few weeks and they will show a short-term chart
of its steady rise over the previous month
, dispensing to produce
comparison charts that go back six years,
instead show that the greenback is heading right to the bottom.
The spokesman said the establishment of
viewers back to sleep, while the '
former chief economist of the World Bank and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz
predicts a global crash, caused by
globalist policies of the IMF and authentic robbery of
World Bank, which are still
presented to us as the solution to the economic malaise.
A global crash and a totally devalued dollar,
that may just compete with the Mexican peso,
means disaster for all Americans, that
wish to maintain their standard of living and not find
barefoot in the street in a bread queue.
But fear not, because the true globalism of robbery,
that caused all this calamity as the first
responsible, still has an 'other answer to our prayers
! It is the 'Amero, the North American currency,
that will unify the U.S., Mexico and Canada, and his most recent head of the claque and
' Steve Previs, a vice president
influential companies' investment
London (1) .
's America would provide an umbrella under which refined
force the creation of "Free Trade Area of \u200b\u200b
of the Americas "and a" Union of North America, "
an old dream of the elite clique of Rockefeller, who
is trying to build a global system of government
single, first mimicking the 'European Union to create a single currency and a
unified trade bloc,
once again to the scope of the devastation
American middle class, only to enrapture the
transnational companies, which can leverage the work
low price, and throw millions of Americans out of work
The Fed and the protection team from the collapse
are not running to save the situation. Gold and silver continue
financial assets to remain solid and balanced growth in
, and we encourage all our readers to
constitute such a precious metals portfolio
quite large in order to compensate financial
dissolution arrives, the selfish and dangerous financial policies
U.S. government, along with
relentless march towards global government
inevitably cause.
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones of Prison Planet
(Prison Planet)
Translator's Note 1) Jefferies International
translation Francesco Caselli
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones
December 1, 2006
Americans remain unaware of the devaluation
35% of their savings bank, while the dollar
setbacks have been caused
for the introduction of Amero, the North American Union.
As the dollar goes into free fall and the market for home
increases sales and therefore falls in prices,
the acceleration of a plan for the rhythmic
economic catastrophe allied to the "technical solution" of predatory globalism
and the creation of a North American Union,
is a harbinger of trouble and it means potential disaster
to the livelihoods of all Americans.
House prices fell by 24% over the past 12 months
and most of that drop occurred
in the last six months. The dollar has devalued
about 35% compared to its level six years ago and is crushed by
'Euro and Pound.
a false sense of economy is expanding
distributed through the rise in the stock market.
Doubling the printing of money by '
former Fed governor Alan Greenspan and the promise of
Bernanke that the creation of money will be doubled again
lead only to a single result.
Common sense tells us that a collapse of the dollar
is inevitable and that if the housing market is not the
place to dump all these devalued dollars, then such excess
dollars will launch
purchase of securities market stock.
Taking into account the devaluation of the dollar, the stock market share
actually about 6,000, not 12,000 points in the Dow Jones.
All real indices of financial health
tell us that the 'economy is in the toilet.
Treasury Secretary Snow and others have publicly stated
their desire to
weak dollar, pushing the foreign lenders, which have in the past
propped the greenback
in particular Japan and China, all the more reason to sell dollars
The catalyst for this behavior were the
statements made in November 2004 by Snow,
when he said during a seminar in London that
"The history of efforts to impose on the foreign currency ratings
market is not rewarding at best
and marked by ups and downs. " The "Japan Times" wrote
that as a result of this statement, the operators of
Tokyo Stock Exchange began to get rid of the ticket
green and have continued steadily since then, bringing
the current situation, in which the dollar has recently fallen to its value
more 'low
in the world market in 15 years.
The excuse that a weak dollar would secretly
encouraged to reduce trade and fiscal deficits
is continually contradicted by the fact that the deficit
to Japan and China reached the highest
of all time, more than 200 billion dollars the
China in 2005, exactly a year after the statements
Snow and continue to further increase
the current year.
leaders of industry and government as Dick Cheney, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet
are trying to get a sneak
the exit door, with their massive sales
the dollar, 'cause that possess large amounts of tickets
green and want to get rid of silence.
This process is currently accelerating and it now appears that
a furious struggle to reach the exit door is
close to achieving, at the expense of hundreds of millions
of U.S. citizens, who remain completely unaware of the fact that
their mutual savings bank account
have lost 35% of their value for only
fact that it remained in storage since 2001.
The alleged experts they propose and
controlled media continue to assure Americans that the '
economy is expanding and there is little to worry about it.
No doubt the dollar will bounce a little for some
the next few weeks and they will show a short-term chart
of its steady rise over the previous month
, dispensing to produce
comparison charts that go back six years,
instead show that the greenback is heading right to the bottom.
The spokesman said the establishment of
viewers back to sleep, while the '
former chief economist of the World Bank and Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz
predicts a global crash, caused by
globalist policies of the IMF and authentic robbery of
World Bank, which are still
presented to us as the solution to the economic malaise.
A global crash and a totally devalued dollar,
that may just compete with the Mexican peso,
means disaster for all Americans, that
wish to maintain their standard of living and not find
barefoot in the street in a bread queue.
But fear not, because the true globalism of robbery,
that caused all this calamity as the first
responsible, still has an 'other answer to our prayers
! It is the 'Amero, the North American currency,
that will unify the U.S., Mexico and Canada, and his most recent head of the claque and
' Steve Previs, a vice president
influential companies' investment
London (1) .
's America would provide an umbrella under which refined
force the creation of "Free Trade Area of \u200b\u200b
of the Americas "and a" Union of North America, "
an old dream of the elite clique of Rockefeller, who
is trying to build a global system of government
single, first mimicking the 'European Union to create a single currency and a
unified trade bloc,
once again to the scope of the devastation
American middle class, only to enrapture the
transnational companies, which can leverage the work
low price, and throw millions of Americans out of work
The Fed and the protection team from the collapse
are not running to save the situation. Gold and silver continue
financial assets to remain solid and balanced growth in
, and we encourage all our readers to
constitute such a precious metals portfolio
quite large in order to compensate financial
dissolution arrives, the selfish and dangerous financial policies
U.S. government, along with
relentless march towards global government
inevitably cause.
Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones of Prison Planet
(Prison Planet)
Translator's Note 1) Jefferies International
translation Francesco Caselli
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Free Simple Room Rental Agreement
knell for the U.S. dollar ...
Clive Maund
November 26, 2006
The Dollar 'rushed with surprising vehemence
at the end of last week, driven by heavy
sales. That 'was an action marked "character
bear" (1), indicating that panic, and were likely to arise
a severe downward trend. E '
expected to break below the crucial support of the Index
80 per dollar, marking the transition from a clandestine
rid of assets to assets denominated in dollars
a stampede at full force, to "get
what you can in change them "before it's too late
The conditions that lead to an inevitable
panic sell-off of dollars are certainly not coming from one
tomorrow. They are the result of years of abuse,
particularly from the U.S. Federal Reserve (2),
who printed a real deluge of dollars, and
universal acceptance of this "funny money" has, at least until now
, allowed the U.S. to take advantage
economically the rest of the world, living beyond their means
. The exponential growth of dollars '
been and' still created electronically
touch of a button, SO 'pay whatever it' s never
a problem, whatever you want, simply print
the extra money to pay for it. Since 'the
foreigners have so far participated in this game,
they now are to a large extent, and to a certain point
understandably, considered stupid. However, and 'a dangerous mistake to underestimate the capacity
' intellectual
of other peoples. The Chinese, in particular, have a qualified and
ancient culture, and when the time comes to draw
strategic considerations, can excel in thought and
than virtually anyone. So '
what's going to happen? 'Cause they
accepted a mountain of paper and bonds
over many years, in exchange for real hard work and a large quantity
'of real tangible products? The Chinese and others have done this
'to ferry
through a transitional period, during which they built
their economies and infrastructure.
Their goal - to which they are quickly moving
- and 'get to the point where there is sufficient demand for domestic and regional
they have no further need to rely on orders from countries like the U.S.
. At this point - we can get more
'sooner rather than later - things will become very dangerous
to the U.S. dollar, and the situation '
actually much worse than many now believe,
' cause the Chinese and others are preparing to
denominated in dollars,
- of course try to get what they can
, but on the other hand
will be ready to fall back on domestic demand and regional and
bear this eventuality with courage 'in this way
cutting the umbilical cord with the U.S., which
will be left in a mess, without anyone else
accept their money to laugh, a manufacturing base
emptied, astronomical debts and fiscal chaos, and a huge
army that the Americans can not afford
well to keep in operation. When the forces of globalization are let loose
, as indeed
were left, and that 's really a process
natural and inevitable, because' orders and work simply
are directed towards those who
offer the goods at the lowest 'low.
Europe and the United States are not competitive and will be relegated to the margins by
dynamic economies of China and Southeast Asia.
The Chinese and other U.S. trading partners are already
'coming out of dollars and entering the
Dinars (3), Euro, commodities and metals in general
precious, a step that accelerates the time.
As already 'know, this' was a primary factor in bringing
the commodity boom.
the recent U.S. attempt to maintain its domination
with brute force - a major reason why the 'Iraq and'
been invaded and 'that was planned to sell its oil
making it pay in euros - in this very
time, quite literally, runs into the sand, and now
and 'only a matter of when, not if, the helicopters will come
rooftop, to evacuate the remaining undefeated
U.S. military personnel, as
in the film "The Killing Fields "(4), although a final
extremely dangerous attack on Iran
still can not be excluded.
examines the fundamentals, we now look at what the charts show
about the dollar.
1 .- Graph No. 1
On the graph of one year for the Dollar Index we can see how
Thursday's fall 'last port'
the dollar downward ', interrupting a slight upward trend in
, which lasted from at least May. The index sank
'a lot of new Friday',
until you get to the area of \u200b\u200bsupport, corresponding to the minimum
May-June. This support can 'provide
temporary relief, but the severity' of the decline suggests that
will not last 'long to return, if the index
actual rest, which could not occur
. Note the downward trend
alignment of moving averages, with the 50 days that ended
the deviation with the 200 days in the last month,
creating the potential for a further severe decline.
2 .- Graph No. 2
six years on the chart we can see that the dollar has shown a potential
scheme Fall arrest
and bounce, such as "head and shoulders"
since the beginning of 2004, but also that the 'action of recent days
indicates that the model is aborted, and that a clear break of the levees under
minimum in May, we
next, will screen 'the index downward' toward the crucial
support long-term value near 80.
Which 'The origin of this strong support
long term? To locate it we see a graph representing
many years back.
3 .- Graph No. 3
The graph, which is the trend right from the beginning
1987, shows the origins of the strong support of long-term
at and above 80, because '
on this design can be appreciated that the index has
bounced repeatedly from this level.
it reached this level earlier in 1978 (not shown on the graph
), and again at the end of 1990, and bounce 'from
it in 1992 and again in 1995, and at the end of 2004. Clearly
and 'unlikely that the dollar will fall to this level and exceeds
, falling more' below,
without first pausing above it for a short time
or without taking a low rise.
Having said that, 'however, the key prediction for the dollar and
' extremely bad for the reasons stated above
, and so ', despite the strength of support for this
level, is not expected to resist the dollar's
above it for a long time. Over the last two months and
'became evident to all but those
that have begun, that the U.S. has lost the war in Iraq
, and which can now only take a
maneuver to save face or limit damage. This
'has further damaged the credibility' Use
worldwide. Deficits are a plague that
extends, and that continues to exert a downward influence
pessimismistica and holders of large quantities of dollar assets
, such as Chinese,
are scrambling to reduce their positions in
dollars, in a manner that avoids precipitating
the panic, which will be 'a real business, if you
What will happen 'to the dollar, if it breaks' levees to
below the immensely important support of 80?
Perspective and 'a full-blown panic and a rout, and nobody knows what
low values \u200b\u200bat the end will land'.
Many U.S. readers who scan the future and intelligent
are already 'aware of the gravity' of the situation, and
they set out to bring at least a portion of their assets
or outside the country or at least out of the
denominated in U.S. dollars. That 's the way
undertaken, and it' what 's been pointed out at
Clive Maund / 1164561623.php
Translator's notes
1) a slang expression of the financial markets,
indicate the downward direction;
2) the U.S. central bank, it private even as the Bank of Italy
3) has the name for the currency of many nations, most of which
the Middle East and North Africa some
4) the meaning and '"extermination camps", and
military science are areas where is a concentrated
strong arms fire repeatedly, so '
also called "fields of fire."
translation of Francesco Caselli
Clive Maund
November 26, 2006
The Dollar 'rushed with surprising vehemence
at the end of last week, driven by heavy
sales. That 'was an action marked "character
bear" (1), indicating that panic, and were likely to arise
a severe downward trend. E '
expected to break below the crucial support of the Index
80 per dollar, marking the transition from a clandestine
rid of assets to assets denominated in dollars
a stampede at full force, to "get
what you can in change them "before it's too late
The conditions that lead to an inevitable
panic sell-off of dollars are certainly not coming from one
tomorrow. They are the result of years of abuse,
particularly from the U.S. Federal Reserve (2),
who printed a real deluge of dollars, and
universal acceptance of this "funny money" has, at least until now
, allowed the U.S. to take advantage
economically the rest of the world, living beyond their means
. The exponential growth of dollars '
been and' still created electronically
touch of a button, SO 'pay whatever it' s never
a problem, whatever you want, simply print
the extra money to pay for it. Since 'the
foreigners have so far participated in this game,
they now are to a large extent, and to a certain point
understandably, considered stupid. However, and 'a dangerous mistake to underestimate the capacity
' intellectual
of other peoples. The Chinese, in particular, have a qualified and
ancient culture, and when the time comes to draw
strategic considerations, can excel in thought and
than virtually anyone. So '
what's going to happen? 'Cause they
accepted a mountain of paper and bonds
over many years, in exchange for real hard work and a large quantity
'of real tangible products? The Chinese and others have done this
'to ferry
through a transitional period, during which they built
their economies and infrastructure.
Their goal - to which they are quickly moving
- and 'get to the point where there is sufficient demand for domestic and regional
they have no further need to rely on orders from countries like the U.S.
. At this point - we can get more
'sooner rather than later - things will become very dangerous
to the U.S. dollar, and the situation '
actually much worse than many now believe,
' cause the Chinese and others are preparing to
denominated in dollars,
- of course try to get what they can
, but on the other hand
will be ready to fall back on domestic demand and regional and
bear this eventuality with courage 'in this way
cutting the umbilical cord with the U.S., which
will be left in a mess, without anyone else
accept their money to laugh, a manufacturing base
emptied, astronomical debts and fiscal chaos, and a huge
army that the Americans can not afford
well to keep in operation. When the forces of globalization are let loose
, as indeed
were left, and that 's really a process
natural and inevitable, because' orders and work simply
are directed towards those who
offer the goods at the lowest 'low.
Europe and the United States are not competitive and will be relegated to the margins by
dynamic economies of China and Southeast Asia.
The Chinese and other U.S. trading partners are already
'coming out of dollars and entering the
Dinars (3), Euro, commodities and metals in general
precious, a step that accelerates the time.
As already 'know, this' was a primary factor in bringing
the commodity boom.
the recent U.S. attempt to maintain its domination
with brute force - a major reason why the 'Iraq and'
been invaded and 'that was planned to sell its oil
making it pay in euros - in this very
time, quite literally, runs into the sand, and now
and 'only a matter of when, not if, the helicopters will come
rooftop, to evacuate the remaining undefeated
U.S. military personnel, as
in the film "The Killing Fields "(4), although a final
extremely dangerous attack on Iran
still can not be excluded.
examines the fundamentals, we now look at what the charts show
about the dollar.
1 .- Graph No. 1
On the graph of one year for the Dollar Index we can see how
Thursday's fall 'last port'
the dollar downward ', interrupting a slight upward trend in
, which lasted from at least May. The index sank
'a lot of new Friday',
until you get to the area of \u200b\u200bsupport, corresponding to the minimum
May-June. This support can 'provide
temporary relief, but the severity' of the decline suggests that
will not last 'long to return, if the index
actual rest, which could not occur
. Note the downward trend
alignment of moving averages, with the 50 days that ended
the deviation with the 200 days in the last month,
creating the potential for a further severe decline.
2 .- Graph No. 2
six years on the chart we can see that the dollar has shown a potential
scheme Fall arrest
and bounce, such as "head and shoulders"
since the beginning of 2004, but also that the 'action of recent days
indicates that the model is aborted, and that a clear break of the levees under
minimum in May, we
next, will screen 'the index downward' toward the crucial
support long-term value near 80.
Which 'The origin of this strong support
long term? To locate it we see a graph representing
many years back.
3 .- Graph No. 3
The graph, which is the trend right from the beginning
1987, shows the origins of the strong support of long-term
at and above 80, because '
on this design can be appreciated that the index has
bounced repeatedly from this level.
it reached this level earlier in 1978 (not shown on the graph
), and again at the end of 1990, and bounce 'from
it in 1992 and again in 1995, and at the end of 2004. Clearly
and 'unlikely that the dollar will fall to this level and exceeds
, falling more' below,
without first pausing above it for a short time
or without taking a low rise.
Having said that, 'however, the key prediction for the dollar and
' extremely bad for the reasons stated above
, and so ', despite the strength of support for this
level, is not expected to resist the dollar's
above it for a long time. Over the last two months and
'became evident to all but those
that have begun, that the U.S. has lost the war in Iraq
, and which can now only take a
maneuver to save face or limit damage. This
'has further damaged the credibility' Use
worldwide. Deficits are a plague that
extends, and that continues to exert a downward influence
pessimismistica and holders of large quantities of dollar assets
, such as Chinese,
are scrambling to reduce their positions in
dollars, in a manner that avoids precipitating
the panic, which will be 'a real business, if you
What will happen 'to the dollar, if it breaks' levees to
below the immensely important support of 80?
Perspective and 'a full-blown panic and a rout, and nobody knows what
low values \u200b\u200bat the end will land'.
Many U.S. readers who scan the future and intelligent
are already 'aware of the gravity' of the situation, and
they set out to bring at least a portion of their assets
or outside the country or at least out of the
denominated in U.S. dollars. That 's the way
undertaken, and it' what 's been pointed out at
Clive Maund / 1164561623.php
Translator's notes
1) a slang expression of the financial markets,
indicate the downward direction;
2) the U.S. central bank, it private even as the Bank of Italy
3) has the name for the currency of many nations, most of which
the Middle East and North Africa some
4) the meaning and '"extermination camps", and
military science are areas where is a concentrated
strong arms fire repeatedly, so '
also called "fields of fire."
translation of Francesco Caselli
Saturday, November 25, 2006
How Late Can You Send A Post Interview Email
the U.S. dollar is' the greatest fiasco of the week
Peter Schiff November 24, 2006
While Americans were busy digesting
Thanksgiving feasts, the rest of the world
vomited dollars. As a result of our massive trade deficits
, foreigners certainly have
belly full of dollars. The conduct of this week in the Forex markets
(NdT. No. 1) indicates that they may have finally eaten their
filling. Unfortunately
probably endure the bad taste, 'cause the rout of the dollar and'
only just begun. Since
'U.S. consumers flocked to stores this
' Friday 'black' (NdT. No. 2), few have heard about that and
'was in most' significant decrease in the value of their currency
. If something can 'and said that'
been blackened this Friday, 'and that' the U.S. dollar.
While the media remain focused to report
of dollars Americans are spending irresponsibly
, the real news is the loss of
value of those dollars that foreigners are foolishly saving
. The losses are particularly
more 'pronounced among foreign central banks
, on a more' substantial China, whose
foreign exchange reserves, in the vast majority
made U.S. dollars, recently passed
an amount equal to 1 trillion dollars. When
foreigners finally decide that they have had enough
, their reluctance to accumulate dollars will imply additional
'the perpetual fever
purchases of Americans will come'
finally to a screeching halt.
This week the U.S. dollar and '
been cut as a turkey for Thanksgiving.
against the Swiss franc, euro, British pound and Japanese yen, the dollar has lost
respectively 3%, 2.2%, 2% and 1.8% of its value
. To put in perspective those rebates,
in euro terms the decline of more than 60 points in the Dow Jones this week
translates into
equivalent of a decline of 320 points, when measured in euro
. In fact the beginning of the year and the Dow
'in a rise of only about 3.5% when measured in euro, compared to its
progress of 14.5% when assessed
in U.S. dollars, which are being depreciated.
From its peak in 2000, the value of the Dow, measured in €
, and 'falling by over 27%. In terms of gold,
the only legitimate world currency, the framework and '
even worse. When measured in gold, the Dow and 'falling
of more than 50% from its peak in 2000, and currently
down more than 7% so far this year. So '
does not deserve to quibble over the rise of fake
Wall Street!
At the risk of inappropriately using the term,
relative strength in the bond market and 'a riddle,
date the recent weakness of the dollar. From the point of view
of our creditors, the only thing worse than having
dollars 'own rights to future dollars, and that'
what are essentially bonds.
When foreigners begin to serve an additional 10% discount
annual dollar in assessing
bond yields in U.S. currency,
prices of the latter will quickly
also never ceases to amaze me the way
U.S. investors can be so focused on
stock prices, yet remain oblivious to what those prices
actually indicate. The
Stock prices of course are
amounts of dollars. Therefore the actual values \u200b\u200bof market share in
effects depend on the purchasing power of the dollar
. Focusing on the first element, and in the meantime, ignore the second and
one of the major mistakes that most investors make.
Unfortunately, the prediction technique for the dollar,
and by extension that of the entire U.S. economy and financial markets
which it claims, is deteriorating rapidly
. The dollar index, now estimated to be 83.5
, broke their banks, despite some
key support levels, and the next support
che provera' sara' probabilmente
il suo record minimo di tutti i tempi, poco al di
sotto di 80. Se quel tentativo fallira', come con grande
probabilita' succedera', guardate a valori inferiori.
Una volta che il dollaro si avventurasse in territorio
sconosciuto, le vendite si intensificherebbero, con
l'indice del dollaro trattato al di sotto di 70 in un
battibaleno. La mia previsione finale per tale indice
e' 40, che letteralmente taglierebbe il valore del
dollaro a meta'. Ritengo che l'intero ribasso avverrebbe
in appena due anni. Ponendo di nuovo tale declino in
prospettiva, esso sarebbe l' equivalente di un ribasso
di oltre 6.600 punti del Dow. Naturalmente
this assessment assumes that the Fed finally becomes serious
and that Congress and the President will heed the
his sermon. If that 'does not happen, el' hyper-inflation
this had the effect, the 'dollar index would fall much more
' below, perhaps even fall below the value
10, before stopping the fall on solid ground
not make the mistake of believing that this is in some way
a problem for foreigners.
will be Americans who will experience losses in
a more 'painful,' cause what 'Porter' in
significant increases in both consumer prices that
in interest rates, and conduct 'downward
assets, especially for
properties' real estate for residential use.
In other words, that 'we own will be worth' much less
and that we need to buy will cost 'much more
not wait for the facts happen to enter
Protect your wealth and preserve your purchasing power
before it's too late.
Discover the best way to buy gold at
download my free research report on
powerful container for investing in foreign equities
available at,
and subscribe to receive free online
my letter of information for periodic investments in
Peter Schiff CEO and head of global strategies
at Euro Pacific Capital, Inc.
November 24, 2006 posted by
original address: http://
translator's notes:
1) The Forex 'market international currencies.
2) The day after Thanksgiving, and
that 'the fourth Thursday' in November, is considered
from a theory with a certain distribution in the U.S.
first day of the year when the shops begin to make profits,
therefore be written with black ink (hence the name),
since the previous day of the year only served to reconcile the expenditure
recorded with red ink.
Translated by Francesco Caselli
Peter Schiff November 24, 2006
While Americans were busy digesting
Thanksgiving feasts, the rest of the world
vomited dollars. As a result of our massive trade deficits
, foreigners certainly have
belly full of dollars. The conduct of this week in the Forex markets
(NdT. No. 1) indicates that they may have finally eaten their
filling. Unfortunately
probably endure the bad taste, 'cause the rout of the dollar and'
only just begun. Since
'U.S. consumers flocked to stores this
' Friday 'black' (NdT. No. 2), few have heard about that and
'was in most' significant decrease in the value of their currency
. If something can 'and said that'
been blackened this Friday, 'and that' the U.S. dollar.
While the media remain focused to report
of dollars Americans are spending irresponsibly
, the real news is the loss of
value of those dollars that foreigners are foolishly saving
. The losses are particularly
more 'pronounced among foreign central banks
, on a more' substantial China, whose
foreign exchange reserves, in the vast majority
made U.S. dollars, recently passed
an amount equal to 1 trillion dollars. When
foreigners finally decide that they have had enough
, their reluctance to accumulate dollars will imply additional
'the perpetual fever
purchases of Americans will come'
finally to a screeching halt.
This week the U.S. dollar and '
been cut as a turkey for Thanksgiving.
against the Swiss franc, euro, British pound and Japanese yen, the dollar has lost
respectively 3%, 2.2%, 2% and 1.8% of its value
. To put in perspective those rebates,
in euro terms the decline of more than 60 points in the Dow Jones this week
translates into
equivalent of a decline of 320 points, when measured in euro
. In fact the beginning of the year and the Dow
'in a rise of only about 3.5% when measured in euro, compared to its
progress of 14.5% when assessed
in U.S. dollars, which are being depreciated.
From its peak in 2000, the value of the Dow, measured in €
, and 'falling by over 27%. In terms of gold,
the only legitimate world currency, the framework and '
even worse. When measured in gold, the Dow and 'falling
of more than 50% from its peak in 2000, and currently
down more than 7% so far this year. So '
does not deserve to quibble over the rise of fake
Wall Street!
At the risk of inappropriately using the term,
relative strength in the bond market and 'a riddle,
date the recent weakness of the dollar. From the point of view
of our creditors, the only thing worse than having
dollars 'own rights to future dollars, and that'
what are essentially bonds.
When foreigners begin to serve an additional 10% discount
annual dollar in assessing
bond yields in U.S. currency,
prices of the latter will quickly
also never ceases to amaze me the way
U.S. investors can be so focused on
stock prices, yet remain oblivious to what those prices
actually indicate. The
Stock prices of course are
amounts of dollars. Therefore the actual values \u200b\u200bof market share in
effects depend on the purchasing power of the dollar
. Focusing on the first element, and in the meantime, ignore the second and
one of the major mistakes that most investors make.
Unfortunately, the prediction technique for the dollar,
and by extension that of the entire U.S. economy and financial markets
which it claims, is deteriorating rapidly
. The dollar index, now estimated to be 83.5
, broke their banks, despite some
key support levels, and the next support
che provera' sara' probabilmente
il suo record minimo di tutti i tempi, poco al di
sotto di 80. Se quel tentativo fallira', come con grande
probabilita' succedera', guardate a valori inferiori.
Una volta che il dollaro si avventurasse in territorio
sconosciuto, le vendite si intensificherebbero, con
l'indice del dollaro trattato al di sotto di 70 in un
battibaleno. La mia previsione finale per tale indice
e' 40, che letteralmente taglierebbe il valore del
dollaro a meta'. Ritengo che l'intero ribasso avverrebbe
in appena due anni. Ponendo di nuovo tale declino in
prospettiva, esso sarebbe l' equivalente di un ribasso
di oltre 6.600 punti del Dow. Naturalmente
this assessment assumes that the Fed finally becomes serious
and that Congress and the President will heed the
his sermon. If that 'does not happen, el' hyper-inflation
this had the effect, the 'dollar index would fall much more
' below, perhaps even fall below the value
10, before stopping the fall on solid ground
not make the mistake of believing that this is in some way
a problem for foreigners.
will be Americans who will experience losses in
a more 'painful,' cause what 'Porter' in
significant increases in both consumer prices that
in interest rates, and conduct 'downward
assets, especially for
properties' real estate for residential use.
In other words, that 'we own will be worth' much less
and that we need to buy will cost 'much more
not wait for the facts happen to enter
Protect your wealth and preserve your purchasing power
before it's too late.
Discover the best way to buy gold at
download my free research report on
powerful container for investing in foreign equities
available at,
and subscribe to receive free online
my letter of information for periodic investments in
Peter Schiff CEO and head of global strategies
at Euro Pacific Capital, Inc.
November 24, 2006 posted by
original address: http://
translator's notes:
1) The Forex 'market international currencies.
2) The day after Thanksgiving, and
that 'the fourth Thursday' in November, is considered
from a theory with a certain distribution in the U.S.
first day of the year when the shops begin to make profits,
therefore be written with black ink (hence the name),
since the previous day of the year only served to reconcile the expenditure
recorded with red ink.
Translated by Francesco Caselli
Friday, November 24, 2006
Tahitian Village Las Vegas
operation of the legal system and banking businesses
Interview with. Mark of the Moon by
Etleboro Italy
November 22, 2006
so we asked the lawyer. Mark of the Moon a
his advice on what is now the
functioning of the legal system and banking firms
day meet.
"Those judges and bankers are certainly very dangerous for
In the Italian system of power, we observe a marked
analogy between the category of the category
bankers and judges. Both bankers and magistrates,
elected self-governing body of the class and have an interest in it
dominant banks,
appoint the Governor of the Bank of Italy and European Central Bank
and participate in the second through the first;
magistrates, appoint from among its members
20 of the 30 components of the Superior Council of Magistracy.
Both categories (some call them "guilds"),
judicial and banking, appoint and supervise so
its auditors, you make regulations,
judge stated at their internal logic, it is waterproof
to external controls (ie the
organs of popular election, popularly called 'democratic'),
so that you can impose as strong partners
(because self-) constitutional bodies.
The category of bankers, however, is much stronger than that of the magistrates
, and this should be taken from this
judges themselves, in their own
interest because the alliances made with those who are very
most powerful alliances in the end losers. Let us consider some simple
... In Italy there has existed, in favor of banks, a system of rules that
Code and not codicistiche and
of judicial practice, which works as follows:
The courts, when the banks say they have
a credit to their customers, allowing banks,
sight, injunctions against the same customers, based on documents
of Banking,
even in the absence of a real test the alleged claim.
Not only grant such injunctions, but
declare them immediately enforceable and ordered to
hapless bank customers, without first
heard their reasons, to pay immediately, otherwise
foreclosure. It 's true that Article.
642 of the Code of Civil Procedure allows you to declare an order immediately enforceable injunction
test and any of the conditions of Article. 642 cpc for
granting immediate execution, as in this case
But it is also true that Article. 642 requires proof of a
danger in delay, giving the reasons for urgency.
It This danger is identified by the bank, and unfortunately
by the judges, with the mere delay of payment
unilaterally claimed by the bank.
The bank immediately, under this bill and
before notifying the customer, enter
judicial mortgage on all real estate
reviews. This even when the property has a value multiple of
claimed credit.
For a claimed credit of € 100,000, say, the bank enters
for mortgage assets of 1,000,000 euros .
At the same time, the bank reported to the Central Bank Interbank
Risks of the supposed Italy
insolvency of the customer, without, at most, regardless of whether the customer is insolvent and
even when the customer is not at all
insolvent, but large multiplicity.
At this point, because it created the pretext of reporting
the banking system, which is a private cartel,
including the private owners of the Bank of Italy
(those against art. 3 of the Statute
the same) that that should govern ,
pull the network, which completely blocks the
the customer's financial operations, resulting in potentially lethal
, putting knees, and often forcing
to yield to the demands of its subsidiary if it wants
The alternative, for a national client is hoping for a reasonable compensation
at the end of a long case, namely the transition
court decision becomes final - after years and years in which
will not work - compensation that can not
be reasonable, because you can not prove suitably
This is a very efficient for the bankers.
gives them a power not only legal but also economic and political
Maybe the judges who deal with these
injunctive orders should reflect on the implications of this,
on the transformation of structures of power that it brings in the constitution
material, whether used in a different
their decisive powers.
Why, in the medium term, not
agrees to some, if not the bankers,
live in a society governed entirely by the private banking system
, where even now, day after day more, the citizens gather
to depend on it and its
credit for an increasing number of necessities of life, thanks to
governments always are, themselves,
employees from the banking system. "
Intervista all'Avv. Marco della Luna da parte di
Etleboro Italia
Interview with. Mark of the Moon by
Etleboro Italy
November 22, 2006
so we asked the lawyer. Mark of the Moon a
his advice on what is now the
functioning of the legal system and banking firms
day meet.
"Those judges and bankers are certainly very dangerous for
In the Italian system of power, we observe a marked
analogy between the category of the category
bankers and judges. Both bankers and magistrates,
elected self-governing body of the class and have an interest in it
dominant banks,
appoint the Governor of the Bank of Italy and European Central Bank
and participate in the second through the first;
magistrates, appoint from among its members
20 of the 30 components of the Superior Council of Magistracy.
Both categories (some call them "guilds"),
judicial and banking, appoint and supervise so
its auditors, you make regulations,
judge stated at their internal logic, it is waterproof
to external controls (ie the
organs of popular election, popularly called 'democratic'),
so that you can impose as strong partners
(because self-) constitutional bodies.
The category of bankers, however, is much stronger than that of the magistrates
, and this should be taken from this
judges themselves, in their own
interest because the alliances made with those who are very
most powerful alliances in the end losers. Let us consider some simple
... In Italy there has existed, in favor of banks, a system of rules that
Code and not codicistiche and
of judicial practice, which works as follows:
The courts, when the banks say they have
a credit to their customers, allowing banks,
sight, injunctions against the same customers, based on documents
of Banking,
even in the absence of a real test the alleged claim.
Not only grant such injunctions, but
declare them immediately enforceable and ordered to
hapless bank customers, without first
heard their reasons, to pay immediately, otherwise
foreclosure. It 's true that Article.
642 of the Code of Civil Procedure allows you to declare an order immediately enforceable injunction
test and any of the conditions of Article. 642 cpc for
granting immediate execution, as in this case
But it is also true that Article. 642 requires proof of a
danger in delay, giving the reasons for urgency.
It This danger is identified by the bank, and unfortunately
by the judges, with the mere delay of payment
unilaterally claimed by the bank.
The bank immediately, under this bill and
before notifying the customer, enter
judicial mortgage on all real estate
reviews. This even when the property has a value multiple of
claimed credit.
For a claimed credit of € 100,000, say, the bank enters
for mortgage assets of 1,000,000 euros .
At the same time, the bank reported to the Central Bank Interbank
Risks of the supposed Italy
insolvency of the customer, without, at most, regardless of whether the customer is insolvent and
even when the customer is not at all
insolvent, but large multiplicity.
At this point, because it created the pretext of reporting
the banking system, which is a private cartel,
including the private owners of the Bank of Italy
(those against art. 3 of the Statute
the same) that that should govern ,
pull the network, which completely blocks the
the customer's financial operations, resulting in potentially lethal
, putting knees, and often forcing
to yield to the demands of its subsidiary if it wants
The alternative, for a national client is hoping for a reasonable compensation
at the end of a long case, namely the transition
court decision becomes final - after years and years in which
will not work - compensation that can not
be reasonable, because you can not prove suitably
This is a very efficient for the bankers.
gives them a power not only legal but also economic and political
Maybe the judges who deal with these
injunctive orders should reflect on the implications of this,
on the transformation of structures of power that it brings in the constitution
material, whether used in a different
their decisive powers.
Why, in the medium term, not
agrees to some, if not the bankers,
live in a society governed entirely by the private banking system
, where even now, day after day more, the citizens gather
to depend on it and its
credit for an increasing number of necessities of life, thanks to
governments always are, themselves,
employees from the banking system. "
Intervista all'Avv. Marco della Luna da parte di
Etleboro Italia
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Decorating Belt Buckles
New report sheds light on hospital infections worrying
Dan Childs
14 novembre 2006
Le infezioni contratte durante le permanenze in ospedale
uccidono piu' persone che cancro della mammella,
incidenti d' auto ed Aids sommati.
Una visita in ospedale puo' essere piu' pericolosa per
la vostra salute di quanto vi rendiate conto.
Semplicemente chiedete ad Ingrid Kwiatek, che e' tornata
a casa dall'ospedale con una seria infezione da
Il marito della Kwiatek
said that what had begun as a routine visit to hospital and is
'turned into a nightmare of
110 days of pain and suffering in three different hospitals in Pennsylvania
"I never would wish this experience to anyone," he said
. "Especially tormenting and '
been closed ranks at the attitude (NdT. No. 1),
at all three hospitals in the debate of' infection."
suffered after the 'accident, the family doctor of
Kwiatek said so', "
Hospitals are dirty places."
The high cost of infections.
Un nuovo rapporto rilasciato dal "Pennsylvania Health
Care Cost Containment Council" (Consiglio per il
contenimento dei costi del sistema sanitario della
Pennsylvania) ha incentrato l'attenzione verso il costo
di queste infezioni, alto sia in dollari che in vite.
Il rapporto - il primo del suo genere nella nazione -
ha indicato il numero effettivo delle infezioni
rilasciato dai 168 ospedali della Pennsylvania, cosi'
come altri correlati indici di qualita' della assistenza,
relativi al 2005.
Gli ospedali hanno studiato 19.154 casi, su cui e'
incentrato il rapporto, in cui i pazienti hanno
contract hospital infections branch.
hospitalizations resulting from these infections amounted to 394,129
hospital days and $ 3.5 billion
hospital billing.
The average billing hospital patients
derived from a hospital infection and '
was $ 185,260, while the average billing
patients without hospital-derived infections and
' was $ 31,389. The average duration of hospitalization
for patients and hospital infections
derivation 'was higher, amounting to
20.6 days, compared with 4.5 days for those who do not
had contracted infections in hospital. More
'significant, however, were the numbers of deaths of patients
. The report established that, while
and 'dead for 2.3% of patients who had not
infections, the mortality rate' for those who had contracted infections
was 12.9% - more
' 5.5-fold greater.
"This report is 'a start. We do not look more' to
statistics based on estimates or extrapolated data," he said
Lisa McGiffert, director of marketing
Consumer Associations to combat infections
contracted in hospital. "These are real people
, who have suffered genuine infections.
personal and financial costs of hospital-acquired infections
are staggering."
The study of Pennsylvania offered some solutions.
He concluded that doctors and other hospital workers should wash their hands
regularity ', use gloves and equipment properly sterilized
, and follow the established routine "best
protocols." The report also suggested that patients
themselves follow the same guidelines and insist
'cause not only health, but also visitors wash
Investigate Safety in the hospital. This
'that contributes to the problem, however, according to the
health managers, and' that
to most U.S. states are not required to prepare reports on infections
provide this information to the public.
"It 's time to shed light on this important and costly
problem," said Marc Volavka, executive director
for cost containment of health care in Pennsylvania.
"This 'will save' thousands
of Americans from the devastating effects of hospital-acquired infections. "
Volavka said the report and '
a first step towards greater transparency.
" It' s time that hospitals, patients and those who pay the bills
know how many patients develop hospital-acquired infections, the type of infection
they develop and the implications on the quality 'and
the cost of care, "Volavka said." The more'
there are numerous information that becomes available,
the better you will be able to 'concentrate on the prevention of these infections
. "
" So far, consumers have been
completely in the dark about the incidence rate in
infecting patients by their hospital, "said Beth
McConnell, director of the Cultural Fund
for public interest research group
of Pennsylvania." This report makes
advance knowledge about a very serious problem and will help '
the public to consider
hospitals responsible for patient safety. "
Dan Childs
Unita' ABC News Medical
http://abcnews.go. com / Health / story? id = 2652355 & page = 2
Translator's Note 1) presumably in reference to non-transparent behavior
degli operatori sanitari ospedalieri
traduzione di Francesco Caselli
Dan Childs
14 novembre 2006
Le infezioni contratte durante le permanenze in ospedale
uccidono piu' persone che cancro della mammella,
incidenti d' auto ed Aids sommati.
Una visita in ospedale puo' essere piu' pericolosa per
la vostra salute di quanto vi rendiate conto.
Semplicemente chiedete ad Ingrid Kwiatek, che e' tornata
a casa dall'ospedale con una seria infezione da
Il marito della Kwiatek
said that what had begun as a routine visit to hospital and is
'turned into a nightmare of
110 days of pain and suffering in three different hospitals in Pennsylvania
"I never would wish this experience to anyone," he said
. "Especially tormenting and '
been closed ranks at the attitude (NdT. No. 1),
at all three hospitals in the debate of' infection."
suffered after the 'accident, the family doctor of
Kwiatek said so', "
Hospitals are dirty places."
The high cost of infections.
Un nuovo rapporto rilasciato dal "Pennsylvania Health
Care Cost Containment Council" (Consiglio per il
contenimento dei costi del sistema sanitario della
Pennsylvania) ha incentrato l'attenzione verso il costo
di queste infezioni, alto sia in dollari che in vite.
Il rapporto - il primo del suo genere nella nazione -
ha indicato il numero effettivo delle infezioni
rilasciato dai 168 ospedali della Pennsylvania, cosi'
come altri correlati indici di qualita' della assistenza,
relativi al 2005.
Gli ospedali hanno studiato 19.154 casi, su cui e'
incentrato il rapporto, in cui i pazienti hanno
contract hospital infections branch.
hospitalizations resulting from these infections amounted to 394,129
hospital days and $ 3.5 billion
hospital billing.
The average billing hospital patients
derived from a hospital infection and '
was $ 185,260, while the average billing
patients without hospital-derived infections and
' was $ 31,389. The average duration of hospitalization
for patients and hospital infections
derivation 'was higher, amounting to
20.6 days, compared with 4.5 days for those who do not
had contracted infections in hospital. More
'significant, however, were the numbers of deaths of patients
. The report established that, while
and 'dead for 2.3% of patients who had not
infections, the mortality rate' for those who had contracted infections
was 12.9% - more
' 5.5-fold greater.
"This report is 'a start. We do not look more' to
statistics based on estimates or extrapolated data," he said
Lisa McGiffert, director of marketing
Consumer Associations to combat infections
contracted in hospital. "These are real people
, who have suffered genuine infections.
personal and financial costs of hospital-acquired infections
are staggering."
The study of Pennsylvania offered some solutions.
He concluded that doctors and other hospital workers should wash their hands
regularity ', use gloves and equipment properly sterilized
, and follow the established routine "best
protocols." The report also suggested that patients
themselves follow the same guidelines and insist
'cause not only health, but also visitors wash
Investigate Safety in the hospital. This
'that contributes to the problem, however, according to the
health managers, and' that
to most U.S. states are not required to prepare reports on infections
provide this information to the public.
"It 's time to shed light on this important and costly
problem," said Marc Volavka, executive director
for cost containment of health care in Pennsylvania.
"This 'will save' thousands
of Americans from the devastating effects of hospital-acquired infections. "
Volavka said the report and '
a first step towards greater transparency.
" It' s time that hospitals, patients and those who pay the bills
know how many patients develop hospital-acquired infections, the type of infection
they develop and the implications on the quality 'and
the cost of care, "Volavka said." The more'
there are numerous information that becomes available,
the better you will be able to 'concentrate on the prevention of these infections
. "
" So far, consumers have been
completely in the dark about the incidence rate in
infecting patients by their hospital, "said Beth
McConnell, director of the Cultural Fund
for public interest research group
of Pennsylvania." This report makes
advance knowledge about a very serious problem and will help '
the public to consider
hospitals responsible for patient safety. "
Dan Childs
Unita' ABC News Medical
http://abcnews.go. com / Health / story? id = 2652355 & page = 2
Translator's Note 1) presumably in reference to non-transparent behavior
degli operatori sanitari ospedalieri
traduzione di Francesco Caselli
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Being A Dishwasher At A Resteraunt
Ring the Alarm - NATO towards the lifting
Edward Lucas
17 novembre 2006
Il compito della Nato, secondo un classico detto della
guerra fredda, era "mantenere gli Statunitensi dentro,
i Tedeschi sottomessi, ed i Russi esclusi". Mentre la
Alleanza Atlantica si prepara a riunirsi a Riga per il
piu' misero incontro al vertice nella sua storia, essa
sta perdendo su tutti e tre i fronti.
I legami tra Usa ed Europa non sono stati mai piu' deboli
di oggi. La "vecchia Europa", come Donald Rumsfeld l'ha
defined, he hated the war in Iraq. The "fiasco"
achieved by the US-led occupation in that country
justify those, such as French President Jacques Chirac
, who do not want any part in any
geopolitical system covering the United States.
A likeness of the government of Tony Blair, the loyal
former communist states of "New Europe" were burned
from their pro-US position.
These new members of NATO have sent troops bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan
- but have not received anything in return.
A long-standing policy of a nation-east European
known for his atlas
says so explicitly: "So far this administration has not wanted
It has provided assistance and did not listen to advice."
clumsy behavior of the U.S. and the European distrust
create a vicious circle. The White House sees
most NATO nations are weak and timid,
believes that spend too little on defense and that
not want to endanger the troops and material
even where 'important to do so. In Afghanistan the
large contingent of Germany acting as if they were
traffic wardens and social workers: their
government forbids them to fight the Taliban;
their attempts to train the Afghan police were
disastrously ineffective. For their part
other NATO nations consider the U.S.
arrogant and reckless.
The single result, and 'that the NATO effort to work out
of Europe', in places like Darfur, where
urgently need a robust military intervention.
The contrast of opinions has also scuppered
the attempt of NATO to make its much touted
reaction force
operational in time for the upcoming summit.
Worse still, the great progetto di espandere la Nato
si e' fermato. Questo sara' il primo summit dal collasso
del comunismo che non emettera' alcun nuovo invito alla
adesione. Questa e' una tragedia. L'allargamento della
Nato ha rinforzato la liberta' e radicato la democrazia
per tutto il continente. Il summit nella capitale Lettone
costituisce un potente promemoria: senza la adesione alla
Nato, che essi conseguirono nel 2004, gli indifesi Stati
Baltici avrebbero rappresentato una pericolosa terra di
nessuno per quanto riguarda la sicurezza. Ora essi
contribuiscono alla Nato – con un numero simbolico di
militari, e vitali servizi di informazioni elettronici
ed umani – e are anchored to the West.
The success achieved by the enlargement proved wrong
the admonitions of Russia, which predicted the
ruin. But the Kremlin has now achieved something that eluded
the end of the Cold War: a veto on NATO expansion
. In Ukraine, the pro-Russia party
the government, which defeated the pro-Western parties
(though deeply corrupt and incompetent)
the "Orange Revolution" of 2004, he openly declared that
has no interest in joining the alliance
. This
', as you can' show, and '
an issue that concerns the 'Ukraine, although public opinion has been
invelenita against NATO propaganda that the cupola of
portrayed as a belligerent rather than a
' alliance of democracies, successful and prosperous.
very worst and 'the case of Georgia,
characterized by rapid reforms, ardently pro-West, and located
so crucial at the intersections between Europe and Asia. And it '
eager to join. But France, Greece and other nations
pro-Russia say no. They fully accept the
specious argument that the Kremlin feels it
that its sphere of influence is violated. They do not ever wonder why
'most states'
Russia are close to her embrace so stifling.
Georgia and 'was abandoned by his
main ally, the U.S.,' cause they are desperate for
's support of the Kremlin against Iran and North Korea.
The U.S. has defended Georgia
by a resolution at the critical 'UN and have dropped all objections to the accession
long coveted by Russia, the World Trade Organisation.
While U.S. power has moved back
quello della Russia e' cresciuto. La Russia non solo
fornisce un quarto del gas all' Europa. Il monopolio
del Cremlino sui gasdotti per l' esportazione ha anche
creato una morsa sulle forniture dall' Asia Centrale
verso l' Europa orientale e centrale. Con il petrolio,
le consegne tramite petroliera possono sostituire gli
oleodotti. Con il gas, un gasdotto crea una dipendenza
a lungo termine.
L'arma del gas Russo si sta dimostrando un mezzo molto
piu' potente per sovvertire l' Europa che non il
comunismo o l'Armata Rossa. Poco trasparenti societa'
di intermediazione elargiscono molto denaro a politici,
partiti e funzionari pubblici, che favoriscono la linea
di condotta del Cremlino. Gerhard Schröder, che nella
veste di cancelliere di Germania si compiacque di essere
il miglior amico di Vladimir Putin in Europa, ora dirige –
senza dubbio per i piu' onorevoli motivi – la societa'
che sta costruendo un gasdotto sul fondo del mar
Baltico, per collegare Germania e Russia.
La Germania potrebbe tentare di ottenere gas altrove,
se costruisse terminali per gas naturale liquefatto.
Invece sta aumentando la dipendenza dallo autoritario e
cleptocratico regime al potere in Russia. "Noi siamo
quelli che non-hanno, e loro sono quelli che hanno," ha
detto uno scoraggiato funzionario
top-level Foreign Ministry to perplex visitors
English last week.
This situation is also making the surrounding nations, like Poland
, even more 'vulnerable to blackmail
Kremlin. When the Baltic gas pipeline will be 'finished, Russia will
' feeding the nations friendly to it, and meanwhile to keep dry
those opponents.
Poland, together with the Baltic States,
frantically trying to diversify sources of supply.
But progress is painfully slow.
Polish rulers, clumsy but sincere conservatives
have recently suggested the establishment of a
"Energy NATO", to counter Russian power.
And 'they were laughed at. No plan
containing the word "Born" in its name will have 'happened in Europe at this
, and' they were told. Another top European
vital gas pipeline "Nabucco" (NdT. No. 1)
through the Balkans, and 'is blocked because of passive resistance
pro-Russia governments in countries such as Hungary and Bulgaria
alarms should be ringing. Instead
sound at low volume. The consultants
NATO this week warned the Alliance and Russia's next trick may be
the formation of a cartel type
OPEC, along with other providers
gas, including Algeria, Libya and Iran. But this admonition
not 'recognized importance in Brussels and Moscow.
So 'the Russians are coming, the Germans are on the rise, and
Americans leave. Every nation seeks
best possible contract to the detriment of its neighbors. Collective security and
'as seriously as it was necessary
during the Cold War.
But NATO can not 'serve over.
Edward Lucas Edward Lucas # 'correspondent' The Economist '
for Europe Central and Eastern
opinion/2006/11/17/do1702.xml & sSheet = / opinion/2006/11/17 /
Translator's Note 1) The 'Nabucco' is a planned natural gas pipe,
for transport from Turkey to Austria, via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary
. Some consider the pipeline
as a departure from current methods of importing natural gas solely by
(from English Wikipedia)
Translated by Francesco Caselli
Edward Lucas
17 novembre 2006
Il compito della Nato, secondo un classico detto della
guerra fredda, era "mantenere gli Statunitensi dentro,
i Tedeschi sottomessi, ed i Russi esclusi". Mentre la
Alleanza Atlantica si prepara a riunirsi a Riga per il
piu' misero incontro al vertice nella sua storia, essa
sta perdendo su tutti e tre i fronti.
I legami tra Usa ed Europa non sono stati mai piu' deboli
di oggi. La "vecchia Europa", come Donald Rumsfeld l'ha
defined, he hated the war in Iraq. The "fiasco"
achieved by the US-led occupation in that country
justify those, such as French President Jacques Chirac
, who do not want any part in any
geopolitical system covering the United States.
A likeness of the government of Tony Blair, the loyal
former communist states of "New Europe" were burned
from their pro-US position.
These new members of NATO have sent troops bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan
- but have not received anything in return.
A long-standing policy of a nation-east European
known for his atlas
says so explicitly: "So far this administration has not wanted
It has provided assistance and did not listen to advice."
clumsy behavior of the U.S. and the European distrust
create a vicious circle. The White House sees
most NATO nations are weak and timid,
believes that spend too little on defense and that
not want to endanger the troops and material
even where 'important to do so. In Afghanistan the
large contingent of Germany acting as if they were
traffic wardens and social workers: their
government forbids them to fight the Taliban;
their attempts to train the Afghan police were
disastrously ineffective. For their part
other NATO nations consider the U.S.
arrogant and reckless.
The single result, and 'that the NATO effort to work out
of Europe', in places like Darfur, where
urgently need a robust military intervention.
The contrast of opinions has also scuppered
the attempt of NATO to make its much touted
reaction force
operational in time for the upcoming summit.
Worse still, the great progetto di espandere la Nato
si e' fermato. Questo sara' il primo summit dal collasso
del comunismo che non emettera' alcun nuovo invito alla
adesione. Questa e' una tragedia. L'allargamento della
Nato ha rinforzato la liberta' e radicato la democrazia
per tutto il continente. Il summit nella capitale Lettone
costituisce un potente promemoria: senza la adesione alla
Nato, che essi conseguirono nel 2004, gli indifesi Stati
Baltici avrebbero rappresentato una pericolosa terra di
nessuno per quanto riguarda la sicurezza. Ora essi
contribuiscono alla Nato – con un numero simbolico di
militari, e vitali servizi di informazioni elettronici
ed umani – e are anchored to the West.
The success achieved by the enlargement proved wrong
the admonitions of Russia, which predicted the
ruin. But the Kremlin has now achieved something that eluded
the end of the Cold War: a veto on NATO expansion
. In Ukraine, the pro-Russia party
the government, which defeated the pro-Western parties
(though deeply corrupt and incompetent)
the "Orange Revolution" of 2004, he openly declared that
has no interest in joining the alliance
. This
', as you can' show, and '
an issue that concerns the 'Ukraine, although public opinion has been
invelenita against NATO propaganda that the cupola of
portrayed as a belligerent rather than a
' alliance of democracies, successful and prosperous.
very worst and 'the case of Georgia,
characterized by rapid reforms, ardently pro-West, and located
so crucial at the intersections between Europe and Asia. And it '
eager to join. But France, Greece and other nations
pro-Russia say no. They fully accept the
specious argument that the Kremlin feels it
that its sphere of influence is violated. They do not ever wonder why
'most states'
Russia are close to her embrace so stifling.
Georgia and 'was abandoned by his
main ally, the U.S.,' cause they are desperate for
's support of the Kremlin against Iran and North Korea.
The U.S. has defended Georgia
by a resolution at the critical 'UN and have dropped all objections to the accession
long coveted by Russia, the World Trade Organisation.
While U.S. power has moved back
quello della Russia e' cresciuto. La Russia non solo
fornisce un quarto del gas all' Europa. Il monopolio
del Cremlino sui gasdotti per l' esportazione ha anche
creato una morsa sulle forniture dall' Asia Centrale
verso l' Europa orientale e centrale. Con il petrolio,
le consegne tramite petroliera possono sostituire gli
oleodotti. Con il gas, un gasdotto crea una dipendenza
a lungo termine.
L'arma del gas Russo si sta dimostrando un mezzo molto
piu' potente per sovvertire l' Europa che non il
comunismo o l'Armata Rossa. Poco trasparenti societa'
di intermediazione elargiscono molto denaro a politici,
partiti e funzionari pubblici, che favoriscono la linea
di condotta del Cremlino. Gerhard Schröder, che nella
veste di cancelliere di Germania si compiacque di essere
il miglior amico di Vladimir Putin in Europa, ora dirige –
senza dubbio per i piu' onorevoli motivi – la societa'
che sta costruendo un gasdotto sul fondo del mar
Baltico, per collegare Germania e Russia.
La Germania potrebbe tentare di ottenere gas altrove,
se costruisse terminali per gas naturale liquefatto.
Invece sta aumentando la dipendenza dallo autoritario e
cleptocratico regime al potere in Russia. "Noi siamo
quelli che non-hanno, e loro sono quelli che hanno," ha
detto uno scoraggiato funzionario
top-level Foreign Ministry to perplex visitors
English last week.
This situation is also making the surrounding nations, like Poland
, even more 'vulnerable to blackmail
Kremlin. When the Baltic gas pipeline will be 'finished, Russia will
' feeding the nations friendly to it, and meanwhile to keep dry
those opponents.
Poland, together with the Baltic States,
frantically trying to diversify sources of supply.
But progress is painfully slow.
Polish rulers, clumsy but sincere conservatives
have recently suggested the establishment of a
"Energy NATO", to counter Russian power.
And 'they were laughed at. No plan
containing the word "Born" in its name will have 'happened in Europe at this
, and' they were told. Another top European
vital gas pipeline "Nabucco" (NdT. No. 1)
through the Balkans, and 'is blocked because of passive resistance
pro-Russia governments in countries such as Hungary and Bulgaria
alarms should be ringing. Instead
sound at low volume. The consultants
NATO this week warned the Alliance and Russia's next trick may be
the formation of a cartel type
OPEC, along with other providers
gas, including Algeria, Libya and Iran. But this admonition
not 'recognized importance in Brussels and Moscow.
So 'the Russians are coming, the Germans are on the rise, and
Americans leave. Every nation seeks
best possible contract to the detriment of its neighbors. Collective security and
'as seriously as it was necessary
during the Cold War.
But NATO can not 'serve over.
Edward Lucas Edward Lucas # 'correspondent' The Economist '
for Europe Central and Eastern
opinion/2006/11/17/do1702.xml & sSheet = / opinion/2006/11/17 /
Translator's Note 1) The 'Nabucco' is a planned natural gas pipe,
for transport from Turkey to Austria, via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary
. Some consider the pipeline
as a departure from current methods of importing natural gas solely by
(from English Wikipedia)
Translated by Francesco Caselli
Friday, November 17, 2006
Microsoft Ce0560 Review
The German Academic: "Just to treatment favorable to Israel. "
Ynetnews November 16, 2006
Germany has paid enough to compensate
the 'Holocaust, and Israel has received a sufficient
favorable treatment from the nation as a
repairs - say 25 German academics.
In a petition Wednesday 'on the last
"Frankfurter Rundschau" (note 1) academics - professors
described as very influential in the quality
' advisors to the German Government - have
stated that it 's time that their nation
aid Palestinian Arabs as much as claimed
the Jewish nation. The aftermath of the
Holocaust resulted in much suffering among Palestinians and Germany
was therefore obliged to support them too, and not only Israel
Failure to do this, 'they warned
signatories of the petition,
could lead to unrest among the German citizens.
chosen by
Translator's Note 1) "Journal Frankfurt"
translation of Francesco Caselli
Ynetnews November 16, 2006
Germany has paid enough to compensate
the 'Holocaust, and Israel has received a sufficient
favorable treatment from the nation as a
repairs - say 25 German academics.
In a petition Wednesday 'on the last
"Frankfurter Rundschau" (note 1) academics - professors
described as very influential in the quality
' advisors to the German Government - have
stated that it 's time that their nation
aid Palestinian Arabs as much as claimed
the Jewish nation. The aftermath of the
Holocaust resulted in much suffering among Palestinians and Germany
was therefore obliged to support them too, and not only Israel
Failure to do this, 'they warned
signatories of the petition,
could lead to unrest among the German citizens.
chosen by
Translator's Note 1) "Journal Frankfurt"
translation of Francesco Caselli
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Holiday Wedding Seating Chart Ideas
a coup in U.S.
Richard Carlucci
November 3, 2006
History will mark 'the event as the moment when the health
' mind began again 'to house between the walls
of Power.
The publication of this kind of incisive critique
on all four magazines "Military Times U.S.
the eve of the most 'important election in modern history
of the nation will be' recorded as the most 'courageous
written statement
our army has ever released.
Do not be confused - this document and 'what
more' close to a coup
we've ever seen in this country.
The Army has seen enough, and it 'clear that not
will allow 'to our increasingly' traitor President
to bring this country further along the road leading to the destruction
. In this editorial I see not only
repudiation of Rumsfeld, but of the entire war.
of the entire foreign policy.
Read between the lines, friends, and you will see that our
armed forces have drawn a line on the side of reasonableness
. A line of health 'and unhealthy' mental
. Between truth 'and lies. Between what 'the
duty requires and what' that loyalty 'to
this nation will not allow'.
War and 'OVER . Our military commanders
are refusing to follow Bush in
precipice, and were obsessed
in order to stop this series of disasters.
Read their words carefully - 'cause we can trust in us
complete certainty that all
were chosen very, very carefully.
The e 'clear in the following passage from their
"Meanwhile, colonels and generals have asked their political superiors
more' troops.
services managers have asked 'money.
All time Rumsfeld has assured us that things
were in complete control. "
We are saying that the '
Administration has lied all the time about everything. And that the General
not tolerate it well. Do not remain silent while
most of the best of our nation
die for a lost cause - for a failed policy
- for a war effort without hope.
's Army said its. He made his request.
I would not be George W. Bush even in a day
positive. It certainly would not want to be him for the next four days
. No doubt the White House is calling in support
specialisti nel buttar acqua sul fuoco,
perche' l' Amministrazione sta collettivamente compiendo
una serie di gaffe, mentre noi parliamo. Persino io le
farei, se fossi al posto loro.
E tuttora io mantengo fiducia. Questa e' la migliore
notizia del periodo elettorale, per quanto mi riguarda.
Sono certo, miei concittadini, che i nostri generali,
molto tempo prima che questo editoriale fosse scritto,
hanno concordato un piano su cosa fare se Bush
rifiutasse di esaudire la loro richiesta.
Mi dona conforto sapere che delle persone che
mirano ai nostri migliori interessi hanno ora preso
il controllo della situazione.
I never thought I'd see such a day -
not in this country. The Lord help us all if Bush refuses
I say this not because 'I want to be alarmist.
Of course I am a little, but these days you can not afford not to be
. No, I say this because
'content, nature, timing and context of this editorial
are simply unprecedented.
I do not know what effect our generals are proposed, and
not even know what response to expect.
But SO GOOD that our generals, unlike
by our civilian leaders, not launch into unknown territory
without a plan.
Nor have requests like this ....., EVER. So
'something' in place.
The President has a chance 'of choice.
O agrees to the demands of his generals,
and the coup will be 'official. Or refuses.
What they intend to do in such cases, I know not,
but you can bet that it would be something concrete.
And the extreme political consequences would be catastrophic
If Bush refuses, that ' open the scenario,
least for 'impeachment. Maybe '
just what our generals were planning.
seems to me that they could indicate a willingness' to bear witness
high crimes and unlawful conduct,
if not high treason, if the Democrats were asked their opinion
But, whatever their intentions, we are dealing with a genuine crisis
. And not just politics.
Update of 04 November 2006 by Richard Carlucci
part: "
Thanks to all those who have reassured me that I'd be worried over right
. It 'nice to be on the list
reviewed, but it' also more 'pleasing to note that so
many other people think that I probably passed the sign, on a matter so
For the record, I never meant to refer to a
Coup-type tanks in-roads.
Something similar is probably not going to happen 'never
USA. But an editorial like this one, published in
that precise moment, is not printed simultaneously
about these journals without some general very important
want to send a clear message that the choice of President
about Rumsfeld and not 'from their shared
. A similar event, I think, 'what's more
' near lead a coup in the USA.
And frankly, I would go even more 'close. I'm just glad that
people who look at the
our best interests at the end
want to enact a cease-fire in Iraq, even if it 'means
usurp the role of their commander in chief. And what '
and' what we actually see this happen with
Richard Carlucci
translation of Francesco Caselli
Richard Carlucci
November 3, 2006
History will mark 'the event as the moment when the health
' mind began again 'to house between the walls
of Power.
The publication of this kind of incisive critique
on all four magazines "Military Times U.S.
the eve of the most 'important election in modern history
of the nation will be' recorded as the most 'courageous
written statement
our army has ever released.
Do not be confused - this document and 'what
more' close to a coup
we've ever seen in this country.
The Army has seen enough, and it 'clear that not
will allow 'to our increasingly' traitor President
to bring this country further along the road leading to the destruction
. In this editorial I see not only
repudiation of Rumsfeld, but of the entire war.
of the entire foreign policy.
Read between the lines, friends, and you will see that our
armed forces have drawn a line on the side of reasonableness
. A line of health 'and unhealthy' mental
. Between truth 'and lies. Between what 'the
duty requires and what' that loyalty 'to
this nation will not allow'.
War and 'OVER . Our military commanders
are refusing to follow Bush in
precipice, and were obsessed
in order to stop this series of disasters.
Read their words carefully - 'cause we can trust in us
complete certainty that all
were chosen very, very carefully.
The e 'clear in the following passage from their
"Meanwhile, colonels and generals have asked their political superiors
more' troops.
services managers have asked 'money.
All time Rumsfeld has assured us that things
were in complete control. "
We are saying that the '
Administration has lied all the time about everything. And that the General
not tolerate it well. Do not remain silent while
most of the best of our nation
die for a lost cause - for a failed policy
- for a war effort without hope.
's Army said its. He made his request.
I would not be George W. Bush even in a day
positive. It certainly would not want to be him for the next four days
. No doubt the White House is calling in support
specialisti nel buttar acqua sul fuoco,
perche' l' Amministrazione sta collettivamente compiendo
una serie di gaffe, mentre noi parliamo. Persino io le
farei, se fossi al posto loro.
E tuttora io mantengo fiducia. Questa e' la migliore
notizia del periodo elettorale, per quanto mi riguarda.
Sono certo, miei concittadini, che i nostri generali,
molto tempo prima che questo editoriale fosse scritto,
hanno concordato un piano su cosa fare se Bush
rifiutasse di esaudire la loro richiesta.
Mi dona conforto sapere che delle persone che
mirano ai nostri migliori interessi hanno ora preso
il controllo della situazione.
I never thought I'd see such a day -
not in this country. The Lord help us all if Bush refuses
I say this not because 'I want to be alarmist.
Of course I am a little, but these days you can not afford not to be
. No, I say this because
'content, nature, timing and context of this editorial
are simply unprecedented.
I do not know what effect our generals are proposed, and
not even know what response to expect.
But SO GOOD that our generals, unlike
by our civilian leaders, not launch into unknown territory
without a plan.
Nor have requests like this ....., EVER. So
'something' in place.
The President has a chance 'of choice.
O agrees to the demands of his generals,
and the coup will be 'official. Or refuses.
What they intend to do in such cases, I know not,
but you can bet that it would be something concrete.
And the extreme political consequences would be catastrophic
If Bush refuses, that ' open the scenario,
least for 'impeachment. Maybe '
just what our generals were planning.
seems to me that they could indicate a willingness' to bear witness
high crimes and unlawful conduct,
if not high treason, if the Democrats were asked their opinion
But, whatever their intentions, we are dealing with a genuine crisis
. And not just politics.
Update of 04 November 2006 by Richard Carlucci
part: "
Thanks to all those who have reassured me that I'd be worried over right
. It 'nice to be on the list
reviewed, but it' also more 'pleasing to note that so
many other people think that I probably passed the sign, on a matter so
For the record, I never meant to refer to a
Coup-type tanks in-roads.
Something similar is probably not going to happen 'never
USA. But an editorial like this one, published in
that precise moment, is not printed simultaneously
about these journals without some general very important
want to send a clear message that the choice of President
about Rumsfeld and not 'from their shared
. A similar event, I think, 'what's more
' near lead a coup in the USA.
And frankly, I would go even more 'close. I'm just glad that
people who look at the
our best interests at the end
want to enact a cease-fire in Iraq, even if it 'means
usurp the role of their commander in chief. And what '
and' what we actually see this happen with
Richard Carlucci
translation of Francesco Caselli
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