Sunday, November 19, 2006

Being A Dishwasher At A Resteraunt

Ring the Alarm - NATO towards the lifting

Edward Lucas

17 novembre 2006

Il compito della Nato, secondo un classico detto della
guerra fredda, era "mantenere gli Statunitensi dentro,
i Tedeschi sottomessi, ed i Russi esclusi". Mentre la
Alleanza Atlantica si prepara a riunirsi a Riga per il
piu' misero incontro al vertice nella sua storia, essa
sta perdendo su tutti e tre i fronti.

I legami tra Usa ed Europa non sono stati mai piu' deboli
di oggi. La "vecchia Europa", come Donald Rumsfeld l'ha
defined, he hated the war in Iraq. The "fiasco"
achieved by the US-led occupation in that country
justify those, such as French President Jacques Chirac
, who do not want any part in any
geopolitical system covering the United States.

A likeness of the government of Tony Blair, the loyal
former communist states of "New Europe" were burned
from their pro-US position.
These new members of NATO have sent troops bravely in Iraq and Afghanistan
- but have not received anything in return.
A long-standing policy of a nation-east European
known for his atlas
says so explicitly: "So far this administration has not wanted
It has provided assistance and did not listen to advice."

clumsy behavior of the U.S. and the European distrust
create a vicious circle. The White House sees
most NATO nations are weak and timid,
believes that spend too little on defense and that
not want to endanger the troops and material
even where 'important to do so. In Afghanistan the
large contingent of Germany acting as if they were
traffic wardens and social workers: their
government forbids them to fight the Taliban;
their attempts to train the Afghan police were
disastrously ineffective. For their part
other NATO nations consider the U.S.
arrogant and reckless.

The single result, and 'that the NATO effort to work out
of Europe', in places like Darfur, where
urgently need a robust military intervention.
The contrast of opinions has also scuppered
the attempt of NATO to make its much touted
reaction force
operational in time for the upcoming summit.

Worse still, the great progetto di espandere la Nato
si e' fermato. Questo sara' il primo summit dal collasso
del comunismo che non emettera' alcun nuovo invito alla
adesione. Questa e' una tragedia. L'allargamento della
Nato ha rinforzato la liberta' e radicato la democrazia
per tutto il continente. Il summit nella capitale Lettone
costituisce un potente promemoria: senza la adesione alla
Nato, che essi conseguirono nel 2004, gli indifesi Stati
Baltici avrebbero rappresentato una pericolosa terra di
nessuno per quanto riguarda la sicurezza. Ora essi
contribuiscono alla Nato – con un numero simbolico di
militari, e vitali servizi di informazioni elettronici
ed umani – e are anchored to the West.

The success achieved by the enlargement proved wrong
the admonitions of Russia, which predicted the
ruin. But the Kremlin has now achieved something that eluded
the end of the Cold War: a veto on NATO expansion
. In Ukraine, the pro-Russia party
the government, which defeated the pro-Western parties
(though deeply corrupt and incompetent)
the "Orange Revolution" of 2004, he openly declared that
has no interest in joining the alliance
. This

', as you can' show, and '
an issue that concerns the 'Ukraine, although public opinion has been
invelenita against NATO propaganda that the cupola of
portrayed as a belligerent rather than a
' alliance of democracies, successful and prosperous.

very worst and 'the case of Georgia,
characterized by rapid reforms, ardently pro-West, and located
so crucial at the intersections between Europe and Asia. And it '
eager to join. But France, Greece and other nations
pro-Russia say no. They fully accept the
specious argument that the Kremlin feels it
that its sphere of influence is violated. They do not ever wonder why
'most states'
Russia are close to her embrace so stifling.

Georgia and 'was abandoned by his
main ally, the U.S.,' cause they are desperate for
's support of the Kremlin against Iran and North Korea.
The U.S. has defended Georgia
by a resolution at the critical 'UN and have dropped all objections to the accession
long coveted by Russia, the World Trade Organisation.

While U.S. power has moved back
quello della Russia e' cresciuto. La Russia non solo
fornisce un quarto del gas all' Europa. Il monopolio
del Cremlino sui gasdotti per l' esportazione ha anche
creato una morsa sulle forniture dall' Asia Centrale
verso l' Europa orientale e centrale. Con il petrolio,
le consegne tramite petroliera possono sostituire gli
oleodotti. Con il gas, un gasdotto crea una dipendenza
a lungo termine.

L'arma del gas Russo si sta dimostrando un mezzo molto
piu' potente per sovvertire l' Europa che non il
comunismo o l'Armata Rossa. Poco trasparenti societa'
di intermediazione elargiscono molto denaro a politici,
partiti e funzionari pubblici, che favoriscono la linea
di condotta del Cremlino. Gerhard Schröder, che nella
veste di cancelliere di Germania si compiacque di essere
il miglior amico di Vladimir Putin in Europa, ora dirige –
senza dubbio per i piu' onorevoli motivi – la societa'
che sta costruendo un gasdotto sul fondo del mar
Baltico, per collegare Germania e Russia.

La Germania potrebbe tentare di ottenere gas altrove,
se costruisse terminali per gas naturale liquefatto.
Invece sta aumentando la dipendenza dallo autoritario e
cleptocratico regime al potere in Russia. "Noi siamo
quelli che non-hanno, e loro sono quelli che hanno," ha
detto uno scoraggiato funzionario
top-level Foreign Ministry to perplex visitors
English last week.

This situation is also making the surrounding nations, like Poland
, even more 'vulnerable to blackmail
Kremlin. When the Baltic gas pipeline will be 'finished, Russia will
' feeding the nations friendly to it, and meanwhile to keep dry
those opponents.
Poland, together with the Baltic States,
frantically trying to diversify sources of supply.
But progress is painfully slow.

Polish rulers, clumsy but sincere conservatives
have recently suggested the establishment of a
"Energy NATO", to counter Russian power.
And 'they were laughed at. No plan
containing the word "Born" in its name will have 'happened in Europe at this
, and' they were told. Another top European
vital gas pipeline "Nabucco" (NdT. No. 1)
through the Balkans, and 'is blocked because of passive resistance
pro-Russia governments in countries such as Hungary and Bulgaria

alarms should be ringing. Instead
sound at low volume. The consultants
NATO this week warned the Alliance and Russia's next trick may be
the formation of a cartel type
OPEC, along with other providers
gas, including Algeria, Libya and Iran. But this admonition
not 'recognized importance in Brussels and Moscow.

So 'the Russians are coming, the Germans are on the rise, and
Americans leave. Every nation seeks
best possible contract to the detriment of its neighbors. Collective security and
'as seriously as it was necessary
during the Cold War.
But NATO can not 'serve over.

Edward Lucas Edward Lucas # 'correspondent' The Economist '
for Europe Central and Eastern
opinion/2006/11/17/do1702.xml & sSheet = / opinion/2006/11/17 /

Translator's Note 1) The 'Nabucco' is a planned natural gas pipe,
for transport from Turkey to Austria, via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary
. Some consider the pipeline
as a departure from current methods of importing natural gas solely by
(from English Wikipedia)

Translated by Francesco Caselli


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