operation of the legal system and banking businesses
Interview with. Mark of the Moon by
Etleboro Italy
November 22, 2006
so we asked the lawyer. Mark of the Moon a
his advice on what is now the
functioning of the legal system and banking firms
day meet.
"Those judges and bankers are certainly very dangerous for
In the Italian system of power, we observe a marked
analogy between the category of the category
bankers and judges. Both bankers and magistrates,
elected self-governing body of the class and have an interest in it
dominant banks,
appoint the Governor of the Bank of Italy and European Central Bank
and participate in the second through the first;
magistrates, appoint from among its members
20 of the 30 components of the Superior Council of Magistracy.
Both categories (some call them "guilds"),
judicial and banking, appoint and supervise so
its auditors, you make regulations,
judge stated at their internal logic, it is waterproof
to external controls (ie the
organs of popular election, popularly called 'democratic'),
so that you can impose as strong partners
(because self-) constitutional bodies.
The category of bankers, however, is much stronger than that of the magistrates
, and this should be taken from this
judges themselves, in their own
interest because the alliances made with those who are very
most powerful alliances in the end losers. Let us consider some simple
... In Italy there has existed, in favor of banks, a system of rules that
Code and not codicistiche and
of judicial practice, which works as follows:
The courts, when the banks say they have
a credit to their customers, allowing banks,
sight, injunctions against the same customers, based on documents
of Banking,
even in the absence of a real test the alleged claim.
Not only grant such injunctions, but
declare them immediately enforceable and ordered to
hapless bank customers, without first
heard their reasons, to pay immediately, otherwise
foreclosure. It 's true that Article.
642 of the Code of Civil Procedure allows you to declare an order immediately enforceable injunction
test and any of the conditions of Article. 642 cpc for
granting immediate execution, as in this case
But it is also true that Article. 642 requires proof of a
danger in delay, giving the reasons for urgency.
It This danger is identified by the bank, and unfortunately
by the judges, with the mere delay of payment
unilaterally claimed by the bank.
The bank immediately, under this bill and
before notifying the customer, enter
judicial mortgage on all real estate
reviews. This even when the property has a value multiple of
claimed credit.
For a claimed credit of € 100,000, say, the bank enters
for mortgage assets of 1,000,000 euros .
At the same time, the bank reported to the Central Bank Interbank
Risks of the supposed Italy
insolvency of the customer, without, at most, regardless of whether the customer is insolvent and
even when the customer is not at all
insolvent, but large multiplicity.
At this point, because it created the pretext of reporting
the banking system, which is a private cartel,
including the private owners of the Bank of Italy
(those against art. 3 of the Statute
the same) that that should govern ,
pull the network, which completely blocks the
the customer's financial operations, resulting in potentially lethal
, putting knees, and often forcing
to yield to the demands of its subsidiary if it wants
The alternative, for a national client is hoping for a reasonable compensation
at the end of a long case, namely the transition
court decision becomes final - after years and years in which
will not work - compensation that can not
be reasonable, because you can not prove suitably
This is a very efficient for the bankers.
gives them a power not only legal but also economic and political
Maybe the judges who deal with these
injunctive orders should reflect on the implications of this,
on the transformation of structures of power that it brings in the constitution
material, whether used in a different
their decisive powers.
Why, in the medium term, not
agrees to some, if not the bankers,
live in a society governed entirely by the private banking system
, where even now, day after day more, the citizens gather
to depend on it and its
credit for an increasing number of necessities of life, thanks to
governments always are, themselves,
employees from the banking system. "
Intervista all'Avv. Marco della Luna da parte di
Etleboro Italia
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