Millions may resist database, says a survey of the dollar and
Philip Johnston
December 5, 2006
I first signs of a significant popular revolt against
the Government's action plan for the "card" of
identities are confirmed by a YouGov poll (1)
on behalf of the Daily Telegraph. "
The survey suggests that hundreds of thousands of citizens
, maybe even millions,
refuse to register on the proposed database, which will be based
the project, even if it meant a fine or imprisonment
Despite ministerial proclamations during
passage through Parliament of the "Law for
ID (2) Card" as ID, that there
extended public support to the project by many
billion pounds, survey of the views
show a nation split in two on the issue. The survey
also indicates a growing concern about the invasion
made by the so-called "surveillance society", with wide layers of
suspicious of the intentions of the Government.
While people seem to accept measures such as CCTV
(3), closed circuit television cameras, which it considers
help tackle specific problems such as crime
, citizens have increasingly turned
the rapid expansion of electronic records,
that collect information on each one.
configuring an irresistible phenomenon, the citizens refuse to grant
trust the promises of the government not to use your personal information and
wrongly fear that the national ID database will contain inaccurate and unreliable
information about them.
Although half of respondents have declared
still support the 'idea of \u200b\u200bnational identity card,
this represents a significant decrease from' 80% support
proclaimed by the ministers a few years ago.
Many still do not associate the card with the national ID database
that will accompany it. When interviewed
more insistently, the majority was
upset that their personal data were recorded by
and is concerned that inaccurate information
could cause them harm, denying '
access to services or jobs.
Even more worrying for the Government is that a large portion of respondents
accept a penalty rather than be registered. Half of those who have opposed the project
ID - Documents of Identity -
would be willing to pay a fine or risking
prison after refusing to provide their personal data
. 15% said that would go to jail rather
Anche se una larga percentuale di questi
"refuseniks" (4) alla fine si allineassero, esiste
tuttavia il potenziale per una enorme reazione negativa
della popolazione. Se appena 2 su 100 persone di età
superiore ai 16 anni rifiutassero di sottoscrivere,
il Governo dovrebbe perseguire 1 milione di cittadini.
La Legge sulle Card ID deliberatamente non ha reso il
rifiuto di registrarsi un reato penale da punire con la
prigione, perchè i ministri hanno voluto evitare la
creazione dei "martiri degli ID". Le principali penalità
consistono in una multa da 2.500 sterline per la mancata
registrazione and a 1,000-pound
for failure to notify the authorities of a change of address.
However, if people refuse to pay their fines
, then would arise the prospect of going to prison
The Law also not required to bear if '
an "ID card", even in this case to avoid
phenomenon called Clarence Willcock, "named
' s last person prosecuted for refusal to
show his ID documents of the war period in 1952,
episode that led to their removal.
Citizens must submit a document
at a police station if they receive the request, or simply
will be subject to verification of their
biometric data, which will be stored in national databases
, using special instruments to read.
The survey is the first major analysis of opinions
since Tony Blair has tried to revive the public interest in the project
ID last month.
Writing in The Daily Telegraph, "he said
" We can not ignore the advances in biometric technology
in a world where security and
validation of identity are more important than ever ...
This technology will allow us to reduce our expectations,
improve access and secure
whole range of services, giving confidence in declaring
our identity and simplicity in verifying it. "
However, the YouGov poll shows that many people ,
aware of the poor results of the Government in the Information Technology
, do not believe in such statements.
A substantial number of citizens believe that the
database will contain inaccurate and unreliable information.
Two-thirds of those polled said that we are confident
the government maintained
confidential information, despite
safeguards built into the law.
Support for ID card was strongest among Labour voters
, and weakest among the Tories and Liberal Democrats
, whose parties have stated that
trash the project.
There is also compelling evidence that Mr. Blair
wrong in asserting that there is at stake
the issue of civil liberties, but only a debate
and costs of operation. Of those adverse to the database, the
70% target for a reason of principle.
Phil Booth, coordinator nazionale del gruppo per la
campagna "No alle card di Identità" - NO2ID (5) -, ha
affermato che il sondaggio ha confermato un progressivo
declino nel sostegno al progetto ID, che crescerebbe,
quando la cittadinanza constatasse i costi implicati e
dovesse sottoporsi a fornire i propri dati biometrici,
recandosi presso uno dei centri della rete degli ID,
che è ora in via di allestimento in tutta la nazione.
"Dal prossimo anno le persone di almeno 16 anni che
richiedono il primo passaporto da adulto dovranno
presentarsi al più vicino centro, presso il quale
saranno sottoposti ad indagini sui precedenti, sarà ad
essi richiesto di porre their personal history to
comparison with official records, to make
photos and, before long, the relief
digital fingerprint, "said Mr. Booth."
When this starts to happen, public support will slip even
more. The vast majority of the population
not want to be treated as numbers or as common criminals
. "
Philip Johnston
domestic political reporter 3Bjsessionid3DCNFYVWY1UHZ05QFIQMGCFFWAVCBQUIV0? xml = /
translator's notes
1) "YouGov is a society of opinion polls
English, based on the Internet.
2) Identity Document - ID.
3) Closed-circuit television camera.
can produce images or recordings for surveillance purposes.
4) The term "refuseniks" applies to those who refuse to participate in activities
5) Literally acronym of the initials "NO to
Identity Documents", a pun
the preposition "to" and the number "two, ie 2.
translation of Francesco Caselli
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