Mi è capitato di finire in situazioni imbarazzanti. Sarà capitato a tutti di finirci, e di esser costretti a difendersi da accuse più o meno infamanti. Spesso questo imbarazzo is a side effect of civil life and pluralism that drives the rhythms of everyday life: the conflict with another, usually peaceful, but not necessarily preventable, requires the positions that have a large echo in our interpersonal relationships, and that stimulate curiosity, questions, and sometimes in those reviews, standoci around, sees the conflict, taking part morally.
E ' a speech that applies to all individuals and all types of companies , from the smallest to the most complex, from the group of friends to political parties, from families to nations. I have called an embarrassment as a "side effect", but actually I consider it a healthy part of human ethics. The embarrassment is a sixth sense that warns us of attitudes "socially" inappropriate. I use quotes because we are not always all agree in recognizing as part of the same society, and on the other hand the company is changing the context and the context is, by definition, evolves because of dissent and often subliminal its States. I do not want here, however, bore no dusting Hegel nor its abstruse concepts of thesis, antithesis and synthesis.
What I want is instead talking of a sense of embarrassment, shame, or if you prefer, and the role it has assumed a very special in Italy, especially in recent times. But it is impossible to talk about it without calling into question the structure of truth, a concept very little practical and philosophical, and that, far from being complicated, is actually so easy to understand that not hardly feel it a-glance.
The truth is, first, its inherent structure, which is peculiar. In this, it is characterized by the fact that an event, if it is true, it needs to fit together like piece of a mosaic in the midst of other equally real events. The contact points between the various events are those that are defined in the common vocabulary tests . For example very small change, the fact that you are reading this is proof that you exist (thankfully, not the only one). The fact that you exist, try to turn that exist or have existed for you a father and a mother. Within the case we shall use this assumption to try to prove the occurrence of a fact or not. This is a process which, although it can not be definitive strictly scientific, it has many characters of clear scientific.
What is a lie? A lie is the story of a fact not true, but likely. E 'on the basis of this likelihood that we are led to believe in a lie: the more an event seem real, the more we will be induced, after an early observation, to assume that it is. A lie, that is, it simulates the reality of a fact. It is said, however, and rightly so, that the devil is in the details , and in fact go down more specifically and less convincing lies there. Details are still the evidence, that the contact points to the fact that he claimed as true with other events that are obvious or the veracity of which has already been demonstrated in other ways.
The attachment of a lie, from a purely scientific point of view, is based on the ability of bugiardo di imitare la struttura della verità per mezzo della sua menzogna. Ciò avviene mediante l'invenzione di una prova, ossia di un nesso logico con la realtà. Esiste, insomma, una verità vera, che è la verità, e una verità finta, che è la bugia. Una domanda soggiace a tutta questa digressione: è possibile architettare una falsità talmente ben progettata da sostituirsi alla verità senza che sia possibile scoprire l'inghippo?
Sì e no. Dal punto di vista logico, è chiaro che sia possibile costruire una prova contraffatta , ma è altrettanto chiaro che la verità è basata su un numero di nessi logici talmente grande da potersi considerare infinito, e che nessuna mente umana potrebbe, da sé sola, gestire una mole tale di informazioni da riuscire ad ottenere il risultato di falsificare la realtà stessa in maniera infallibile. Neanche un genio, e neanche una organizzatissima cospirazione segreta potrebbero riuscire in un tale intento. Bisogna tuttavia anche tener conto dell'umanità di chi indaga, del fatto che anch'egli, in quanto essere umano, può non soltanto essere ingannato, ma persino corrotto. E' quindi in concreto possibile che un evento fittizio sia dato per vero (e viceversa). Ma si tratterebbe, comunque, di situazioni di considerazione relativamente scarsa: possiamo costruirci un buon alibi per un furtarello commesso, magari with murder, but it makes sense to conclude that the shot is big more and more risky it becomes .
Why speak of a sense of embarrassment for us we had to climb up the structural concept of truth? Why this structure, as I have described, is the shield of the righteous . It may seem too politically correct for me, but although I am not free from doubt about it, the above considerations lead me to have faith in the Italian judiciary . If not of the investigator, at least one of the judging. And here comes the embarrassment.
E 'natural feel embarrassed when you are accused of an inconvenient fact, whether a crime or a morally questionable behavior. But it is incorrect to the point of lacking confidence the investigator and a pretext to accuse him of mendacity, to use euphemisms. In these cases, rather, it would be fair and even highly recommended that your sense of embarrassment gave way to colder and lucid evaluations. As I said, the chance to form a human machine capable of subverting the very fabric of reality is so unlikely as to be reasonably excluded in the policy debate. This is not to say that the institutions of justice can not be made better through the actions of the legislature, or che non ce ne sia il bisogno, ma occorre sottolineare l'insensatezza delle ipotesi di teoremi tanto in voga attualmente.
Chi è indagato o imputato, non dovrebbe aver nulla da temere. I processi sono incardinati su principi precisi, fra cui la presunzione di innocenza, e l'attribuzione dell'onere della prova a carico dell'accusa. Peraltro, indagati e imputati hanno diritto di difendersi per mezzo dei loro bravi avvocati. In un contesto simile, è ben difficile che si possa sovvertire la storicità dei fatti: la verità, quella vera, verrà fuori, quindi, se può esser naturale sentirsi imbarazzati, certamente non è ammissibile esser furibondi.
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