If I had said just a couple of days ago I would not have thought possible, yet today, exceptionally, I will talk about football. I will not as a lover of the sport, because I do not love, nor a spectator, why not loving him, of course, do not follow him, subject to appointment every four years for his country, which remains wedded to more a sense of patriotism sublimated conviviality and solidarity than anything else. I will not talk, in short, the Italian league, but football as a phenomenon social and political.
Because-and here the term metaphor transcends football has at least the last two decades, an invasion of field work in politics, noisy and quiet at the same time. Just this morning, on page 4 with the first reference in the print edition of Free , Massimo Fini signs article, in my view, very well done, which analyzes the optical Berlusconi in football.
Parafrando very discourse of the journalist, it is interesting to note that he finds an analogy between the figure of Silvio Berlusconi and Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi that the was President of the Milan , and, commentary, Silvio Berlusconi of entrepreneur. In fact, the chief minister is one and three, a collage of faces that are identified in a common modus operandi . E 'indicative of this, and no longer appears as the result of a curious coincidence or a happy joke, the fact that the political landscape nell'affacciarsi, Berlusconi has chosen the famous metaphor of the descent into the field.
one who ran the company as Milan, he ended up managing the nation like the country. The gist of the problem is that elections are not the league: you do not win to win, but to implement an idea, albeit questionable, progress, and the competition is not a rule but one of the options.
Instead, what we have today in Italy? We parties and coalitions that resemble more of a team, whose players fresh parliamentary transfers are already hot and ready to compete with friends the day before, and not feel ideological differences, but because of the T-shirt have him. We have for the journalists eager to pack ultras banners against the traitors of the last hour. And we, indeed, most of us-a right to be elected by definition and in fact, a crowd of loyal fans and fiery che cantano cori da stadio nei talk show e nelle piazze o inveiscono ottusamente contro il televisore, difendendo strenuamente le ragioni dei loro club , ma senza capirne veramente il perché e spesso in barba ad ogni logica che non sia quella del conflitto sportivo.
Colpa di Berlusconi? No. La colpa è degli italiani. Di TUTTI gli italiani. Di sinistra o di destra, parlamentari e non.
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