A friend suggested that I stop reading newspapers The Newspaper as or Free daily activities and to devote more ladies. Has pushed me to my health, but luck would have it was not a doctor. It is true, however, that a sense of what is honorable has now suffered a reversal of the poles worthy of the most catastrophic predictions pre-Columbian, and that it takes a well-lined mouth, an esophagus lubricated properly and an iron stomach to swallow for some items .
So exalt justice-injustice . E 'in this way that the text directly from Sallusti headline today a piece of ingenuity birth Giuseppe De Bellis , which reviewed a sample of sickly virtuosity only serves to discredit enemies of the usual suspects: Labor and Santoro . Oh, and of course, the inevitable judiciary.
All this for half a game of blame unoriginal but very imaginative. Silent voice of his angelic choir, the editor in the pen tip against the intolerable impunity for "togas".
" slam in jail for no reason? " writes " continue to work. Accuse an innocent person in front of microphones? remain in place." If you are here already smell di fumus berlusconis , il passo che segue è proprio sulfureo. " Indagano e indagano e indagano le stesse persone salvo poi vedere assolti sempre i loro obiettivi? " incalza lui " Qualcuno ricorderà il caso dei bimbi di Gravina di Puglia scomparsi e trovati morti in una casa abbandonata. Il padre era un tipo strano, per qualcuno anche ambiguo: fu indagato, finì in televisione, sui giornali, sul web come l’orco assassino. I magistrati erano certi: «È stato lui». Non era così. Tante scuse e scarcerato, non certamente riabilitato dopo il fango che l’aveva sporcato nelle settimane precedenti. Quei magistrati che sbagliarono tutto non sono stati puniti ".
Prego? Sono anni che gli studi televisivi di ogni rete vengono arredati ex novo e riconvertiti ad ogni piè sospinto in aule di tribunale. Fino a quando alla sbarra non c'è il Cavaliere, e più in generale il padrone di turno, pare che ciò passi inosservato. E' la normalità, è il mondo dell'informazione e così funziona da sempre. I giornalisti non hanno remore nello spiattellare in prima pagina la faccia del presunto mostro, né si curano di raffreddare i bollenti spiriti dei lettori ricordando a tutti l'importanza di princìpi cardine della nostra democrazia, come la presunzione di innocenza . Non si può nemmeno dire che non si servano di artifizi and to render more palatable literary scams and sensationalist headlines of their scoop. Above all, we can not say that of the need to rehabilitate people equally, then suspected criminals that were strengthened innocent, on whose shoulders have secured the Most plays or sold at newsstands . Guaranteed, yes, but only their head and their income. And now the blame is not journalism-show, which never goes out of fashion, but the magistrates and their work, and interviews that may be issued?
No. It is the fault of journalists. Call to raise the shields in the name of freedom of the press and diligence of reporter. The news is given, but there are ways and ways to give . And the one currently in vogue is the wrong way. The fault lies with those many journalists who already Gaber in 1980 were "cannibals , necrophilia, De Amicis, smart," many of those hosts Vespa style in their living rooms that invite guests to delight greedy for yet another model of the scene of the crime. But more than the crime scene, here you should start talking about crime scene.
Now, you are talking about judges who throw mud at people without rehabilitation. As if the journalists precaution of rehabilitation, and rehabilitation as I said a moment ago, equally, people covered their pedantic attention. I will not see in the latest crime news, because it is still evolving situation and made progress. But I can think of many other examples of how the reporters are accustomed to shooting at zero and never apologize proportionally.

Two examples I particularly care. One concerns the origins of the crime of Perugia . During the investigation, an assessment was made on a knife belonging to Raffaele Sollecito. It was held, among others, by a coroner, Mariano Cingolani , who declared that the knife in question was consistent with the weapon used in the crime, neither more nor less could it be any other knife of the same features and dimensions. What the newspapers headlines of the time? "The knife Sollecito is the murder weapon! . Many newspapers season with a photograph depicting the accused with a dagger in his hands. If the facts, then, gave reason to this fringe of journalists, it should be stated, however, that it was not of foresight, but guilty of recklessness, and a sense of the domestic economy more than the headlines.
Other example, dates back a few years before. Such Marco Dimitri was investigated for a series of alleged sexual abuse of minors held in satanic rituals. The affair caused a great outcry, which used to be stirred up by journalists in view of current events held by the public especially heinous or lousy. We speak here of the front pages and headlines. Once all the charges and lapsed definitively established the innocence of the character in question, if there was a short article to make amends for the "mud" was really fat that dripped.
The prosecution is calling for legislation to suspect. And 'their job to investigate, within the law. I giornalisti sono il ponte che, in una società democratica e trasparente, garantisce il passaggio delle informazioni sensibili dall'aula all'opinione pubblica. Quello del giornalista è, insomma, lo spinoso compito di un soggetto che si trova a dover tradurre un dato tecnico in una nozione stringata e di facile accesso e comprensione al cittadino medio. Non certamente, come invece avviene, quello di usare l'arte della teatralità per fare della notizia un dramma, e del dramma un business . Un giornalista serio è un uomo di cultura, un educatore. Troppo spesso, al contrario, diventa oggi un imbonitore, uno che si butta " sul disastro umano col gusto della lacrima in primo piano ", To quote the great George as always.