Thursday, March 12, 2009

Stream South Park To Ipad

Il documento sottoscritto dalle associazioni aderenti a GTutti - Forum Ambiente

22 to 24 April 2009
climate justice and peoples' rights
movements and associations have the task of opening new spaces of democracy and participation for a sustainable future
Three days of meetings in Syracuse discuss, from the bottom, the environment

2009 is a crucial year for the Planet. By the end of the year, the international community will have to reach a final agreement on the treaty which will provide new targets for the reduction of greenhouse gases after the expiry of the Kyoto Protocol expected in 2012.
The G8 environment to be held in Syracuse between 22 and 24 April next must be a step in this process. The impact of human activities has altered the natural balance of ecosystems with serious consequences for the health of the environment and the species that inhabit it. The acceleration that the phenomenon of climate change has been in the last fifty years is the most evident sign of this process, closely linked to the dominant development model. To stop global warming and reduce the disastrous effects of climate change, which are principali vittime le popolazioni più povere, è necessario modificare l’economia neo-liberista dominata dagli interessi delle multinazionali.
Dopo l’entrata in vigore del Protocollo di Kyoto, i Governi del mondo si devono impegnare a trovare accordi e soluzioni più avanzate per fermare il surriscaldamento della Terra e avviare una riconversione ecologica dell’economia.
L’Unione Europea sembra avere da tempo preso coscienza dei rischi connessi all’aumento della temperatura e ai cambiamenti climatici. I segnali che provengono dagli Stati Uniti dopo il cambiamento di amministrazione, fanno ben sperare per il futuro.
Purtroppo il governo italiano sta rallentando le trattative internazionali sul clima e l’energia development, undermining the objectives that the EU wants to set through the energy and climate package for 2020: reduction of 20-30 per cent of greenhouse gases, 20 per cent more renewable energy and the result of 20 per cent terms of energy efficiency.
For Italy, the government proposes another model with the decision, based on a return to nuclear power. This choice is not simply a throwback that focuses on technology, dangerous and far from cheap, but is likely to thwart the development of our country "revolution" technology (as well as economic and social) triggered by the development of renewable sources.
in the local situation is better. No one can escape is the fact that in Sicily - a region that, paradoxically, has the most favorable conditions for the development of renewable energy sources - are focusing on high-impact initiatives and climate-changing environment (incinerators, gas terminals, gas turbine) and the Minister 's environment, with the support of the President of the Region, proposes the creation of the first nuclear power plant in Sicily.

These choices require an environmental world to take responsibility immediately, after twenty-one by the victory of the referendum, a new campaign in favor of renewable energy, peace and against nuclear power. The G8 provides an opportunity Do not miss the birth of a new major mass movement that knows how to fight for a more just and more sustainable.

For these reasons, we urge all citizens of our community associations to meet and discuss with us to build a great event that, in those days when you held the G8, can bring the focus of the themes of climate change of saving the Earth's resources and at the same time to ask those who govern our country and our city administration courageous decisions in the field of environmental protection and health. The G8, for Sicily and Syracuse in particular, may also be an opportunity to improve the environmental quality of our territory and to increase public awareness of environmental issues and the preservation of health. It would be ironic that the city that hosts an event of this magnitude continues to occupy the last places in the rankings on environmental quality to the highest levels of fine particles, the unbridled consumption of resources and the total absence of environmental policies.
This is a great challenge in which we show great maturity and organizational skills. If we succeed it will mean that the hope of building a sustainable future from the bottom and there is another world that is still possible.


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