Saturday, March 12, 2011

Help Ap Bio Diffusion And Osmosis Lab

Disapplication under Decree Milleproroghe.

compounding : first application of the rules of the decree Milleproroghe.

The first application of the rules of Milleproroghe Decree was issued by the Court of Appeal of Ancona, a measure that crumbles under the odious for bank customers contained in the Milleproroghe maxi-amendment.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Too Many Strabismus Operations

Relinquishment to the Constitutional Court under Decree Milleproroghe

Milleproroghe 2011: raised the question of the constitutionality of the Federcontribuenti before the Court of Bari raised the question of constitutionality with regard to 'compound interest banking reintroduced by Decree Milleproroghe was required referral to the Constitutional Court of the provision inserted in the Decree "Milleproroghe", in which are placed in the void the two judgments of the United Sections of the Supreme Court that recognized the right to obtain repayment of the interest anatocistici.
Item # 2 paragraph 61 of the Decree Milleproroghe ruled that the limitation period should be ten years from the transaction and not the closure of the current account as in the Court of Cassation in the United section.
Always the same article prohibits the reimbursement of interest expense paid to banks in contrast with what is established by the Italian courts in thousands of sentences confirmed by the judgments of the Court of Cassation in Section Assembly.

Massimo Melpignano Advocate, Secretary General of Federcontribuenti, brought the question of the constitutionality della nuova norma “salva-banche” contenuta nel Decreto Milleproroghe 2011, l'udienza è stata rinviata al 28 giugno 2011.

Alfredo Nocera CTP

Traveling Rural Roadways

injunction? Do not ignore it!

I decreti ingiunti devono essere opposti (nel caso ne ricorrano giusti motivi) entro 40 giorni, quasi tutti i decreti ingiuntivi emessi dagli  istituti di credito sono motivativamente opponibili.
Il termine di 40 giorni previsto dall'art. 641 del c.p.c. per l' opposizione è perentorio (è un titolo esecutivo ottenuto dal creditore in assenza di contraddittorio)la mancata opposizione consegue la inopponibilità del Decreto Ingiuntivo.
Soltanto con l'opposizione al decreto ingiuntivo potete fare valere le Vostre ragioni richiedendo la revoca del provvedimento impugnato.
Una attenta analisi della documentazione prodotta a sostegno del Decreto Ingiuntivo, ed una relazione tecnica effettuata da un esperto professionista possono determinare una valida e riconosciuta opposizione, che quasi sempre riesce ad ottenere anche la sospensione della provvisoria esecuzione.
La perizia mette in light of the interests ultralegali , the 'compound interest the overdraft charges , expenses that have been transformed into capital by producing more interest and fees and any breach of contract. The
injunction will be invalid because it contains illegal items that cost over time have helped to alter the balance that is certainly not liquid nor due.
The opposition may also have substantive reasons (debt that does not exist or already 'paid) for breach of notification of the decree, with documentation of what is alleged.
For questions or a preliminary view gratuito  oppure tramite il sito ufficiale  
ps Spesso l'opposizione viene rigettata perchè gli studi legali per mancanza di tempo o di consulenti specializzati in contenzioso bancario effettuano ricorsi in opposizione richiedendo "idonea consulenza tecnica d'ufficio che individui e verifichi i parametri economico finanziari normativi ed i criteri contabili sulla base della documentazione da prodursi da parte della banca opposta con riferimento al conto corrente di corrispondenza e della fideiussione" o addicendo altre
motivazioni troppo generiche.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Make A Baby Buggy Diaper Cake


C 'is a kind of carefree and idle bourgeoisie which, in neat form, is driven by coarse instincts and superficial: the curiosity, the buffoonery, sensuality.

Record Dongle Emulator

Milleproroghe 2011, they are crazy?

In merito al decreto milleproroghe (Dl 225/2010 convertito in legge 10/2011).

Il testo:
"In ordine alle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente l'art. 2935 del c.c. si interpreta nel senso che la prescrizione relativa ai diritti nascenti dall'annotazione in conto inizia a decorrere dal giorno dell'annotazione stessa. In ogni caso non si fa luogo alla restituzione di importi già versati alla data di entrata into force of the law of conversion of this decree. "

If the order shall not be declared unconstitutional means that the right arising from the notes will expire ten years , both records in favor of 'credit institution and for those in favor of the account!


Alfredo Nocera CTP

Monday, February 28, 2011

Store That Have Layaway

profiles of unconstitutionality of the rule of interpretation of Article. 2935 cc

profiles of unconstitutionality of the rule of interpretation' art.
2935 Civil Code (of Messrs Aldo Bernardoni, Guadeloupe and Domenico Antonio Tanzi)

The draft Law 2518, or the so-called maxi-amendment to Milleproroghe decree (Decree No. 225 December 29, 2010, provocatively entitled "Extension of deadlines set by laws and emergency tax and business support and families"), approved in the Senate, with the use of "trust", on February 16, 2011, and then also approved by the House (again with the use of "trust"), 25 February 2011, only to be re-approved by the Senate (due to insignificant changes by the Government following the call room President of the Republic on February 22, 2011), on February 26, 2011 contains, inter alia, a provision very obscure art. 2 d, paragraph 9.

The text reads as follows:
"With regard to banking adjusted current account art. 2935 of the Civil Code is interpreted as meaning that the limitation on the rights arising from the record in account begins from the date of the annotation itself. In any case you do not rise to the repayment of amounts already paid on the date of entry into force of the law of conversion of this decree. "
the standard's amateurish and, perhaps, ridiculous (which is understandable when one considers the context of" North Africa ", with all due respect to the Africans, which was approved).
Just consider that the same where, literally interpreted, would create an effect Kamikaze for banks: indeed, if the law arising from the notes will expire after ten years you should check it indiscriminately for both records to the bank and for those in favor reviews. of engraved Not to mention that it should not take place to return di importi già versati.
Qualcuno dovrebbe spiegare per quale alchimia, ove la norma fosse davvero interpretativa, importi già versati, in relazione a giudizi pendenti, non dovrebbero più essere restituiti.
Insomma siamo davanti ad un vero pasticcio di cui questo Paese dovrebbe vergognarsi.
Il discorso potrebbe portarci lontano ma intendiamo qui limitarci ad esprimere recise critiche a questo modo di legiferare, sollevando una serie di dubbi di costituzionalità (certamente non esaustivi) che succintamente di seguito si espongono.
A) I Limiti costituzionali delle norme interpretative
Con Sentenza n. 209 dell'11 giugno 2010 n. 2009 la Corte Costituzionale, nel solco di un consolidato orientamento, ha delineato i limiti costituzionali entro i quali il Legislatore deve contenersi nell'adozione di norme interpretative.
La Corte infatti ha così letteralmente Statuito"
" 5.1. - Questa Corte ha costantemente affermato che il legislatore può adottare norme di interpretazione autentica non soltanto in presenza di incertezze sull'applicazione di una disposizione o di contrasti giurisprudenziali, ma anche "quando la scelta imposta dalla legge rientri tra le possibili varianti di senso del testo originario, con ciò vincolando un significato ascrivibile alla norma anteriore" (sentenza n. 525 del 2000; in senso conforme, ex plurimis, sentenze n. 374 del 2002, n. 26 2003, No 274, 2006, no 234, 2007, n. 170, 2008, n. 24, 2009).
Along with this feature, which is to actually qualify as a rule of interpretation, this Court has identified a number of general limits the retroactive effect of laws, "pertaining to the preservation as well as constitutional principles, fundamental values \u200b\u200bof civilization to other places in the legal protection of the recipients of the standard of the same order, among whom are included on the general principle of reasonableness that may abound in preventing the introduction of unjustified unequal treatment [. ..], the protection of legitimate expectations sorto nei soggetti quale principio connaturato allo Stato di diritto [...]; la coerenza e la certezza dell'ordinamento giuridico [...]; il rispetto delle funzioni costituzionalmente riservate al potere giudiziario" (sentenza n. 397 del 1994).
5.2. - Il confronto tra le disposizioni censurate ed i principi elaborati dalla giurisprudenza costituzionale - cui s'è fatto cenno nel paragrafo precedente - porta alla conclusione che le stesse non solo non possono essere ritenute interpretative, nel senso prima chiarito, ma ledono, con la loro efficacia retroattiva, il canone generale della ragionevolezza delle norme (art. 3 Cost.), l'effettività the right of citizens to sue to protect their legitimate rights and interests (Article 24, first paragraph of the Constitution) and the integrity of the constitutional powers of the court (Article 102 of the Constitution). "
E 'So as to believe that a rule of interpretation, to be constitutionally legitimate, can be adopted by the legislature only when there is uncertainty about its application or case law that contrasts even when the choice imposed by the law fall within the meaning of the possible variants of the original text, thereby linking meaning ascribed to the previous norms.
However, these "preconditions" are not sufficient.
should also:
1. to safeguard The general principle of reasonableness, which abounds in preventing the introduction of unjustified unequal treatment;
2. safeguarded the legitimate expectation arose in the subject as a principle inherent to the rule of law;
3. to safeguard the effectiveness of the right of citizens to sue to protect their legitimate rights and interests (Article 24, first paragraph, Constitution);
4. safeguarded the integrity of the constitutional powers of the court (Article 102 of the Constitution)
B) The content of the standard
save banks there can fail to see that the rule recently introduced by the conversion law Order the CD milleproroghe regarding the starting point of the limitation period in the relationship bank account, if interpreted as the right of the account of repeat sums wrongly debited to the account runs from the date of record (a matter on which it is legitimate to have serious doubts if Consider the content of strictly literal wording of the text and amateur), and not, as recently held by the ruling of the Supreme Court in United Sections 02.12.2010, No 24418 by the end of the report, violates not one, but all of the above mentioned principles.
It has been shown previously that the provision, in relevant part, così testualmente recita: "In ordine alle operazioni bancarie regolate in conto corrente l'art. 2935 del codice civile si interpreta nel senso che la prescrizione relativa ai diritti nascenti dall'annotazione in conto inizia a decorrere dal giorno dell'annotazione stessa."
Va preliminarmente osservato che tale norma, asseritamente interpretativa, interviene in un contesto dottrinale e giurisprudenziale ampiamente consolidato e secondo cui il dies a quo per il decorso della menzionata prescrizione viene pacificamente collocato alla data di chiusura del conto.
Scriveva un importante autore già molti anni orsono: "Agli effetti della pratica bancaria è opportuno distinguere gli atti giuridici da cui sorgono diritti di credito dalle semplici operazioni contabili di accreditamento ed addebitamento, le quali si effettuano secondo la tecnica delle scritture e delle registrazioni. (…) Ora è chiaro che l'operazione contabile [di accredito o di addebito, N.d.A.] non corrisponde punto alla costituzione di crediti o di debiti, ma è semplicemente un modo di rappresentare le modificazioni oggettive e quantitative che subisce un unico rapporto obbligatorio nel corso del suo svolgimento"[1].
 Durante il corso del rapporto non si attribuisce a nessuno dei due contraenti la veste di debitore o di creditore "ma si lascia ciascuna delle parti, fino a completa estinzione del rapporto, nella sua rispettiva posizione originaria. In gran parte è fondata su questa considerazione la differenza che passa fra il contratto di conto corrente, previsto dagli art. 345 e ss. Cod. comm. e la forma generale dei "conti corrente bancari""[2] .
Sulla scorta di tale orientamento dottrinale la Suprema Corte di Cassazione ha sempre statuito (vd. sentenza 9 aprile 1984, n. 2262) che "I contratti bancari di credito con esecuzione ripetuta di più prestazioni, sono contratti unitari, che danno luogo ad un unico rapporto giuridico, anche se articolato in una pluralità di atti esecutivi; la serie di versamenti, prelievi ed accreditamenti (…) determina solo variazioni quantitative dell'unico originario rapporto (…) Solo con the final bill will definitively determine the claims and liabilities of the parties with each other [italics added] "[3].
obvious corollary of this approach dogmatic, never placed in serious doubt, is held in a long line of decisions of the Supreme Court and most recently cited in the Supreme Court's decision in United Sections, which states in paragraph 3.1. the reason "In this respect it should first be pointed out that the prior jurisprudence of this court, which also contested the ruling made reference, in the past has already had occasion to say that the ten-year limitation period for the claim to the amounts retained unfair to the bank as interest on a credit in the current account runs from the final closure of the report dealing with a contract unit that gives rise to a unique legal relationship, even if articulated in a number of executive acts, so it is only with the closure of the account settling definitively the claims and liabilities of the parties to each other (Cass. April 9, 1984, n. 2262 e Cass. 14 May 2005, No. 10127). "
And yet, in paragraph 3.2. "Be advised that, in all obviousness, may arise because the right to repayment of wrongly executed a payment, that payment must exist and be readily identifiable. Without indulging in unnecessary disquisitions on the concept of payment in legal language and its assimilation and distinction from the more general notion of performance, it is indisputable that payment, to give rise to any claim restitution of one who claims to have made wrongly, should have translated in the execution of a benefit from part of that same subject (solvens), resulting in transfer of assets in favor of another person (the accipiens) and can be unfair to say - and so it follows the right to repeat it, in accordance with art. 2033 cc - when defects of a suitable ground of justification.
can not, therefore, imagine the time limit di prescrizione del diritto alla ripetizione se non da quando sia intervenuto un atto giuridico, definibile come pagamento, che l'attore pretende essere indebito, perchè prima di quel momento non è configurabile alcun diritto di ripetizione. Nè tale conclusione muta nel caso in cui il pagamento debba dirsi indebito in conseguenza dell'accertata nullità del negozio giuridico in esecuzione al quale è stato effettuato, altra essendo la domanda volta a far dichiarare la nullità di un atto, che non si prescrive affatto, altra quella volta ad ottenere la condanna alla restituzione di una prestazione eseguita: sicchè questa corte ha già in passato chiarito che, con riferimento a quest'ultima domanda, il termine di prescrizione inizia a decorrere non dai la data della decisione che abbia accertato la nullità del titolo giustificativo del pagamento, ma da quella de pagamento stesso: Cass. 13 aprile 2005, n. 7651)."
Ne consegue de plano che la norma in esame non è affatto interpretativa perché, al fine di far decorrere la prescrizione dalla data della annotazione dell'addebito di interessi, attribuisce all'annotazione stessa l'efficacia di un pagamento il ché, come insegna la Suprema Corte, contrasta con il principio "ovvio" che l'annotazione in conto non è un pagamento.
In altri termini l'infelice Legislatore del milleproroghe, al fine di salvare le banche dalle legittime azioni dei correntisti, introduce, assumendo falsamente di interpretare an existing standard, a completely new concept, in contrast with what the Supreme Court has described as obvious, namely that the record is a payment account.
Basically the legislature improperly dressed as an interpreter, did de nigro register and demanded to consider a payment that is not paid, and payment will never be right so that the current account will keep its current structure and nature .

C) The non-retroactivity of the rule
So the Legislature has not played but has innovated with the obvious consequence that the norm, if it was, which is consistent with the Constitution (which is not as we will see below) has nothing to interpretation that the first consequence to be drawn is that it does not provide any insights into the past and judgments in course.
In this regard, the Court finds that the statute of limitations, while having a substantial, produce their effects on the procedural level of effective opportunity to enjoy legal protection.
It follows that, if the provision in question also applies to the past and to proceedings in progress, there would be an obvious frustration of Article 24 of the Constitution
In this regard it is worth remembering, worth recalling a decision of the Court Varese last October 8, 2010, that "the Italian civil law, pursuing the goal of deflating the litigation while preserving the need for legal certainty, promoting the public interest in the predictability of decisions, has over time strengthened the 'the previous binding of legitimacy, particularly the influential sections made in the United, "Boost" control nomofilattico, valuing the special vocation of the legality of the proceedings, and thus the trend by pursuing a goal of ensuring a correct and uniform interpretation of law. In this sense, first, the law of February 2, 2006 No. 40, amending Article. 374 Code, provided that the precedent of United Sections can not be rejected outright by simple division that where it intends to depart from the ruling nomofilattico, must invest in the re-release the same juris quaestio United Sections (Article 374, paragraph III, CCP).
The same legificazione essay has also relaxed the procedure of the "rule of law in the interest of law" (art. 363 CCP) stressing a "legislative developments (...) oriented to strengthening the pure function of proper observance of the law and uniform application of the law (on which see. Cass. Civ., Sec. United, Case No. 13332 June 1, 2010).
Subsequently, Law No 18 June 2009 69 has further strengthened the "leak" from the rule of law training to nomofilattica introducing a simplified ballot (leading to rejection facilitated by motivation) in the case of alignment decisum the trial court in accordance with the previous review (art. 360-bis of the CPC, on which see. Cass. Civ., Sec. United, September 6, 2010 order, No. 19051).
from the premises before we can draw a conclusion: the United Sections of the Court is no longer a simple expression of the broad legitimacy of a court judge but to help ensure the "legal certainty" order (see art. 65 ord . Judas.) thus becoming his previous tendency binding on the trial court and the right living closer to the positive law from the point of view of the "introduction" of legal rules and not just in terms of their interpretation.
This is already expressed at the time the authoritative doctrine, if they report as the formal authority of the principle of stare decisis in Italy could be found in two principles affirmed by the Supreme Court: that the grounds in case of a simplified reference to the previous legitimacy is confirmed and strengthened the obligation to state reasons in case the former is rejected. Within this framework
- As has been written - the Supreme Court becomes "one of the essential in which the "law" is defined and obvious. "
If so, how is the new rule in unhappy here it confronts us, as regards the proceedings in progress, a real overruling achieved through legislation so that it is necessary to address the serious issue of effectiveness over time by legislative repeal of the previous year.
occurs, in essence, a rule of law, innovative in a context in which, until new parliamentary pronouncement, it was in force a contrary.
appear so punctual compared to the case in the comments of authoritative doctrine, which states that the retroactivity "sorprende gli interessati e quindi attenua o esclude la prevedibilità" del comando legislativo: da qui, invero, una precisa risposta della giurisprudenza della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo che, come noto, impone la "conoscibilità della regola di diritto e la (ragionevole) prevedibilità della sua applicazione" (cfr. Sunday Times c. Regno Unito, sentenza del 29 aprile 1979, Par.Par. 48-49).
E' dunque da concludere che, in analogia con quanto accade per mutamento giurisprudenziale "creativo", anche il mutamento interpretativo "creativo", per via legislativa, vada applicato solo ai casi futuri (cfr., per verificare i principi della CEDU in tema di overruling: Cocchiarella c. Italia, sentenza del 29 marzo 2006, Par.44; Di Sante c. Italia, decisione del 24 giugno 2004;Midsuf c. Francia, decisione della Grande Chambre dell' 11 settembre 2002".
Il punto di partenza della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo è che il termine legge riguarda anche la norma di diritto vivente ("englobe le droit d'origine tant législative que jurisprudentielle") con conseguente estensione del principio di irretroattività all'ipotesi di mutamento giurisprudenziale o legilslativo imprevedibile con effetti in malam partem.
Ebbene non si vede per quale la ragione i medesimi principi non debbano essere applicati a norme interpretative non prevedibili e tanto meno prevedibili nel caso di specie in which the interpretation had just been given, with great authority, by the court deputy to do so.
The Court of Justice of the EC has adopted the principle of non-retroactivity of the law creative (most recently, the ECJ, February 8, 2007, C-3/06 P Groupe Danone v Commission) stating that the application must be prevented retroactive application of a new interpretation of a provision in case it is the result of judicial interpretation was not reasonably foreseeable at the time the offense was committed.
The issue involves the general issue of the rule of law, which safeguards the same access to justice for citizens. Think
that, in this case, thousands of people have seized the courts relying on a clear authority on the subject of prescription It follows that a retroactive application of the rule of interpretation referred to pretend this is actually a violent blow inflicted on the connective tissue of Articles. 24 and 111 of the Constitution with a clear infringement of the rights of citizens affected Hence the need to apply the rule in question (assuming that it is lawful in other respects) in a logical and constitutionally so in a non-retroactive.
D) Other's unconstitutionality '
d.1) Violation of the principle of equality e ragionevolezza.
Non possiamo fermarci a sostenere la mera irretroattività della norma. il cui reale scopo, come pubblicamente ammesso da coloro che ne hanno propugnato l'accoglimento, è solo ed esclusivamente quello di frustrare gli effetti negativi, che per le banche (le quali hanno illegittimamente applicato interessi anatocistici a tassi non pattuiti) deriverebbero dai numerosi giudizi in essere e da altri potenzialmente instaurabili, tanto più dopo una arresto autorevole e definitivo come quello della Suprema Corte a Sezioni Unite e di cui alla citata sentenza 02-12-2010, n. 24418.
Dunque la nuova norma viola il principio di ragionevolezza e uguaglianza (art. 3 Cost) perché, senza alcun serio approfondimento tecnico giuridico, upset the established principles outlined above unjustifiably favoring banks without any reasonable cause and understandable (if not the intent of practice and not commendable to reward bank lobby), and equally unjustifiably punishing citizens who dared to sue, or that they had only the intention. On the other hand
violates the principle of reasonableness that the objective fact, some 69 years after the entry into force of the general rule of limitation, the art. 2935 cc, is given an authentic interpretation reserved for only the Banks and nobody felt the need but the banks themselves.
So the provision in question violates the fundamental principles of rule of law which should esistere regole certe e organi giurisdizionali che le interpretano e le applicano.
Se dilatiamo fuori da ogni logica lo spazio per il Legislatore di introdurre norme interpretative consentendogli, di fatto, di adottare norme innovative che hanno effetto retroattivo senza alcun fondamento di ragionevolezza dovremo prendere atto della "morte", nel nostro Paese, dello stato di diritto.
Infatti nessuna regola potrà più dirsi certa, nemmeno una norma del codice in vigore da quasi settanta anni, nessun organo giurisdizionale potrà più serenamente applicare la regola dopo averla interpretata, e nessuna persona potrà valutare se intraprendere un'azione o far valere un diritto perché al Legislatore sarà consentito, con norma interpretativa, say today that there has never been a law that for decades, following the same rule, it was considered existing or, even, it was reasonable to believe exists.
For these reasons, the new rule violates the principle of custody reasonably incurred by all those who, on the basis of a well-established jurisprudence and doctrine have been used or intended to appeal to the judicial authorities to protect their rights against the banks.
Think of those, and there are many, who have won cases at first instance and now will, in theory, have to put everything into question on appeal in light of unexpected regalia che il Parlamento a pensato bene di fare alle banche.
d.2) Altri profili di violazione dell'art. 3 Cost.
Nelle numerose sentenze in cui la Suprema Corte ha trattato il problema della prescrizione nei rapporti di conto corrente bancario ha fatto applicazione piana e chiara dei principi generali in tema di prescrizione.
La nuova norma stravolge questi principi, solo limitatamente ai rapporti di conto corrente bancario, con una legge ad personam, fatta apposta per le banche, integrandosi di tal guisa una conclamata violazione dell'art. 3 della Costituzione.
Infatti, se il contratto di conto corrente, come più volte ha insegnato la Suprema Corte, è riconducibile principalmente alla figura of office, then it seems absurd. and contrary to art. 3 of the Constitution, a rule of interpretation that only the bank account, establish that the limitation period begins to run from each record on the account, while the mandate of the prescription shall commence on the termination of employment, including in relation to individual legal acts in place to execute the warrant.
In other words, it is legally similar situations differently, governed by the same rule, unless that difference in treatment is assisted by any logic, but to give some traders (banks) to the detriment of users.
Likewise the violation of Article. 3 of the Constitution is realized when you have in mind escrow agreement, which also characterizes the current account contract closely.
In this case it is undisputed that the limitation of the right to obtain restitution of the thing deposited shall commence on the termination of the contract and not from the filing date of the asset.
it also has not the slightest logic here, and contrasts with the art. 3 of the Constitution, that the deposit bank account has an illogical and unreasonable treatment altogether different, for purposes of limitation, treatment, again in terms of prescription, reserved for a deposit contract that intervenes between non-banks
d.3) Violation of the right of defense - Article 24 of the Constitution
In this respect the norm so blatantly violates Article 24 of the Constitution as it affects the effectiveness of the right of citizens to sue to protect their legitimate rights and interests. In fact change, with an alleged retroactive effect, not a rule but an interpretation by the United Sections to ensure peaceful change in race procedural and substantive rules upon which it had formed a legitimate expectation.
d.3) Violation of judicial authority - Article 102 Cost - Violation of due process principles of Article 111 of the Constitution
Marchiani is also a violation of Article. 102 of the Constitution.
fact compared to a case decades of established law and the Supreme Court and, coincidentally, a few months from a very important decision taken by the Supreme court Judges United Sections, and then in the guise in which the most authoritative body of constitutional significance, the highest expression of the judiciary, plays nomofilattica its function, is adopted normetta that, abstracting from any dogmatic view on the structure of the current account, expects to introduce an interpretation diametrically opposed to that provided in a consistent way, and with a wealth of arguments, the Court itself. The rule violates
then, so unusual and insulting the integrity of the constitutional powers of the Judicial Authority (art. 102 of the Constitution).
This consideration is all the more founded when one considers that the current system has gradually strengthened the relevance of decisions by the United Sections of the Supreme Court heading for a substantial overlap between living law coined in the interpretive activity of the Supreme Court and the positive law (see Paragraph C above).
the same time, this rule also violates Art. 111 of the Constitution since it can not be said to be a fair process in which there is an unfair imbalance between the rights of opposing parties.
Parties, as a result of this rule, are placed, one in a justified state of privilege with respect to the laws that protect the rights, and the other in a condition of unjustified disadvantage.
d 4) Violation of the Constitution the principle of protection of savings
The use of illegal and dell'anatocismo ultralegali rates on a quarterly basis (or rather, or, on the basis of the final decision to Cass. SU, 'any' capitalization to the detriment of the account) undermines the principle of savings guaranteed by Article. 47 Constitution
The provision in question claims, in fact, affect retroactively reducing and eliminating the amount of credit-saver account holder who, on the basis of right living, had reason to believe that it can legitimately claim that the provision credits in word now intends to steal.
The rule, therefore, in violation dell'art. 47 colpisce ingiustamente il risparmiatore e premia colui che questo risparmio nel tempo ha eroso, applicando, tramite accordi di cartello, tassi ultralegali illegittimamente anatocizzati e illegittimi balzelli di varia natura.
L'indebita riscossione e ritenzione di tali ingentissime somme, illegittimamente sottratte ai patrimoni ed ai risparmi dei cittadini, implica la più grave violazione e compressione del diritto costituzionalmente garantito, idoneo ad incidere, per le sue proporzioni, sull'economia e sul reddito dell'intera collettività, sottoposta al devastante sopruso finanziario posto in essere con sistematicità e prepotenza dal ceto bancario.
L'applicazione a regime della norma introdotta realizza la più clamorosa violazione del principio della tutela del risparmio, in tutte le sue forme.
Sotto tale ottica, la violazione costituzionale è addirittura vergognosa.
Per i motivi sopra espressi, si chiede che l' giudicante voglia sollevare la questione di illegittimità costituzionale di detta norma, per i motivi sopra elencati e per gli ulteriori che vorrà individuare.
[1] P. GRECO, Corso di diritto bancario, Padova, 1936, p. 23
[2] Idem.
[3]Richiama Cassazione 21 marzo1963, n. 2505/1976; n. 1392/1969;n. 2545/1972. È ripresa da Cassazione 7 marzo 1987, n. 243; Cassazione 19 giugno 1997, n. 5481; Cassazione 14 aprile 1998, n. 3783

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no mistake Giuseppe Mussari and the Governor of the Bank of Italy '

"Non si illudano il presidente dell’Abi Giuseppe Mussari ed il Governatore della Banca d’Italia Draghi, dopo aver vinto il primo round sulla prescrizione decennale, grazie alla porcata del Governo nel milleproroghe che ha cancellato consolidate sentenze ultradecennali della Suprema Corte di Cassazione.
Prima di cantare vittoria, aspettino la pronuncia della Corte Costituzionale la cui prima eccezione di incostituzionalità, was raised this morning by Vice President Adusbef, lawyer. Antonio Tanza, in the audience already attached to the Court of Bari, in a dispute against a bank on the repayment of interest anatocistici, but most do not believe that the ad hoc legislation that required the Minister Tremonti, the parliament will never dismantle the law 108 / Wear 96,
to satisfy the demands of the banksters and their cronies. "

E 'writes as Senator and President dell'Adusbef, Elio Lannutti Milleproroghe approved the decree on Saturday contains the standard sull'anatocismo banks.
"Stamane infatti, in un processo contro la ex Banca di Roma (oggi Gruppo Unicredit), che deve restituire 3,1 milioni di euro di interessi anatocistici alla Società Sacol pendente nel Tribunale di Bari, giudice istruttore Federici, gli avv. Antonio Tanza, vicepresidente dell’Adusbef, Vincenzo Laudadio e Flavio Lo Russo, hanno sollevato la prima eccezione di incostituzionalità (la cui illegittimità Costituzionale del decreto milleproroghe era già stata avanzata dal presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano), con un atto giuridico pubblicato e reso disponibile a tutti i legali italiani, che hanno in corso vertenze giudiziarie contro le banche sui siti: www e  www

brings us to the judiciary, an avalanche of complaints with a request for referral to the Constitutional Court Decree milleproroghe, the extent to which "interprets" Article 2935 Civil Code provisions on the rights arising from the record into account, has been argued that the judgments of the Supreme Court unambiguous, assign action brought by the client to the bank to rely on the invalidity of the clause which provides, for example, compound interest, under Article imprescrittibilità. 1422 of the Civil Code.
Imprescrittibilità action of nullity means that the limitation of rights arising from the record not will never affect your right to judicial action
a declaration of nullity of the contract terms originally zero, such that dell'anatocismo (Article 1283 Civil Code), interest ultralegali "use the streets" or currency of the day "fictitious" (Article 1284 Civil Code), etc.. As the demand for recovery of the (unfair because it arises from a store null) has a prerequisite: the payment, without which we certainly can not repeat what was never paid.
And 'certainly unique interpretation that is given by ABI and Bank of Italy on banking competition, ie the condition where several companies compete on the same market, defined as the meeting place between hypothetical supply and demand, producing the same goods or services (supply) that satisfy a number of buyers (demand), when the president considers that barriers to competitive Mussari portability of loans and the rules on usury.
Applauding the last stunt of the government, or at the request of Bank of Italy and Abi, did approve and put in one thousand extensions sull'anatocismo standards and tax credits
deferred Mussari called competitive barriers and rules on usury portability of mortgages (sheets Bersani), which produce a minimum of competition in
cartello bancario e qualche piccolo vantaggio ai consumatori ed utenti bancari vessati e strangolati.

Rimane l' usura. Oggi - ha spiegato Mussari - un mutuo a tasso variabile segna come tasso di usura massimo il 4,02 %: con il costo della raccolta di oggi non è possibile.
Il tasso d' interesse non è il prezzo per un servizio ma un prezzo per il rischio che la banca si assume.
Se il prezzo per il rischio non è adeguato, la banca non si assume il rischio e se la banca non si assume il rischio noi rischiamo di spingere questi soggetti nelle mani
della delinquenza organizzata".
Adusbef nell’osservare che il tasso di riferimento BCE  è fissato all’1,00 % e che praticare tassi al 4,00 % già implica  un ricarico ingiustificato del 400% per i mutui a tasso
variabile, mentre per altre tipologie di prestiti i tassi soglia arrivano a superare al 27%, con un ricarico legalizzato del 2.700%, chiede al presidente dell’Abi Mussari
di lasciar stare la delinquenza organizzata per giustificare le sue richieste,dato che milioni di utenti  bancari, hanno già subito sulla propria pelle, quella dei colletti
bianchi che operano nel sistema bancario e dei consigli truffaldini di Patti Chiari e dell’Abi,con la distruzione fraudolenta del loro sudato risparmio.
Non c’è solo un cartello bancario that consumers have to worry about, but an agreement even more subtle and subterranean Adusbef said today that the Antitrust Authority, whose investigation of a aperturta no doubt concerning the agreement between the ABI and the Bank of Italy to the detriment of competition , the market and the rights of injured families and users of banking and financial services.
(AGENPARL) - Rome, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Milleproroghe and compounding:

Milleproroghe and compounding: approved decree unconstitutional. The text of the rule "makes water" last word has not been said by Dr. Tiziana Pinaffo

Milleproroghe enacted but also approved several agenda for Parliament to amend the rule regarding the interpretation of compound interest, or do not like many of the larger and even less opposition to .
The text approved February 26, 2011 relates to the alleged requirement arising from the record in regard to the person, however, that interpretation is contrary to the rules of the State and the ruling of Cassation on 02 December 2010.
The Supreme Court has clarified for decades that is the material time of payment of the interest (and not the record) to create the right of the account holder to claim the stolen goods to an account given (or passive).
So long as there is no close relationship with the balance you can not technically speak of payment made shall be valid and consequently the orientation of the Supreme Court about the unity of the ratio since His first operation, and the right to take legal action within 10 years from the date of termination of the current account.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

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Milleproroghe approved the decree unconstitutional, prescription compounding

Sull'irrilevanza art. 2 d, paragraph 9 of the draft Law 2518 or the so-called maxi-amendment to the decree Milleproroghe (December 29, 2010 Decree Law number 225) in cases of repetition of 'excess payment for compound interest, interest ultralegali, overdraft charges, currency fictitious and standard costs.
(Att. Antonio Tanza)
The bill number 2518, which is the cd maxi-amendment to the decree Milleproroghe (Decree No. 225 December 29, 2010, provocatively named Extension of deadlines set by laws and emergency tax and business support and families), approved by the Senate, with the use of "trust", 16 February 2011, passed by the House (again by use of "trust"), February 25, 2011, again by the Senate February 25, 2011 (due to insignificant changes following the call of the President of the Republic on 22 febbario 2011) contains inter alia, a provision very cryptic: Article 2 d, paragraph 9.
The text reads: "With regard to banking regolate in conto corrente l'articolo 2935 del codice civile si interpreta nel senso che la prescrizione relativa ai diritti nascenti dall'annotazione in conto inizia a decorrere dal giorno dell'annotazione stessa.
In ogni caso non si fa luogo alla restituzione di importi già versati.
Alla data di entrata in vigore della legge di conversione del presente decreto legge". Non ci vuole molto per capire che anche questo Governo si è dilettato in un ennesimo "salva banche" (in verità il potere bancario non ha colori e gli utenti delle banche ricordano benissimo il "Salva Banche 1" sull'anatocismo, varato D'Alema government, and the "Save Banks 2" on usurious loans, launched by the Amato government): in fact, not even three months have elapsed since the highest expression of Italian courts, the United Sections of the Supreme Court, have finally held on taking action for recovery of amounts relating to apercredito bank, which the government intends to interpret Article 2935 cc of limitation, in respect of regulated banking current account, with three lines added hastily in the late evening Monday, 15 February by a well known Senator of the PDL.
All this in legislation, which should mainly contain emergency procedures relating to support to enterprises and households: in truth there was in another attempt to give money to the banks, removing families.
There is talk of an attempt, probably because the haste and lack of preparatory work meant that the rule should be introduced to recognize a defined scope and a small space with very different effects than those expected from filobancari: in truth The interpretation of the scope of the limitation on the rights arising from the record into account, can only complement the existing legislation relating to disqualification from contesting the individual items into account.
Immediately clean the area likely to be misunderstandings.
shall begin from the date on which the law can be relied on (Article 2935 Civil Code) and, especially, in the regulated banking account in the limitation of rights arising from the record in account begins from the date of the annotation itself (see Article 2 d, paragraph 9 of the maxi-amendment).
In this regard it should be noted first that, while the action promoted by the client to the bank to rely on the invalidity of the clause which provides, for example, compound interest is inalienable pursuant to art. 1422 cc, the one proposed by the same customer in the bank, in order to achieve the sums which claims to be paid in quarterly capitalization of interest, is subject to the same principles that govern the application for repayment of overpayment.
Imprescrittibilità action of nullity means that the limitation of rights under the record will never affect your right to legal proceedings aimed at the nullity of contractual clauses originally zero, such that dell'anatocismo (see Article 1283 cc), interest ultralegali "use the streets" or days of currency "fictitious" (Article 1284 Civil Code), etc..
E 'is also evident that the demand for recovery of the (unfair because it arises from a store null) has a prerequisite: the payment.
If you do not have a payment can not be certain to repeat what has never been paid.

Therefore, the starting point of the right of recovery of the overpayment is the identification of when, in the adjusted current account transactions, the payment occurs, or are paid undue interest and anatocistici ultralegali, undue overdraft charges quarterly undue fictitious currencies and fixed costs.
to this question have answered the SU of the Supreme Court in Case number 24418 of 2 December 2010.
"If after the conclusion of a contract for the opening of bank credit adjusted current account, the account holder is acting for the nullity of the clause providing for the payment of interests anatocistici and the repetition of what is unduly paid to this title, the year limitation period for recovery in this action is subject to run if the payments made by the current slope of the relationship they had only ripristinatoria function of funding, the date on which it was extinguished the closing balance of the account where interest is not payable were recorded.
Therefore, the joint sections have identified highly-extinction of the closing balance occurs when the payment due and from which arises the right of recovery and, therefore, the time from which the period of limitation, as provided in Article 2935 the Civil Code, with the interpretation imposed by Article 2 d, paragraph 9 of the DDL No 2518/2011, to recovery.
The single record into account, in and of itself considered, affect the ratio only in quantitative terms, but does not create any right of recovery in the hands of the user, because it can never be a charge.
In addition, for example, the record in regard to a place of interest capitalized (in violation of Article 1283 Civil Code) can never count as a regularization shop originally zero (the Article 1422 Civil Code), is nothing like the contract clause anatocistica.
They can never be valid obligations arising from one shop to zero. Known case in the United Sections also have explained how: "If, however, during the course of the report, the account holder has made not only payments but withdrawals, and then they will be treated as payments, likely to be the subject of repetition (where they are unnecessary), because they had the purpose and effect of a transfer of assets in favor of the bank.
This will happen in the case of payments made into an account in person (or, as in such situations it prefers to say "discovered") which does not access any credit for opening the account holder, or when the payments are intended to cover a deficit in excess of the limits of accreditation. "
But, to this point, once said that the trust is paying extra fee (if there is always the purpose and effect of a transfer of assets in favor of bank: the payment made by a third party on account of course will never have an end solvers), specifically whether it should be used to cover the debt in principal amount of the account holder ovvero se esso abbia coperto dapprima gli interessi e le spese, solo successivamente il capitale.
Se, da un lato, è pacifico che il debitore non può imputare il pagamento al capitale, piuttosto che agli interessi e alle spese, senza il consenso del creditore (cfr. articolo 1194 codice civile ), è altrettanto pacifico che il creditore, con il tacito assenso del debitore, può imputare il pagamento dapprima al capitale e successivamente agli interessi e alle spese.
Detta scelta del creditore è, ovviamente, irrevocabile.
Tuttavia, anche qualora fosse revocabile, ai sensi dell'articolo 2 quinquies, comma 9, del DDl numero 2518, il diritto della banca di imputare l'annotazione di versamento del correntista al pagamento di interessi e spese (e non a capitale come, in effetti, avviene in concreto), si prescrive con il decorso di dieci anni dall'imputazione a capitale fatta dalla banca al momento del versamento.
Infatti, è noto, come nel rapporto di conto corrente bancario di corrispondenza è solo la banca a tenere il conto e, pertanto, indipendentemente dall'indicazione del correntista nella distinta di versamento, sarà l'appostazione leggibile in estratto conto a dettare l'imputazione voluta dal creditore, ovvero dalla bank.
In reality, the current account does not ever annotations (by charging the payment to interest and costs), while the bank keeps track of credits or debits effected, exclusively, the variation in numbers of creditors or debtors Related to the total - have.
Later, at the end of the quarter, with an affected by nullity (an action for nullity is inalienable, as clearly stated in Article 1422 Civil Code) the bank ultralegali capitalizes interest, as notionally increased with the play of currencies, cms and fixed costs are grouped as a capital item (in fact generates additional skills in the following quarter, the so-called "capitalization") that is made in your statement or the quarter under review as the last recording of statement of account or as the first quarter of next.
This operation recording of capital (interest, fees and charges) is affected by nullity original inalienable, detectable even in office (even in the appellate level) and in any case does not constitute payment.
From this annotation does not originate valid rights or obligations, nor the result of no consequence, unless quella di diminuire in forma assolutamente fittizia la disponibilità del correntista.
Le altre annotazioni in conto, al contrario, hanno un titolo negoziale valido: ad esempio, un versamento in contanti, un versamento di un assegno, oppure l'operazione di prelievo o l'emissione di un assegno in pagamento, ecc.
Nessun diritto soggetto a prescrizione, ai sensi dell'articolo 2 quinquies, comma 9, potrà nascere da un'appostazione che ha origine da un negozio originariamente nullo.
Va chiarito, per inciso, come non abbiano certo valore di annotazione in conto i saldi parziali riportati periodicamente dalla banca (ogni mese, trimestre ed a fine anno) negli estratti conto; così come non ha alcun valore di annotazione il saldo riportato, ad esempio, su una ricevuta bancomat alla fine di un'operazione compiuta dal correntista.
Solo il saldo finale, coincidente con la chiusura del conto e con il pagamento, assume valore di annotazione in conto.Nel corso dell'esame contabile dei c.d. conti extrafido, talora la difesa della banca invoca, per l'incidenza degli accrediti, il disposto dell'articolo 1194 c.c., il cui secondo comma stabilisce un criterio legale d'imputazione dei pagamenti, limitativo del potere del debitore, sancendo che il pagamento sia riferito, in primo luogo, agli interessi.
Tuttavia, la norma richiede l'effettuazione di un "pagamento" di un debito che sia esigibile da parte del creditore (ovviamente l'articolo 1194 c.c nei conti corrente affidati non è neppure prospettabile, non essendovi pagamenti durante il rapporto).
Ciò porta ad escludere che il criterio legale di imputazione valga per quei versamenti o accrediti, non solutori, affluiti su un conto corrente di corrispondenza, con apertura di credito.
Nel conto corrente bancario i versamenti hanno natura di pagamenti solo quando il conto sia scoperto.
Nell'ipotesi ordinaria del conto corrente affidato la serie successiva di appostazioni (versamenti o prelievi) non danno luogo a singoli rapporti, ma a mere subvariazioni quantitative di un unico rapporto giuridico instaurato dalle parti.Ne deriva che i vari versamenti costituiscono delle mere operazioni contabili di accredito, dirette a ripristinare la provvista.
Essi non hanno finalità solutoria dato che, finché perdura il rapporto, la banca non vanta un credito che sia esigibile verso il correntista.Non trattandosi, pertanto, di pagamenti è fuor di luogo invocare l'articolo 1194 2° comma.
But that does not just apply to "sic et simpliciter" said the legal test of imputazione.Come teaches the Supreme Court on the provisions of the Civil Code on the allocation of payments, for their status to, the prevailing will of the parties.
The intention of the parties, especially the creditor (the bank) also deduced from assumptions (in this case the manner in which the bank carries out the entries made in the current account contract) should be verified with reference at the time of each payment.
It is therefore necessary to invoke the charge that the bank, when flows l'accredito su di un conto che abbia sconfinato, incameri la somma versata per interessi e spese (ovvero la riceva a titolo di pagamento).
Solo in tale caso, può, ineccepibilmente imputare l'importo prima agli interessi e poi al capitale relativo allo "scoperto", differentemente l'importo andrà imputato indistintamente a capitale, interessi e spese.
Abitualmente, infatti, la banca registra gli accrediti con l'indicazione dei diversi numeri creditori e debitori, sulla cui base calcola gli interessi, senza attuare alcuna distinzione.
Anzi, in most cases, the bank with the application, at least in the past, even for such interest, the lucrative market capitalization periodicals, posters, in how misunderstanding the desire to renounce the application of the legal test of attribution and the effects of such renunciation is irreversible, once to payment (see Dr. Barbara Salvo, President of the Civil Chamber Court in Syracuse, "The engineering consultants on bank interest" in "The Accountant", 2005).
It follows that the charge of the payment solvers (or part of such payment that exceeds the balance recalculated as purified from monies arising from bonds are zero) will not be paid directly to the interest and expenses (as would the Civil Code Article 1194), but in proportion to the principal, interest and costs, as in fact always operated by the bank during the unfolding of the relationship.
This was the conduct of the bank throughout the relationship that has thus indicated, in facta concludentia, a willingness to waive the application of the legal test of attribution under Article 1194 Civil Code (the same article, the difference will not affect the creditor), by allocating capital contributions, and adding the same capital at quarter-end, interest (inflated by fictitious currencies), expenses and cms.
circumstances, it is clear that the rule on limitation of rights arising from the record into account (Article 2935 Civil cocice) must be read with reference to the rule of forfeiture of rights arising from the failure to contest the entries made in the current account ( Article 1832 Civil Code).
Consolidated Court has clarified how the SC should not be confused on the contract constituting the required ratio, governed by articles 1284 and 1283 Civil Code, with the single record in that regard , in and of itself, affects only a quantitative level the relationship: in fact, the approval of the account statement makes it understood, solely and exclusively, to debit and credit entries in their accounting practice, but also the effectiveness and validity substantive relationships.
On the issue of bank current account transactions, account statements qualify as communication to the customer on the account balance, these communications are sent by the bank not only to the dissolution of the relationship, but also periodically in contracts, with the reproduction of all accounting items - including the rights commission, the cost of operations, interest income and accrued expenses, withholding taxes, in addition to playing a specific reference to games of give and take, putting the customer in the same condition found any defect incident on the final balance.
The approval of the account follows the failure to extract a dispute within the time provided by contract, without which the bank is raised any objection of forfeiture, and precludes any dispute on the compliance of individual records from which to derive relationships required credits and debits entered on your statement (subject to the appeal for errors, omissions and duplications of a formal nature, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 1832 Civil Code).
With the anticipation of the expiry of the limitation of rights arising decade, both in the hands of the bank to the account on which they are derived from individual records credits and debits are entered in the account statement is probably wished to fill an obvious void that could give rise to the distortions.
For example, since the annotation, the current account, cleverly illegality dell'addebito into account, have the right to act on the nullity of the facts on which that charges is based and, therefore, obtain an adjustment in favor of the findings of the account itself in order to recover a greater availability of credit granted to the extent of the exposure: this right shall lapse from the day dell'appostazione into account.
The same account holder, of course, as said before, can not act at that time for the recovery of a payment that, as such, for its part has not yet taken place (only by closing the account shall, while in the normal way, a payment).
Take, also, for instance the credit advances on bills, advances on invoices, delivered on foreign invoices, etc., if such operations are experiencing the effects of back defaulted or received, there is a right for lenders to claw back the sums advanced.
This right is to be reflected in later times the original annotation (over the period of dispute in the ordinary limitation period of the account statement) with respect to the original date of accreditation, as it is in fact canceled the availability of the credit since principio.Interviene therefore, Article 2935 Civil Code which, with the new interpretation, intends to apply the prescription from the record in anticipation account original, preserving the right of the Institute to receive recognition of advance payment.
Since the endorsement by the bank for payment of the account to capital is prescribed (provided such a choice made by the bank may be considered to be changed) the right bank that only payment to be charged with interest and costs.
And yet, failure to complain within the extract provided by contract precludes any dispute regarding the conformity of individual records to reports by the user, without requiring that the bank is raised any objection of forfeiture, and was not represented, for example, the inverse hypothesis.
However, perceiving the illegality of the annotation in the bank account, assuming that is not active in the ten years to judicially assert this right, shall incur a requirement of Article 2 d, paragraph 9 the maxi-amendment to milleproroghe.
The authentic interpretation of Article 2935 Civil Code regarding banking transactions settled via current accounts has created a sort of barrier applicable to both parties, and on the vindication of rights arising from each record which results in the crediting or debiting the account statement in writing, contributing to legal certainty.
Article 2d, paragraph 9, as amended on the evening of February 23, 2011, without prejudice to the amounts already paid on the date of entry into force of the legislation.
For the rest, it is known that the statement is regarded as a mere statement of account, from which it follows that the operations summarized and mentioned it in banking (deposits and withdrawals), unlike ordinary bank account, do not give result in the creation of self-reports or credit mutual tra il cliente e la banca, ma rappresentano l'esecuzione di un unico negozio, da cui deriva il credito o il debito del cliente verso la banca.
Pertanto, la mancata tempestiva contestazione dell'estratto conto trasmesso da una banca al cliente rende inoppugnabili gli accrediti e gli addebiti solo sotto il profilo meramente contabile, ma non sotto quello della validità ed efficacia dei rapporti obbligatori dai quali le partite inserite nel conto derivano. Infatti, le contestazioni di cui all'articolo 1832 codice civile non possono coinvolgere il titolo contrattuale dell'operazione, che è regolata dalle norme generali sui contratti, ma solo la conformità delle singole concrete operazioni ai patti ed alla reality of their condition.
An extract of dispute statement is not specified where it affects the binding nature of the covenant or not a contractual obligation to pay a certain measure of interest, since for that objection is considered necessary to further appeal of the contract itself.
Thus, the limitation of rights arising from the validity and effectiveness of mandatory reporting, from which the lots included in the income derived therefrom, has a reference point not merely accounting entries , but the contractual relation.
The action was a necessary precondition for recovery: the closure of conto.Solo with the closing of the account you have a payment: before there can be no repetition of action and of course we can not speak of a right which is to materialize, even after thirty years all'appostazione account.
In fact, one can not validly claim that the law is required to repeat a payment made on account with a record dating back to the 70s (on a debit account, not open) and closed in 2009, only in 2009 when it was technically materialized payment.
the date of record will require only and only the rights arising from mere accounting entries, but not those arising from the invalidity original negotiation.
The requirement is the cause for termination resulting from the inactivity of the proprietor for the time determined by law, but in this case the right to refund the amounts formed only with the closure of the current account entrusted person.
Lecce, February 24, 2010 Mr. Antonio Tanza
source: www / la_bravata_.html