Last night I reflected to myself on the recent "scolvolgimenti" political speech Mirabello in the first place. Instinctively, thinking about everything, came to my mind two words, only two: Third Republic.
Today, looking at Google " Mirabello Third Republic", incidentally, I found more than one article in which he commented on the speech of Gianfranco Fini as a watershed event that puts an end to the period of the Second Republic, marked with the exquisitely custom Knight. But is it true?
I know that the figure of Fini is the background to many concerns, such as right to left as among those who do not take sides openly. On the right, those concerns have been characterized mostly by journalistic attacks scaldalistici well-targeted actions to destabilize the aura of candor and morality that seems to wrap the new leader of FLI. In other camps, more than one group has suggested an interpretation of the character that draw as a hypocrite or a "sleeper" just awakened from a state of growing consensus beauty lasted 16 years.
I myself do not know how myself against Gianfranco Fini, and indeed I would be tempted to stay for the time trial, which I think all in all fairly early on time. They have already tried many keys to understanding the psyche of Fini, but the truth is that, again, it is too early to really understand what goes on in his head. In my little I tried to speculate a bit 'about the true identity of Fini, making various assumptions.
The first, and perhaps even the most banal and full of pessimism, that is why Gianfranco Fini would be nothing but just another corrupt politician who does what he does for profit, does not believe a word of what he says and basically prepare his machinations for the sole purpose of getting more seats, which traducono poi nella sostanza in maggiore prestigio, maggiore potere, maggiore pecunia. E uno.
La seconda è che Fini abbia visto Dio in persona. Non sto scherzando. Gianfranco Fini è stato, per 16 anni, un Saul che ora, finalmente convertitosi sulla via di Damasco, si è ribattezzato col nome di Paolo, e va predicando la sua personale buona novella, puntanto il dito contro i peccatori della qual cerchia, fino a poco tempo prima, faceva parte. Una conversione degna di sant'Agostino; un'altra ipotesi, forse fantasiosa, ma possibile.
La terza è che Fini abbia retto for years wearing a double play. With the perseverance of a shinobi , the eternal number 2 of the PDL would have swallowed the bitter pills one after the other in view of the bigger picture. According to this ingenious plan, Gianfranco Fini was to nod and scondinzolare getting in return for this, a growing political consensus, they can unleash at the right time against his own master and a "benefactor". Purposes that would be immediately recognized in Berlusconi an enemy and, considering it beat, had decided to make friends, potergli plotting to one day pull the chair out from under the seat, thus avoiding the total collapse of our country. According to this interpretation, Mirabello equivarrebbe al momento di massima tensione di un film d'azione in cui, all'ultimo secondo, l'eroe di turno riesce a dininnescare una bomba tagliando il filo giusto.
Fantapolitica? Può darsi, ma credo sia ancora presto per dirlo. Ritengo sia necessario aspettare, ma senza abbassare la guardia neanche per un momento (l'attesa non implica la passività). Se Mirabello sarà ricordata come l'inizio della Terza Repubblica, piuttosto che come il reboot di una Seconda Repubblica bis , lo sapremo solo fra qualche tempo.
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