Lord, we try always and everywhere, inside and outside of us, always call upon you, when the terrible pain of the world cloud our reason and when the suggestions of a science adverse shock and disturb our faith, and even more so when our aberrations and more deceptive appearances us away from you. Have mercy on us, and illuminates our darkness, O Lord!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Houston Night Clubs Pole
may be the day of fortune will be the day of 'love can be, even better, the day of grace, but for those who do not despair, there comes a day that is worth more than percent.
may be the day of fortune will be the day of 'love can be, even better, the day of grace, but for those who do not despair, there comes a day that is worth more than percent.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Do All Black Eyes Heal
defame the work of man is always cowardly, even when the 'infamy is true. - Nowadays, in reports from evil 'to an' other, s' ingeniously their time consuming. (Boccaccio) - And if you repeatedly praising in the presence, then blame when they are absent. (Bags)
defame the work of man is always cowardly, even when the 'infamy is true. - Nowadays, in reports from evil 'to an' other, s' ingeniously their time consuming. (Boccaccio) - And if you repeatedly praising in the presence, then blame when they are absent. (Bags)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Short Dresses With Bows
From "The Lost Notebook"
raining today.
I look out the window of my room the light rain, calm, persistent, equal, coming down from heaven nebbioso.E 'as a hobby while in another compagnia.Guardo the dripping roof, plants, the flicker of leaves of lemon drop and get up like little fingers touching the invisible, look at the dirt in the courtyard Gorelli formed by discharges from showers, those who as a child seemed Gorelli rivers with their tributaries and on which I used to navigate a straw and shells noci.E compare my feelings at that time with my present feelings, and try to awaken in me, in all its immediacy, abstracting from my life exchanged, the sense of things forgotten naturali.Mi risovviene a day that it rained, the spring, and I was under the fig tree in the meadow sanpiero chewing wires sorrel; I could hear the gentle hum of the rain on the leaves that trembled, "felt" by the sprinkling of their warm and light as if I were a fresh throw them back every now and then a drop fell on my nose spraying the cheeks, the grass around glazed starry daisies , was beyond the hedge of laurel, from the fields, the smell of herbal juices, flowers, fresh love buds, and a cloud in the sky route, came wide diverging beam irradiated sun to the earth, as in a picture that was in the room della zia Clemenza,dove vedevo,affacciato ad una nuvola,il Signore Iddio che benediva un lungo palazzo a tre piani,il quale non era altro che l'arca di Noè galleggiante sui flutti.

raining today.
I look out the window of my room the light rain, calm, persistent, equal, coming down from heaven nebbioso.E 'as a hobby while in another compagnia.Guardo the dripping roof, plants, the flicker of leaves of lemon drop and get up like little fingers touching the invisible, look at the dirt in the courtyard Gorelli formed by discharges from showers, those who as a child seemed Gorelli rivers with their tributaries and on which I used to navigate a straw and shells noci.E compare my feelings at that time with my present feelings, and try to awaken in me, in all its immediacy, abstracting from my life exchanged, the sense of things forgotten naturali.Mi risovviene a day that it rained, the spring, and I was under the fig tree in the meadow sanpiero chewing wires sorrel; I could hear the gentle hum of the rain on the leaves that trembled, "felt" by the sprinkling of their warm and light as if I were a fresh throw them back every now and then a drop fell on my nose spraying the cheeks, the grass around glazed starry daisies , was beyond the hedge of laurel, from the fields, the smell of herbal juices, flowers, fresh love buds, and a cloud in the sky route, came wide diverging beam irradiated sun to the earth, as in a picture that was in the room della zia Clemenza,dove vedevo,affacciato ad una nuvola,il Signore Iddio che benediva un lungo palazzo a tre piani,il quale non era altro che l'arca di Noè galleggiante sui flutti.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How To Cut Names In Mat Boards
Dopo aver tentato e considerato tutto, io vedo che la parola conduce tutto fra i mortali. Poche parole hanno sovente esaltato o atterrato l’ uomo. (Sofocle) – Le parole sono eccellenti per deformare la realtà sgradita. – Si crede di governare con la parola. Con la parola non si governa; i popoli muoiono per abuso di parola. – Dove appunto manca il concetto, dice Mefistofele nel Fausto, le parole tornano bellamente in acconcio. Per via di parole si disputa alla distesa; with the words, a system is built, the words are principal foundation of faith, and does not suffer a word that is raised a jota. - Car of the mot, here on the Sache, est un être vivant. (V. Hugo) - The human language is intricate and frightening to many misunderstandings, and sometimes plays with them the fate of our destiny. (M. Bontempelli) - Things have different clothes, which are the words, going from day fatigue, and other festivities for the gala. - A frank word pushes the 'man with beautiful actions.
Dopo aver tentato e considerato tutto, io vedo che la parola conduce tutto fra i mortali. Poche parole hanno sovente esaltato o atterrato l’ uomo. (Sofocle) – Le parole sono eccellenti per deformare la realtà sgradita. – Si crede di governare con la parola. Con la parola non si governa; i popoli muoiono per abuso di parola. – Dove appunto manca il concetto, dice Mefistofele nel Fausto, le parole tornano bellamente in acconcio. Per via di parole si disputa alla distesa; with the words, a system is built, the words are principal foundation of faith, and does not suffer a word that is raised a jota. - Car of the mot, here on the Sache, est un être vivant. (V. Hugo) - The human language is intricate and frightening to many misunderstandings, and sometimes plays with them the fate of our destiny. (M. Bontempelli) - Things have different clothes, which are the words, going from day fatigue, and other festivities for the gala. - A frank word pushes the 'man with beautiful actions.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Population Normal Bmi
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thank You Welcome Bag Template
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Rabbit Hutches For Sale In Pa.
· How many things would be better if the vanity in the world it mutates into pride, this is enough in itself; vanity wants appearances el 'applause. - To not be ridiculous you should always take pride in proportion to the merits: "Sume superbiam quaesitam Meritis. (Horace)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Lorna Morgan -wrapping
The knowledge and wisdom, pushed beyond a certain limit, kill the 'action. This requires the el mirage 'illusion is what' teaching Hamlet. In this imminent danger of the will, the 'art is advanced as a god bringer of balm of salvation, which alone has the power to transmute the disgust of what you have horrible and absurd in' life, in pictures that make it ideal possibile la vita. Queste immagini sono: “il sublime”, dove l’ arte doma e assoggetta l’ orribile; e “il comico”, dove l’ arte ci libera dal disgusto dell’ assurdo.
The knowledge and wisdom, pushed beyond a certain limit, kill the 'action. This requires the el mirage 'illusion is what' teaching Hamlet. In this imminent danger of the will, the 'art is advanced as a god bringer of balm of salvation, which alone has the power to transmute the disgust of what you have horrible and absurd in' life, in pictures that make it ideal possibile la vita. Queste immagini sono: “il sublime”, dove l’ arte doma e assoggetta l’ orribile; e “il comico”, dove l’ arte ci libera dal disgusto dell’ assurdo.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Superpump 250 With Creatine
Mirabello: the end of the Second Republic?

Last night I reflected to myself on the recent "scolvolgimenti" political speech Mirabello in the first place. Instinctively, thinking about everything, came to my mind two words, only two: Third Republic.
Today, looking at Google " Mirabello Third Republic", incidentally, I found more than one article in which he commented on the speech of Gianfranco Fini as a watershed event that puts an end to the period of the Second Republic, marked with the exquisitely custom Knight. But is it true?
I know that the figure of Fini is the background to many concerns, such as right to left as among those who do not take sides openly. On the right, those concerns have been characterized mostly by journalistic attacks scaldalistici well-targeted actions to destabilize the aura of candor and morality that seems to wrap the new leader of FLI. In other camps, more than one group has suggested an interpretation of the character that draw as a hypocrite or a "sleeper" just awakened from a state of growing consensus beauty lasted 16 years.
I myself do not know how myself against Gianfranco Fini, and indeed I would be tempted to stay for the time trial, which I think all in all fairly early on time. They have already tried many keys to understanding the psyche of Fini, but the truth is that, again, it is too early to really understand what goes on in his head. In my little I tried to speculate a bit 'about the true identity of Fini, making various assumptions.
The first, and perhaps even the most banal and full of pessimism, that is why Gianfranco Fini would be nothing but just another corrupt politician who does what he does for profit, does not believe a word of what he says and basically prepare his machinations for the sole purpose of getting more seats, which traducono poi nella sostanza in maggiore prestigio, maggiore potere, maggiore pecunia. E uno.
La seconda è che Fini abbia visto Dio in persona. Non sto scherzando. Gianfranco Fini è stato, per 16 anni, un Saul che ora, finalmente convertitosi sulla via di Damasco, si è ribattezzato col nome di Paolo, e va predicando la sua personale buona novella, puntanto il dito contro i peccatori della qual cerchia, fino a poco tempo prima, faceva parte. Una conversione degna di sant'Agostino; un'altra ipotesi, forse fantasiosa, ma possibile.
La terza è che Fini abbia retto for years wearing a double play. With the perseverance of a shinobi , the eternal number 2 of the PDL would have swallowed the bitter pills one after the other in view of the bigger picture. According to this ingenious plan, Gianfranco Fini was to nod and scondinzolare getting in return for this, a growing political consensus, they can unleash at the right time against his own master and a "benefactor". Purposes that would be immediately recognized in Berlusconi an enemy and, considering it beat, had decided to make friends, potergli plotting to one day pull the chair out from under the seat, thus avoiding the total collapse of our country. According to this interpretation, Mirabello equivarrebbe al momento di massima tensione di un film d'azione in cui, all'ultimo secondo, l'eroe di turno riesce a dininnescare una bomba tagliando il filo giusto.
Fantapolitica? Può darsi, ma credo sia ancora presto per dirlo. Ritengo sia necessario aspettare, ma senza abbassare la guardia neanche per un momento (l'attesa non implica la passività). Se Mirabello sarà ricordata come l'inizio della Terza Repubblica, piuttosto che come il reboot di una Seconda Repubblica bis , lo sapremo solo fra qualche tempo.
Friday, September 3, 2010
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The dehumanization and the politics of fear
dehumanization is the third psychological process underlying the metamorphosis of the common man into a murderous beast. And 'the mechanism through which they develop the irrational feelings of racism, sexism and discrimination. Why do these feelings arise, however, need to be properly stirred up, and often, the fuel of those drives is not (or not only) content in the human psyche, but it is instilled from the outside, more or less wanted to by the imposition of a particular language.
In psychology and sociology, framing is defined rhetorical framing of questions or information received. As it performs this framing? I will give you an example. Imagine that you share in a lottery, and that you have, say, 40% chance of winning. Note that, from a point of view, logical-mathematical, say that you have forty percent chance to win is equivalent to saying that there are sixty percent chance to lose . E 'was observed, and is quite well without going into too much guess the theme that we are more tempted to play the lottery if we are told, "Play, you have 40% chance of winning!" rather than "play, you have 60% chance of losing." This is, in essence, framing : induction, based on a linguistic policy, the selection of certain interpretations which corresponds to the exclusion of other interpretations.
Accepting a language is implicitly denied to some interpretations of the phenomena that are not inherent in that language. And the passivity with which you absorb words, idioms and expressions is or may be the basis of dehumanization. A typical example of dehumanization and sadly anchored to the newspaper is the terse language and bipartisan newspapers and television stations in dealing with phenomena such as crime and immigration. We have already mentioned some Weather: journalists tend to describe foreigners characterizing them in their articles and their services, using one ethnicity, national or religious identity. Generally this does not happen with the Italians, who are usually described according to their age, their social status or their profession. It 's so that, by opening the newspaper, we read headlines like "' Let me be that baby 'Hunt for three Roma" and other amenities, which we mentioned in the past.
If a person is recognized only on the basis of a single feature, albeit in good faith, it stigmatizes automatically. That person is no longer a person but a number. And "sin" committed by that individual, they can not be confined to the individual himself, is transferred by means of this stigma, is distributed to all those that can only be identified based on the same stigma. The essence of dehumanization is precisely this: deprive human beings of the characteristics that make human , implied that variegation typical of the individual who thinks, acts, lives, experiences feelings, to reduce it to a number, or a ' ethnicity. This is absurd, especially when the language that underpins some misunderstanding, it is passively accepted by all social partners.
Sure, you can not summarize the essence of a person in a few columns of a news item. Even when we speak of an Italian student of 24 years, to a certain extent, it is stigmatized, it is dehumanizing. But it is certainly less dehumanizing to talk about people rather than immigrants. If Luciano Izzo, a 24 year old Italian student, amateur blogger, committed a burglary or a robbery, ok, we know it was him. It's not that we wake up tomorrow morning and instinctively fear and revulsion we feel for all students twenty-four-blogger, or for those whose family name is Izzo. But if we say that a generic "Neapolitan" committed a crime, that's all the Neapolitans are not criminals. The hidden message is as follows: is a criminal because he is a Neapolitan Neapolitan and therefore is a crime. It 's so that the framing and implementation, through it, it works in you fear, that incites your reason and makes you maneuverable. Who can hide, where you can escape, in fact, if the threat of generics are Neapolitans, the anonymous blacks, Muslims or insidious? How can you defend yourself? By voting the Northern League?
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Husband In Plastic Pants
Deindividuation: a Carnival bloody
an old saying that anything goes at Carnival time. Carnival, as well as Halloween night is a time when the company, in a sense, is reversed. In the case of Halloween is the overthrow through the admixture of the world of the living with the dead, Carnival, however, it is thanks to a well-established tradition that leads us to believe, for one day only, different from what we are, helping us to cure us and not subvert the roles the actions that we commit while masked.
Mine is obviously an extreme. I wanted to romanticize the concept of form to introduce a topic related: that of deindividuation. The deindividuation is another mechanism, along with the rationalization behind the ' Lucifer Effect, which turns good people into carriers of destruction and death. Deindividuation works through an assumption which is in many ways similar to that of the Carnival We are not responsible for what we do when we're dressed.
A Carnival every joke is , namely, the actions committed to respond to the role which are not directly attributable to us. It would happen sometimes complain of blatant injustice of a measure by, perhaps, of a policeman, and when people say with a fairly typical sentence: "I'm only doing my job." Maybe sometimes you yourself will be surprised to meet someone in this way. At times, we are fortunate enough to play a role because we gave informed choice, but other times this role we are saddled on the other, and then that, responding in this way, we're not doing other things that trigger our personal, small process irresponsibility. I know I did when I was in charge of surveillance.
A mask is not necessarily something that covers the face, although covering the face is much more effective in terms of irresponsibility. Even a uniform, or a particular hairstyle, or a title or a pair of sunglasses can be a mask. In the movie The Mask played much on this theme: in this case, however, the role of the form is exactly opposite that Lucifer is not in effect. While
magic mask worn by Stanley Ipkiss deprived the hero of all brakes social, situational and systemic, revealing the true and terrible part of nature, "Zimbardo mask" works in reverse: it covers, dominates our true face, stifling and corrupting by means of various tricks our intentions.
I RPGs (real ones) are very insidious, because they can serve to corrupt and pervert our perception of reality. In general, I recognize how insidious any mechanism to deprive us of a slice of our sense of responsibility: it is a role, or a justification that we give to ourselves or the dehumanization of the other (which we will talk in depth). In particular, however, the roles are a formidable weapon-mask, that we turn against our critical sense and, sometimes, against other innocent people because they are an outfit that we can leave at the end of the day, when we stop working or when we abandon our role in general, and that we can throw in the basket of dirty laundry without curarcene then wear it again the next morning.
The Executioner is a stereotype hooded interesting and immediate: under the hood there is a normal man, which after being stained with the blood of the condemned, he returns home, stripped of its role and resumed his daily life, kiss the wife and embraces children from good family man, unaware of the contrast that exists between the performer and the role of educator. Well, almost.

an old saying that anything goes at Carnival time. Carnival, as well as Halloween night is a time when the company, in a sense, is reversed. In the case of Halloween is the overthrow through the admixture of the world of the living with the dead, Carnival, however, it is thanks to a well-established tradition that leads us to believe, for one day only, different from what we are, helping us to cure us and not subvert the roles the actions that we commit while masked.
Mine is obviously an extreme. I wanted to romanticize the concept of form to introduce a topic related: that of deindividuation. The deindividuation is another mechanism, along with the rationalization behind the ' Lucifer Effect, which turns good people into carriers of destruction and death. Deindividuation works through an assumption which is in many ways similar to that of the Carnival We are not responsible for what we do when we're dressed.
A Carnival every joke is , namely, the actions committed to respond to the role which are not directly attributable to us. It would happen sometimes complain of blatant injustice of a measure by, perhaps, of a policeman, and when people say with a fairly typical sentence: "I'm only doing my job." Maybe sometimes you yourself will be surprised to meet someone in this way. At times, we are fortunate enough to play a role because we gave informed choice, but other times this role we are saddled on the other, and then that, responding in this way, we're not doing other things that trigger our personal, small process irresponsibility. I know I did when I was in charge of surveillance.
A mask is not necessarily something that covers the face, although covering the face is much more effective in terms of irresponsibility. Even a uniform, or a particular hairstyle, or a title or a pair of sunglasses can be a mask. In the movie The Mask played much on this theme: in this case, however, the role of the form is exactly opposite that Lucifer is not in effect. While
magic mask worn by Stanley Ipkiss deprived the hero of all brakes social, situational and systemic, revealing the true and terrible part of nature, "Zimbardo mask" works in reverse: it covers, dominates our true face, stifling and corrupting by means of various tricks our intentions.
I RPGs (real ones) are very insidious, because they can serve to corrupt and pervert our perception of reality. In general, I recognize how insidious any mechanism to deprive us of a slice of our sense of responsibility: it is a role, or a justification that we give to ourselves or the dehumanization of the other (which we will talk in depth). In particular, however, the roles are a formidable weapon-mask, that we turn against our critical sense and, sometimes, against other innocent people because they are an outfit that we can leave at the end of the day, when we stop working or when we abandon our role in general, and that we can throw in the basket of dirty laundry without curarcene then wear it again the next morning.
The Executioner is a stereotype hooded interesting and immediate: under the hood there is a normal man, which after being stained with the blood of the condemned, he returns home, stripped of its role and resumed his daily life, kiss the wife and embraces children from good family man, unaware of the contrast that exists between the performer and the role of educator. Well, almost.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Driving Test Simulator Online
The Lucifer Effect
As promised, in this case and in interventions that follow I would talk about a series of books from which I was hit, and through which I could understand some things that, if anything, helped me to develop my ideas and that you are more or less fully got to see expressed on this blog himself. The first book that I want to talk today is titled The Lucifer Effect . The author, Philip Zimbardo , is an eccentric character to some extent within the global landscape of research in the field of psychology.
He is best known for an experiment in ' summer of 1971, known to history as the' Stanford Prison Experiment . After the tests, conducted a few years earlier, on obedience to the authority conducted by Stanley Milgram , another famous psychologist, Zimbardo's experiment has the merit to be among the first to experimentally investigate a little known aspect of the human psyche : one that leads ordinary people, "good", to commit evil deeds under the influence of subtle and almost imperceptible in situations where they are or the roles to which they belong.
In almost seven hundred pages that make up The Lucifer Effect, Philip Zimbardo Experiment tells in detail in question, analyzing the mechanisms Stepper The distinctive human mutagens, and making an interesting parallel with an event a few years ago, but that everyone will remember at least vaguely, the abuses of Abu Ghraib prison .
would take too long to explain, comprehensively summarizing the results of the work of Zimbardo, at least, it would be impossible in a single incident. I will confine myself, therefore, to make a small digression to be those that the teacher recognizes the mental processes underlying the monstrous metamorphosis that can turn an honest citizen in a brutal murderer. These
processes are the deindividuation, obedience to authority, passivity in the face of threats, self-justification, rationalization, dehumanization. The rationalization, especially, is something altogether quite daily, almost familiar. By streamlining the most of us has to do more than once a day. I dare say, for extreme simplification, rationalization is something close to what we commonly call "climbing of mirrors."
Do not think that climbing of mirrors is the favorite sport of a certain category of people. All, more or less, are sensitive a questo fenomeno, tutti, ognuno in misura particolare, possono, di tanto in tanto o con regolare frequenza, arrampicarsi sugli specchi. Ognuno di noi, in quanto essere umano, ha una sua personale percezione di sé e del mondo circostante, ed è su questo humus percettivo che nascono e si sviluppano le idee. Che cosa avviene quando una nostra idea viene contraddetta dai fatti?
Da alcuni recenti studi è emerso come, nella maggior parte dei casi, le idee siano più forti dei fatti: in altri termini, spesso siamo così convinti della veridicità di una data convinzione che, una volta di fronte al fatto che dimostra l'esatto opposto, tendiamo più facilmente a rimuovere dalla nostra memoria il fatto same rather than change our belief. This is particularly true as the idea which is undermined touches the deepest parts of our being. This is, in other words, rationalization. The rationalization allows us, in certain circumstances, to take actions contrary to our ethics without which our consciousness sounds like an alarm bell. It 'obvious that the rationalization is usually not sufficient in itself to do so, and this is all the more evident as he has done is clearly contrary to our moral contradictions larger structures will require more time-consuming to be rationalized, reabsorbed in our sense of ethics, in our mental integrity, the reading which we give of ourselves. Besides streamlining play many other factors, which are precisely among those appointed at the beginning of this intervention.
But let's step back. If you recall, we had already happened, indirectly, to speak of rationalization. Do you remember where? The first occasion in which they discussed was one in which I spoke of ' mental training. Another was one where, inspired by a book of Gherardo Colombo, I introduced the theme of responsibility . Two situations in which I was surprised to rationalize, to climb on mirrors, on which after almost a year I go back to question and reflect, sicuro del fatto che, senza una presa di coscienza realmente sentita, abbassare la guardia di fronte a noi stessi, il nostro primo e peggior nemico, diventa inevitabile.

As promised, in this case and in interventions that follow I would talk about a series of books from which I was hit, and through which I could understand some things that, if anything, helped me to develop my ideas and that you are more or less fully got to see expressed on this blog himself. The first book that I want to talk today is titled The Lucifer Effect . The author, Philip Zimbardo , is an eccentric character to some extent within the global landscape of research in the field of psychology.
He is best known for an experiment in ' summer of 1971, known to history as the' Stanford Prison Experiment . After the tests, conducted a few years earlier, on obedience to the authority conducted by Stanley Milgram , another famous psychologist, Zimbardo's experiment has the merit to be among the first to experimentally investigate a little known aspect of the human psyche : one that leads ordinary people, "good", to commit evil deeds under the influence of subtle and almost imperceptible in situations where they are or the roles to which they belong.
In almost seven hundred pages that make up The Lucifer Effect, Philip Zimbardo Experiment tells in detail in question, analyzing the mechanisms Stepper The distinctive human mutagens, and making an interesting parallel with an event a few years ago, but that everyone will remember at least vaguely, the abuses of Abu Ghraib prison .

would take too long to explain, comprehensively summarizing the results of the work of Zimbardo, at least, it would be impossible in a single incident. I will confine myself, therefore, to make a small digression to be those that the teacher recognizes the mental processes underlying the monstrous metamorphosis that can turn an honest citizen in a brutal murderer. These
processes are the deindividuation, obedience to authority, passivity in the face of threats, self-justification, rationalization, dehumanization. The rationalization, especially, is something altogether quite daily, almost familiar. By streamlining the most of us has to do more than once a day. I dare say, for extreme simplification, rationalization is something close to what we commonly call "climbing of mirrors."

Do not think that climbing of mirrors is the favorite sport of a certain category of people. All, more or less, are sensitive a questo fenomeno, tutti, ognuno in misura particolare, possono, di tanto in tanto o con regolare frequenza, arrampicarsi sugli specchi. Ognuno di noi, in quanto essere umano, ha una sua personale percezione di sé e del mondo circostante, ed è su questo humus percettivo che nascono e si sviluppano le idee. Che cosa avviene quando una nostra idea viene contraddetta dai fatti?
Da alcuni recenti studi è emerso come, nella maggior parte dei casi, le idee siano più forti dei fatti: in altri termini, spesso siamo così convinti della veridicità di una data convinzione che, una volta di fronte al fatto che dimostra l'esatto opposto, tendiamo più facilmente a rimuovere dalla nostra memoria il fatto same rather than change our belief. This is particularly true as the idea which is undermined touches the deepest parts of our being. This is, in other words, rationalization. The rationalization allows us, in certain circumstances, to take actions contrary to our ethics without which our consciousness sounds like an alarm bell. It 'obvious that the rationalization is usually not sufficient in itself to do so, and this is all the more evident as he has done is clearly contrary to our moral contradictions larger structures will require more time-consuming to be rationalized, reabsorbed in our sense of ethics, in our mental integrity, the reading which we give of ourselves. Besides streamlining play many other factors, which are precisely among those appointed at the beginning of this intervention.
But let's step back. If you recall, we had already happened, indirectly, to speak of rationalization. Do you remember where? The first occasion in which they discussed was one in which I spoke of ' mental training. Another was one where, inspired by a book of Gherardo Colombo, I introduced the theme of responsibility . Two situations in which I was surprised to rationalize, to climb on mirrors, on which after almost a year I go back to question and reflect, sicuro del fatto che, senza una presa di coscienza realmente sentita, abbassare la guardia di fronte a noi stessi, il nostro primo e peggior nemico, diventa inevitabile.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Common Roulette Numbers
Ci sono uomini che, avendo la forza per riuscirvi, cercano di raggiungere posizioni elevate, e così, potendo avere una visione più ampia dell’ insieme delle cose, s’ ingegnano di giovare a quanti più possono, e com’ è giusto, a se stessi. Ci sono poi, in contrapposto, alcuni che fanno ogni sforzo e adoperano ogni mezzo per raggiungere un qualsiasi “cacumen”=(Vetta), soltanto per avere la soddisfazione rise and the desire to spit on by other 'high.
Really Small Weed Nugs
Some small and intimate family news on the lives of great men approached us and we will make them more expensive, so that almost seems to have known him. Galileo often stayed here in Prato, where he had close ties of kinship and friendship and where it was greatly admired and loved. Particularly pleasing was the wine of the vineyard of the veneration of St. Godenzo farm belonging to the family Buonamici related to him by kinship. His son married a Bocchineri Vincenzo, Prato family among the most illustrious of the time.
Some small and intimate family news on the lives of great men approached us and we will make them more expensive, so that almost seems to have known him. Galileo often stayed here in Prato, where he had close ties of kinship and friendship and where it was greatly admired and loved. Particularly pleasing was the wine of the vineyard of the veneration of St. Godenzo farm belonging to the family Buonamici related to him by kinship. His son married a Bocchineri Vincenzo, Prato family among the most illustrious of the time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Do You Need A Title For A Utility Trailer
'm back!
Dopo aver affrontato il trasloco in un'altra città ed un'estenuante battaglia telematica per riconquistare l'ormai indispensabile connessione ad Internet, a più di due mesi dall'ultimo intervento su questo blog, finalmente sono tornato.
In questa toccata e fuga vi annuncio che, molto presto, inizierò a pubblicare una serie di recensioni di libri particolarmente interessanti, accompagnate dalle mie riflessioni in merito.
Si tratta di libri particolari, che hanno contributed in some way to mark the path that brought me this far, and obviously have a close bearing on what you have read so far in the blog. It is an opportunity to deepen and detailed argument of which up to this moment I spoke, pointing at the margins.
If up until now have enjoyed reading what I wrote, it is very likely that what I write in the future continue to be of interest to you. So stay tuned!
PS. Whoever guesses where I got the picture?

Dopo aver affrontato il trasloco in un'altra città ed un'estenuante battaglia telematica per riconquistare l'ormai indispensabile connessione ad Internet, a più di due mesi dall'ultimo intervento su questo blog, finalmente sono tornato.
In questa toccata e fuga vi annuncio che, molto presto, inizierò a pubblicare una serie di recensioni di libri particolarmente interessanti, accompagnate dalle mie riflessioni in merito.
Si tratta di libri particolari, che hanno contributed in some way to mark the path that brought me this far, and obviously have a close bearing on what you have read so far in the blog. It is an opportunity to deepen and detailed argument of which up to this moment I spoke, pointing at the margins.
If up until now have enjoyed reading what I wrote, it is very likely that what I write in the future continue to be of interest to you. So stay tuned!
PS. Whoever guesses where I got the picture?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Best Platform To Play Pokemon On Mac
Majority government of Mr. Berlusconi lost
The Berlusconi IV administration is on the verge of falling. On 29 Jul 2010
Mr. Berlusconi Gianfranco Fini
Rep. Expelled from the PDL, the party They Both are founders. Mr. Fini
Represents the third State's office, That is the "
President of the Chamber of Deputies (Representatives)." The Berlusconi government
Was supported by 342 Representatives and 174 Senators. Mr. Fini leaded away
Rep. 34, 10 The Majority is Sen. Rep. 316, 162 Sen.
So Mr. Berlusconi is now underwater as Representatives,
on Precarious Balance as Senators.
Italy Probably Will Have to go to elections on October 2010. Mr. Fini
Seems To Have Caused His Expulsion
to stop the Federalist's Reform implementation, which involves the
massive reduction of the public funds to Southern Italy.
In fact the "Lega Nord" party acted to retain these funds
in Northern Italy.
Foreign powers may also have promoted the events.
Maybe Mr. Berlusconi is paying his relative
independence on foreign politics.
Perhaps one mighty european nation is afraid of the
industrial competition of Italy, so it acts to paralyse it.
Obviously the financial Apocalypse, or the Apocalypse
"tout court", is also on the background.
The decisions are now to the Italian citizens, who are
perhaps the nation's most reliable political protagonist.
Francesco Caselli
01 August 2010
The Berlusconi IV administration is on the verge of falling. On 29 Jul 2010
Mr. Berlusconi Gianfranco Fini
Rep. Expelled from the PDL, the party They Both are founders. Mr. Fini
Represents the third State's office, That is the "
President of the Chamber of Deputies (Representatives)." The Berlusconi government
Was supported by 342 Representatives and 174 Senators. Mr. Fini leaded away
Rep. 34, 10 The Majority is Sen. Rep. 316, 162 Sen.
So Mr. Berlusconi is now underwater as Representatives,
on Precarious Balance as Senators.
Italy Probably Will Have to go to elections on October 2010. Mr. Fini
Seems To Have Caused His Expulsion
to stop the Federalist's Reform implementation, which involves the
massive reduction of the public funds to Southern Italy.
In fact the "Lega Nord" party acted to retain these funds
in Northern Italy.
Foreign powers may also have promoted the events.
Maybe Mr. Berlusconi is paying his relative
independence on foreign politics.
Perhaps one mighty european nation is afraid of the
industrial competition of Italy, so it acts to paralyse it.
Obviously the financial Apocalypse, or the Apocalypse
"tout court", is also on the background.
The decisions are now to the Italian citizens, who are
perhaps the nation's most reliable political protagonist.
Francesco Caselli
01 August 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Why Do I Have White Stuff On My Clitoris
L ' Man has never created, and can not create anything. He makes, manufactures, juxtaposes, delivery. Create means to give rise to particular beings capable of independent living, and the ability to reproduce. The play may seem at first glance, a creation, but it is not so, and taking the 'man as the representative of all animal life, its reproduction is not true that through the creation, where he does not put any of its intelligence and his knowledge, and can only be called a recreation in the ordinary sense of the word, that is, a sort of fun and relaxation. The 'man is able to build a jet plane, a rotary or electronic brain, but not will never be able to create a gnat. The fly does what he wants, goes where it wants, it is decided, it feeds, reproduces, the machine will always need the most ingenious and presence of the 'care of' man, and if this fails, the 'plane crashes, and the press and the electronic brain that are no longer inert. So it would be good for the 'man ceases to worship these idols that they have trained with his hands, not so much hope in them riponesse: how to get to the planets flying higher and higher, uncertain and dangerous, leaving to the imagination that feeds of these dreams. And be content with this land of ours, where there are many beautiful things to admire, and yet so many good things to do: endless miseries to console, to soothe countless evils and injustices to repair, and finally to regain peace, it is preferable that the conquest of all the stars.
L ' Man has never created, and can not create anything. He makes, manufactures, juxtaposes, delivery. Create means to give rise to particular beings capable of independent living, and the ability to reproduce. The play may seem at first glance, a creation, but it is not so, and taking the 'man as the representative of all animal life, its reproduction is not true that through the creation, where he does not put any of its intelligence and his knowledge, and can only be called a recreation in the ordinary sense of the word, that is, a sort of fun and relaxation. The 'man is able to build a jet plane, a rotary or electronic brain, but not will never be able to create a gnat. The fly does what he wants, goes where it wants, it is decided, it feeds, reproduces, the machine will always need the most ingenious and presence of the 'care of' man, and if this fails, the 'plane crashes, and the press and the electronic brain that are no longer inert. So it would be good for the 'man ceases to worship these idols that they have trained with his hands, not so much hope in them riponesse: how to get to the planets flying higher and higher, uncertain and dangerous, leaving to the imagination that feeds of these dreams. And be content with this land of ours, where there are many beautiful things to admire, and yet so many good things to do: endless miseries to console, to soothe countless evils and injustices to repair, and finally to regain peace, it is preferable that the conquest of all the stars.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
List Original Pokemon
The evils that you have not considered as so many goods, and you will be happy .-- The patient servant, the master caution .-- At home there 'is peace, when hen and rooster sings silent .-- Male and wandered too chicken to get lost .-- Never impose punishment in time of 'anger .-- Counts clear, my friends are fellow .-- To ease the discomfort .-- The virtues are worse than false defects Note .-- Order is bread, hunger .-- The disorder is little kitchen makes a great house .-- A soft answer turneth l’ ira; ma un aspro parlare eccita il furore.--Il Più delicato piacere è quello di far piacere altrui.--Cosa odiosissima parlar molto di sé.--Quel che tre sanno, tutti sanno.--Amami poco, ma continua.--Le ingiurie sono come le processioni, tornano sempre al luogo onde son partite.--Chi è buon figliolo, sarà buon cittadino.--Parlare senza pensare, è come tirare senza mirare.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thank You Wedding Welcome Bag Letter
La volontà è principalmente una potenza d’ arresto e d’ inibizione. – L’ atto di volere è diverso dall’ atto di pensare: un eterno venir fuori, mentre il pensiero è un eterno rimanere in se. – Volontà corta, courage just nervous, that's the explanation of many abortions. - Intelligence and know little about Jupiter when I let it hang at your side, rusted and dull, the 'weapon of the will. - Do not miss the will, time and place will not fail. (Prov.toscano) - The largest and most suffering disgrace for a man is the 'abdication of their own will. - The more I live, the more I am persuaded that the major difference between men, between the weak and the powerful, between the brave and the fearful, is the energy and indomitable determination. With this precious quality can be anything you want in the field as possible, without it there's no wealth, nor wit, nor fortune that the two-legged creature that we can make a man.
La volontà è principalmente una potenza d’ arresto e d’ inibizione. – L’ atto di volere è diverso dall’ atto di pensare: un eterno venir fuori, mentre il pensiero è un eterno rimanere in se. – Volontà corta, courage just nervous, that's the explanation of many abortions. - Intelligence and know little about Jupiter when I let it hang at your side, rusted and dull, the 'weapon of the will. - Do not miss the will, time and place will not fail. (Prov.toscano) - The largest and most suffering disgrace for a man is the 'abdication of their own will. - The more I live, the more I am persuaded that the major difference between men, between the weak and the powerful, between the brave and the fearful, is the energy and indomitable determination. With this precious quality can be anything you want in the field as possible, without it there's no wealth, nor wit, nor fortune that the two-legged creature that we can make a man.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Songs Everyone Should Have On Their Ip Od 2010
Soros still does not see an end to the "collapse" the global financial
rapporteurs Pedro Nicolaci da Costa and Juan Lagorio -
editor Gary Hill-Reuters
May 15 2010
The renowned investor George Soros said last Friday
(May 14th 2010 - translator.) that the financial system World
and is' literally disintegrated He added that there
to time no prospect of a resolution
short-term crisis.
Crisis in the Credit
Soros said that the turbulence and 'actually' more 'severe
that during the Great Depression, comparing the situation
current to the dissolution of the Soviet Union .
He also stated that the bankruptcy Lehman Brothers ,
in September 2008, the sign 'a turning decisive in
operation of the market.
" We have witnessed the" collapse "of the financial system "
Soros said at a reception to Columbia University.
"The financial system 'was kept alive artificially, and and'
still in intensive care. There is no sign
that we are in no way close to the point more 'low
( the end - translator's note.) crisis. "
Statements of Soros attracted those who were
been made earlier, during the same conference, by
Paul Volcker, formerly governor of the Federal Reserve "
(the Central Bank of the United States - translator's note.) , who now works as a consultant
highest level of the President Barack Obama.
Volcker ha affermato che la produzione industriale in tutto il
mondo sta diminuendo anche piu' rapidamente che negli
stessi Usa , i quali sono essi medesimi sotto severa tensione.
" Non ricordo alcuna situazione come quella corrente, forse
nemmeno al tempo della Grande Depressione, in cui i disastri
finanziari ed industriali si siano verificati so '
fast, it' so uniformly throughout the world "
said Volcker.
Translated by Francesco Caselli
rapporteurs Pedro Nicolaci da Costa and Juan Lagorio -
editor Gary Hill-Reuters
May 15 2010
The renowned investor George Soros said last Friday
(May 14th 2010 - translator.) that the financial system World
and is' literally disintegrated He added that there
to time no prospect of a resolution
short-term crisis.
Crisis in the Credit
Soros said that the turbulence and 'actually' more 'severe
that during the Great Depression, comparing the situation
current to the dissolution of the Soviet Union .
He also stated that the bankruptcy Lehman Brothers ,
in September 2008, the sign 'a turning decisive in
operation of the market.
" We have witnessed the" collapse "of the financial system "
Soros said at a reception to Columbia University.
"The financial system 'was kept alive artificially, and and'
still in intensive care. There is no sign
that we are in no way close to the point more 'low
( the end - translator's note.) crisis. "
Statements of Soros attracted those who were
been made earlier, during the same conference, by
Paul Volcker, formerly governor of the Federal Reserve "
(the Central Bank of the United States - translator's note.) , who now works as a consultant
highest level of the President Barack Obama.
Volcker ha affermato che la produzione industriale in tutto il
mondo sta diminuendo anche piu' rapidamente che negli
stessi Usa , i quali sono essi medesimi sotto severa tensione.
" Non ricordo alcuna situazione come quella corrente, forse
nemmeno al tempo della Grande Depressione, in cui i disastri
finanziari ed industriali si siano verificati so '
fast, it' so uniformly throughout the world "
said Volcker.
Translated by Francesco Caselli
Thursday, May 6, 2010
E46 How Do You Change The Hand Brake
GTutti 2010 - Ambiente/Diritti/Migranti
According to the World Organization of Migration, climate change will be the main cause of the abandonment of some areas of the planet, followed by events Extreme weather such as floods and hurricanes, drought, desertification and wars for control of raw materials.
The Copenhagen conference was to give concrete answers to the climate crisis in progress, unfortunately, has had a successful bankruptcy, resulting in commitments to reduce emissions only volunteers and on a national basis. Meanwhile, climate change do not stop and scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios draw even more disastrous than those given just two years ago and the displacement of populations due to ecosystem degradation is likely to exceed all expectations and unprepared to face
Faced with environmental challenges, social and cultural rights, the international community posed by climate change comes as Italy?
In terms of environmental choices our country continues to increase its emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere and to ask for discounts on reduction targets. The government presents nuclear as the answer to all problems but it is a media trick. Have not yet been resolved i problemi di sicurezza degli impianti e di smaltimento delle scorie legati al ritorno al nucleare ma è già pronto il piano per l’individuazione dei siti in cui costruire le nuove centrali.
Ancora più preoccupante, se possibile, è la risposta che viene data sul piano sociale e culturale all’arrivo in Italia di stranieri extracomunitari, molti dei quali provenienti da paesi nei quali sono proprio le emergenze ambientali a produrre povertà e conflitti. I respingimenti in mare, i numerosi scandali sulla gestione dei “centri di accoglienza”, lo sfruttamento selvaggio della manodopera straniera nelle campagne - tutti fenomeni ben noti anche nel nostro territorio - sono il risultato disastroso prodotto dalle politiche sull’immigrazione carried out in recent years by all governments alike.
Rosarno The dramatic events were just the culmination of a situation of degradation and violence that lasted for years and it explodes, not coincidentally, the year of the "security package". The emergence of a new widespread racism there is signaled not only regressive manifestations of minorities but stupid - this is the most worrying news - from state laws discriminatory and unconstitutional and Ministers who do not hesitate to declare their "evil" against foreigners.
In the country that has experienced the shame of racial laws, find space for new forms of intolerance towards anyone who is a carrier of a difference, not just immigrants, therefore, but also Roma, gays and lesbians, homeless people and beggars.
the cultural and social degradation that accompanies the economic crisis and the widening gap that is being dug between North and South, even in our country, you must respond, with a difference politically and culturally.
To try to recast the image of the South's self: no more - as suggested by Franco Cassano - slums of empire ', or faded deformed copy of the modernization of the northern metropolis, but the new center of identity rich and varied , capable of knowing multiple languages, different religions, different cultures, according to the vocation most authentic of Mediterranean civilization.
"Many believe that the Lord scattered the tongues of men to punish them, but it is the exact opposite: he saw that the uniformity made them much too proud to firms engaged as unnecessary. Then he realized that humanity needed a correction and we made a gift of the differences. So the builders of beliefs and habits, must find a modus vivendi that allows to complete the building "(Wu Ming - Altai)
After one year, we again experience GTutti, forum of associations and citizens that last year, when G8 Environment of Syracuse, gave birth to three days of action on "climate justice and the rights of peoples."
The questions on the combination of climate crisis, democracy and rights are increasingly present and call us all to a more demanding challenge: rethinking the relationship between humans and the environment in which they live, land, labor, production and consumption in a new dimension and solidarity.
Europe and within the regions bordering the Mediterranean, can play a strategic role to build a space that is not only a big market, but also a place, geographically and culturally, in which it defines in words such as peace, diritti, solidarietà, cooperazione.
According to the World Organization of Migration, climate change will be the main cause of the abandonment of some areas of the planet, followed by events Extreme weather such as floods and hurricanes, drought, desertification and wars for control of raw materials.
The Copenhagen conference was to give concrete answers to the climate crisis in progress, unfortunately, has had a successful bankruptcy, resulting in commitments to reduce emissions only volunteers and on a national basis. Meanwhile, climate change do not stop and scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) scenarios draw even more disastrous than those given just two years ago and the displacement of populations due to ecosystem degradation is likely to exceed all expectations and unprepared to face
Faced with environmental challenges, social and cultural rights, the international community posed by climate change comes as Italy?
In terms of environmental choices our country continues to increase its emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere and to ask for discounts on reduction targets. The government presents nuclear as the answer to all problems but it is a media trick. Have not yet been resolved i problemi di sicurezza degli impianti e di smaltimento delle scorie legati al ritorno al nucleare ma è già pronto il piano per l’individuazione dei siti in cui costruire le nuove centrali.
Ancora più preoccupante, se possibile, è la risposta che viene data sul piano sociale e culturale all’arrivo in Italia di stranieri extracomunitari, molti dei quali provenienti da paesi nei quali sono proprio le emergenze ambientali a produrre povertà e conflitti. I respingimenti in mare, i numerosi scandali sulla gestione dei “centri di accoglienza”, lo sfruttamento selvaggio della manodopera straniera nelle campagne - tutti fenomeni ben noti anche nel nostro territorio - sono il risultato disastroso prodotto dalle politiche sull’immigrazione carried out in recent years by all governments alike.
Rosarno The dramatic events were just the culmination of a situation of degradation and violence that lasted for years and it explodes, not coincidentally, the year of the "security package". The emergence of a new widespread racism there is signaled not only regressive manifestations of minorities but stupid - this is the most worrying news - from state laws discriminatory and unconstitutional and Ministers who do not hesitate to declare their "evil" against foreigners.
In the country that has experienced the shame of racial laws, find space for new forms of intolerance towards anyone who is a carrier of a difference, not just immigrants, therefore, but also Roma, gays and lesbians, homeless people and beggars.
the cultural and social degradation that accompanies the economic crisis and the widening gap that is being dug between North and South, even in our country, you must respond, with a difference politically and culturally.
To try to recast the image of the South's self: no more - as suggested by Franco Cassano - slums of empire ', or faded deformed copy of the modernization of the northern metropolis, but the new center of identity rich and varied , capable of knowing multiple languages, different religions, different cultures, according to the vocation most authentic of Mediterranean civilization.
"Many believe that the Lord scattered the tongues of men to punish them, but it is the exact opposite: he saw that the uniformity made them much too proud to firms engaged as unnecessary. Then he realized that humanity needed a correction and we made a gift of the differences. So the builders of beliefs and habits, must find a modus vivendi that allows to complete the building "(Wu Ming - Altai)
After one year, we again experience GTutti, forum of associations and citizens that last year, when G8 Environment of Syracuse, gave birth to three days of action on "climate justice and the rights of peoples."
The questions on the combination of climate crisis, democracy and rights are increasingly present and call us all to a more demanding challenge: rethinking the relationship between humans and the environment in which they live, land, labor, production and consumption in a new dimension and solidarity.
Europe and within the regions bordering the Mediterranean, can play a strategic role to build a space that is not only a big market, but also a place, geographically and culturally, in which it defines in words such as peace, diritti, solidarietà, cooperazione.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Lifetime Athletic Membership
True happiness belongs to the wise, and this is because he is among all the men to whom fortune can take less. - Any human joy is to forget the dangers that are always on the victim and are watching. - Happiness does not embellish continues. - E 'from' height of a permanent happiness that you see the desires of the heart, it seems that they can not feed fears and hopes, and finds it so difficult to eat what he has, where has it all. - Happiness ol 'misery, even when it is outside, that does not exist in us. - When you're too happy, always trembling. - A small vessel can be filled as a great, though it contains less liquid, so the most unfortunate luck or nature, can be filled with the happiness of the true good. - We are happy that our soul to other souls to offer support and consolation continually reborn. - What is most important for our happiness with what you have.
True happiness belongs to the wise, and this is because he is among all the men to whom fortune can take less. - Any human joy is to forget the dangers that are always on the victim and are watching. - Happiness does not embellish continues. - E 'from' height of a permanent happiness that you see the desires of the heart, it seems that they can not feed fears and hopes, and finds it so difficult to eat what he has, where has it all. - Happiness ol 'misery, even when it is outside, that does not exist in us. - When you're too happy, always trembling. - A small vessel can be filled as a great, though it contains less liquid, so the most unfortunate luck or nature, can be filled with the happiness of the true good. - We are happy that our soul to other souls to offer support and consolation continually reborn. - What is most important for our happiness with what you have.
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