Climate change and biodiversity are the main themes of the next G8 Environment. That energy problems and dominion over nature.
On these issues we can not intervene with imaginative strategies and improbable subject of policy statements, memoranda of understanding, bilateral agreements and similar nonsense.
continue to seek solutions, even with all the skills and goodwill as possible, and driving without inducing profound changes in the lifestyles of the people "developed", does not lead anywhere. No one has the solutions and when someone offers to quit Formula dalla crisi economica e ambientale globale senza portare gli interessi di grandi gruppi economici purtroppo non ha alcun ascolto.
La strada della decrescita non fa gli interessi di nessuno in particolare ma semplicemente di tutti. Se riduciamo i consumi, produciamo meno rifiuti, impariamo ad autoprodurre qualcosa per comprare meno, se rallentiamo, se diventiamo tanti a fare questo non ci sarà bisogno di centrali nucleari o di salvare specie animali e vegetali in via di estinzione.
Non si tratta di continuare a chiedere ai nostri governanti di risolvere un problema che non ha soluzioni: dobbiamo partire da noi, da ognuno di noi.
A Siracusa un gruppo di persone che da anni riflettono su questi temi e provano continuamente to change their lifestyles, reducing, repairing, recycling and slowing the movement founded a Club of decrease Felice.
The Circle of the movement founded by Maurizio Pallante, was born in Syracuse in these days when there is an atmosphere of preparation and demonstrations "to" and "against" the G8.
The Club has been adhered to GTutti - Environment Forum and within its own events will be the next Maurizio Pallante April 4 Syracuse at 9:00 ITIS "E. Fermi to talk about "decreasing to emerge from recession" and to present to the public and the press the circle of Syracuse. A club that wants to find ways to practically implement the decrease in a difficult area where still retain the myth of "development".
To quit the easy slogans and clichés where we all agree to no avail and experience in their everyday fun and rewarding ways to "decolonize the imagination."
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