Friday, January 9, 2009

Blue Waffle Disease Images

The Fed has totally lost control of the economy

http://www.mises. org/images4/3265/chart1.png

amended Monetary Base U.S. - annual variations expressed in percentages

Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, according with his own

Considerations Translator Blogger and

The monetary base is called M0 also, and it 'made

from money in the strict sense, the paper money in addition to


The graph looks very interesting, because 'compare the

production di cartamoneta attuale con quella della

Depressione degli anni 1929-1933;

mostra la abnormita' della attuale produzione di cartamoneta,

il che avalla la considerazione espressa nel titolo del post;

questo e' anonimo , quindi da presumere redatto dal Direttore

del sito;

una tale abnorme situazione appare destinata ad una

break in the short term, and it somehow

must 'reveal, even if only partially, the truth'

denounced by the chart: the paper money made out so

can not control 'that represent economic value

Dollar lower, much lower than the official ;

because 'the U.S. currency activity is' integrated economic

globally does not seem to this writer there is to pretend that Euro

or yen to be saved from the earthquake , unless it is made

adequate bankruptcy reorganization

Member , it appears to some scholars have to be guided by

4 more countries: U.S., Russia, China and India .

Posted by Francesco Caselli

January 9, 2009


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