Thursday, January 15, 2009
Why Does Alabama Have Number 12 On Helmets
Foreign Minister of Great Britain maintains that only
the cooperation between States could destroy
le reti terroristiche.
Middle East Online (NdT.: medio oriente online)
15 gennaio 2009
LONDRA - Il ministro degli Esteri di Gran Bretagna David Miliband
ha affermato in data odierna che la nozione di una "guerra al terrore" e'
stata "fuorviante e sbagliata", nel corso di una schietta critica di uno
degli elementi fundamental policy of the outgoing U.S. President George W.
Writing in the Guardian, Mr Miliband said that the definition
suggested the idea of \u200b\u200ba unified enemy, which in fact does not exist, and also
encouraged a response from the beginning of military problems that
more general 'tall can admit that the West would not have been able
"resolve in this manner." The article appears
be an extended effort to trash the one that has been the mission
qualifying the Bush administration, which
start to finish Tuesday, January 20, 2009.
"The idea of \u200b\u200ba war on terror suggests an impression of an enemy
unified, transnational, personified by the figure of Osama bin Laden and
by al-Qaeda," Miliband wrote, and that ' when in India.
"The reality 'is that the motives and identities' of terrorist groups are
He also added: "The more 'Group and terrorist groups
we draw the battle lines as it was a simple fight
binary between moderates and extremists, or between good and evil, the more 'we
game those who seek to unify the groups that have little in common
. "
Miliband has rejected the notion that the fight against violent extremism can
only be done through military means.
"As the U.S. General David Petraeus has reported to me and others in Iraq,
coalition operating here can not 'be able to resolve in this way the onset of problems
and clash with civilians, "Miliband wrote.
So 'argued that only cooperation between Member States could destroy
terrorist networks, noting that if India and Pakistan could
resolve their dispute over Kashmir, would be to deprive the extremists of the region
one of the main reasons for their call to arms.
Miliband added that the democratic nations must not abandon
their values, citing the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba
"We have to respond to terrorism with a reaffirmation of the supremacy
of the law, not making the law on terrorism, 'cause
it represents the cornerstone of the company' democratic, "he wrote.
"We confirm our commitment to human rights and freedoms'
civilians at home and abroad. This is' certainly the lesson of Guantanamo and
this and 'why We welcome the commitment by the
President-elect Obama to close. "
Translated by Francesco Caselli
January 15, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Herpes 1 And Hand Shake
Banks begin to lie about the quarter 4.o
this week
Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. - Committee LaRouche political action
January 12, 2009 -quarter-week.html
In the current week advanced banks
begin to publish the results for the fourth quarter of 2008, and those
for that entire year, and the way which will be presented
relations will prove ' worthy of interest. Be it in terms of accounting
'usually distorted adopted by the banks, the financial system and
'collapsed during the fourth quarter
2008, SO' with good reason, banks should publish
huge losses.
At the same time all the major banks have been huge
grants from the Treasury program called TARP, which
they should use to cover some of the losses, which
know all recorded in their books. So 'what
banks would be required to do would be to use the TARP funds
as an opportunity 'to cover publicly
significant amounts of their toxic assets, then we could see that
major banks reported losses in the tens of
billion U.S. dollars each.
This' does not mean that the banks actually publish these losses,
but everyone should understand that if they did not,
mean that they are too dysfunctional, to allow even that
relatively small step. In conclusion, se le
grandi perdite fanno paura, la mancata loro pubblicizzazione risulta
ancora piu' spaventosa, e perdite ancora maggiori sarebbero da
sospettare non dichiarate. Se poi le banche dicessero addirittura la
intera verita', non rimarrebbe loro che chiudere i battenti.
Traduzione di Francesco Caselli
12 gennaio 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Chicco Strollers Parts
Il brasiliano Lessa denuncia la bolla dei Derivati da un Quadrilione come
una "porcata"
Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. - Comitato di azione politica LaRouche (LPAC)
10 gennaio 2009
L'economista brasiliano nazionalista e gia' Presidente della banca di sviluppo
di proprieta' statale BNDES, Carlos Lessa ha dichiarato il 17 dicembre 2008
alla rivista "Terra" che la causa della crisi finanziaria internazionale e' la
"schiuma costituita da 640 trilioni di $ (NdT.: 640 mila miliardi di $) "In
derivatives, according to estimates by the IDB bank," although no one actually '
know its real value. In the U.S. there are analysts who say that
it instead of a quadrillion (NdT.: 1,000,000 billion dollars). Can not
even pronounce it, right? " joked with the interviewer.
" The festival of madness that has' made in the derivatives market, the market
stock in the futures market does not can 'last for long. Everything 'and'
started to be removed from the surface of documents ufficiali," ha
continuato Lessa. "L' Umanita' non commettera' harakiri. La societa' umana
non realizza suicidi rituali. Poiche' questo porcile di tutta tale speculazione
finanziaria ha condotto a tale caos, il mondo sara' capace di riorganizzarsi,
per poter riuscire a continuare ad esistere. In tale riorganizzazione, le
Nazioni-Stato sono destinate a rivestire un ruolo molto importante."
Lessa ha aggiunto: "Di norma una crisi di tale entita' genera un intenso
dibattito intellettuale. La domanda che sempre emerge: "Ma in cosa
abbiamo sbagliato ? Ragazzo, we deceive ourselves! "
Translated by Francesco Caselli
January 10, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
Blue Waffle Disease Images
http://www.mises. org/images4/3265/chart1.png
amended Monetary Base U.S. - annual variations expressed in percentages
Source: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, according with his own
Considerations Translator Blogger and
The monetary base is called M0 also, and it 'made
from money in the strict sense, the paper money in addition to
The graph looks very interesting, because 'compare the
production di cartamoneta attuale con quella della
Depressione degli anni 1929-1933;
mostra la abnormita' della attuale produzione di cartamoneta,
il che avalla la considerazione espressa nel titolo del post;
questo e' anonimo , quindi da presumere redatto dal Direttore
del sito;
una tale abnorme situazione appare destinata ad una
break in the short term, and it somehow
must 'reveal, even if only partially, the truth'
denounced by the chart: the paper money made out so
can not control 'that represent economic value
Dollar lower, much lower than the official ;
because 'the U.S. currency activity is' integrated economic
globally does not seem to this writer there is to pretend that Euro
or yen to be saved from the earthquake , unless it is made
adequate bankruptcy reorganization
Member , it appears to some scholars have to be guided by
4 more countries: U.S., Russia, China and India .
Posted by Francesco Caselli
January 9, 2009
Where To Buy Floating Candles In Toronto
while the debt of Great Britain reached a dangerous level.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard - Telegraph - January 8, 2009 british-debt-hits-danger-level.html
"Fitch Ratings" (NdT.: International Agency for the Evaluation on
Bonds) issued a warning that the public debt of Great
Britain will explode 'to almost 70% of GDP by the end of next
year, surpassing Germany in the past to become one of the most'
heavily indebted states in the industrialized world.
"In terms of speed 'of aggravation of the debt, the United Kingdom
and' of far the worst club of nations with the
rating "AAA". The fiscal framework and the underlying 'terrible, "said
Brian Coulton, head of the" assessment of sovereign states "at the
credit agency.
Mr Coulton said that it would become more and more' difficult for the Member
collect enough money in the global markets of the Bonds,
pay for bailouts of banks and at the same time the large budget deficit
. The British bank rescue alone will cost '7%
of GDP.
The danger 'became very real yesterday when even
Germany not and' managed to sell for a whole battery of Securities
State its annual auction of S. Sylvester, "which marks the start of the selling season
debt. Investors have bought only two thirds of
an offer of € 6 billion of "Bund" in 10 years, leading to
consternation markets. The price of the "Bund" and '
fallen a lot, SO' performance and 'skipped of 34 basis points to 3.29%
arriving, immediately copied by the movements of securities
state of the entire Eurozone.
" It 's a very poor result ," said Marc Ostwald,
employed in "Monument Securities." (NdT.: a financial
International, which operates from the London Stock Exchange). "In 20 years
follow the shafts of the" Bund ", I can not remember that ever happened
that the Bundesbank has been left with one third of the Securities
remained in his hand."
as traders will look very carefully if the rods today
of Notes in Spain and France procederanno senza intoppi,
come nelle attese, o se, invece, il mondo stia cominciando ad assistere
ad uno "sciopero dei compratori", in quanto un diluvio di debito
di Stati sovrani allaga il mercato .
Esistono paure che la prossima crisi nel sistema finanziario globale
potrebbe consistere in una ribellione da parte dei controllori del
comparto obbligazionario , gia' preoccupati dai discorsi sulla bolla
nel loro settore. Una simile rivolta spingerebbe al rialzo i tassi di
interesse , usati per i contratti dei mutui ad interesse fisso e delle
corporate bonds from issuers. The central bank could compensate
this crisis for a certain period of time,
through direct purchase of bonds - or "printing more '
money" - but it could make for an indefinite period.
Gia 'the U.S. alone are expected to issue $ 2 trillion (NdT.: 2 000
$ billion) of debt only in the current year, and Europeans are not very
back. Italy alone should be asked to € 200 billion market, while pushing ahead
if 'the enormous amount of debt must ensure
the additional cost of the recession. Fitch Ratings said
Ireland, Greece, Holland and France have affrontare un pesante
calendario di aste, perche' obbligate dal giungere a scadenza dei
precedenti Titoli di Stato.
La Gran Bretagna e' attesa alla emissione 146 miliardi di £
(NdT.: sterline, pari a 164 miliardi €) questo anno, pari al 10 % del PIL.
Mentre la vendita di Titoli di Stato denominati "Gilt"
(NdT.: corrispondenti ai Treasuries degli Usa) per un importo totale di
2 miliardi £ (NdT.: pari a 2,24 miliardi €) e' proceduta senza intoppi
ieri, l'Ufficio per la Gestione del Debito (DMO) ha avvertito di possibili
problemi piu' avanti nel corrente anno.
Robert Stheeman, il responsabile del DMO, afferma che
the UK can 'have already' reached the limits of tolerance of
investors. "I'm not making a prediction that we will auction
failure, but I can not even leave it out. They are having to sell a large amount of debt
. We are in a different world than just
a year ago , "he told the news agency financial
Bloomberg News."
Until that Britain can maintain the long-desired
rating "AAA", it should be able to get money from
bond markets at a reasonable price, but this might not
and 'more' fully guaranteed. The agency Fitch estimates that the UK will be '
jumped from a public debt of 44% of GDP in 2007 to 68% for
latter part of 2010, a staggering increase for a major nation.
usually takes a war to produce such a disaster .
Translated by Francesco Caselli
January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Play Solitaire Unblocked
is not 'more' just a conflict in the Gaza Strip;
this clash is not 'near the end
Lyndon LaRouche, Jr. - LaRouche Political Action Committee . html
January 7, 2009 Even as the world observes the massacre in Gaza
become more and more 'bloody, so-called news updates
proclaim that some agreement on the cessation of hostilities' was behind' corner, and it
Buttera 'the whole situation behind us.
It 's not so!
"The fundamental fact that we should keep in mind," said Lyndon LaRouche
this afternoon, 'and'
that this clash is not 'start to finish.
The intention behind it, and' was to light a fire,
could not be turned off. The parties involved in scontro non
sono di tale disposizione d'animo, sia le Israeliane che le altre.
E' intervenuta la "mano sanguinaria" in questo evento. Questa
e' ora la miccia volta ad accendere il conflitto; non si tratta piu'
di un conflitto della Striscia di Gaza, bensì di uno scontro
internazionale. Qualcuno ha acceso la miccia, ed essa sta
bruciando, mentre la bomba non e' stata rimossa.
E' questo l'avvertimento fondamentale che abbiamo il
dovere di far pervenire alla gente. Non e' finita qui; non si tratta
di un evento pressocche' terminato; bensì di qualcosa che non
avrebbe mai dovuto nemmeno cominciare.
"Gli Israeliani sono stati con intensa force urged to put into action
the conflict, "LaRouche continued," and the pressure side and '
originated from the U.S.. This and '
been well known for a year. Has 'been a planned murder, and one of the reasons for the Israelis and
' was to
groped to deny the fact that they were defeated in the 2006 war in Lebanon
taken by them.
In fact, they lost that war, and yet
try to pretend they were not defeated. "Do not tell us that we
lost the war!" Well, actually they lost the war;
would not even have to initiate it. Indeed the Israelis are
started to lose that in progress!
"And of course Cheney and members who are British,
are fully responsible for this conflict," he added
LaRouche. "The British have launched the conflict, it is
of something similar to the Sykes-Picot Agreement, (NdT.: 01,
background article) is not a mystery," he said.
"But the problem we have, 'that these people still live in a universe
Cartesian (NdT.: 02, at the bottom of article)
and do not believe in reality'."
(NdT. 01 - Sykes-Picot (-Sazonov of Russia)
English Wikipedia
was a secret agreement, signed in 1916 between the Governments of
Britain and France, in the absence of the delegate of the Russian Empire
. It defined their respective spheres of influence and control in
Western Asia, to be maintained in the account pending
fall of the Ottoman Empire during the 1st World War. It will stretch '
mainly a commercial agreement, but with
values \u200b\u200bof indirect political control of the Arab states.)
(NdT. 02 - The man the measure of things without God has no more measure
Science and diagnosis - Michael Waldstein - December 2004
Fuga dalla realtà
Cartesio concepiva la natura come semplice res extensa. Il mondo
è un meccanismo privo di senso e di scopo. L’uso corretto di
questo mondo è assoggettarlo completamente agli scopi umani.
L’universo cartesiano non è un luogo infernale, ma insignificante.
Non si tratta né di un luogo diabolico, né di un luogo realmente
ospitale, consono ai desideri dell’uomo. Non è altro che materia,
that must and can be used in any way be considered
Translated by Francesco Caselli
January 8, 2009
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Anniversary Cardafter Death To Someone?
Derry Brownfield - January 4, 2009
http : / /
(NdT. Extract - Explanations, fully reported, made by Deputy U.S.
, the gynecologist Ron Paul, Republican of Texas)
Ron Paul said: "The rescue (NdT.:
banks with taxpayers' money) and not just 'mad from the standpoint of economic
. And' even left.
is a mockery of our Constitution, that our current leaders do not
should never again take the bother to pretend that
is still in force.
You can not solve a problem of excessive spending, deficits and inflation too high
very high monetary
adding loads more of everything '. So
'are totally opposed to the rescue and I think it will get
' only the effect of postponing the showdown, which will go anyway
'done. "Paul goes on to say:
" We are in the middle of something huge. We are not talking of simple
trillion dollars, which are already 'huge amounts
: debt and 'in reality' beyond measure.
An economy structured on debt and credit is at the root of the current financial disintegration
. The end will come
'when people reject the dollar, and I believe that we are approaching
terribly everything'.
The solutions reside in a free market, not really
conditional on a sound money and our Constitution. "
Translated by Francesco Caselli
January 7, 2009
Country Songs With Theme
(Posted on image)
Voragine more and more 'deep
federal deficit for the year
fiscal ending September 30, 2009
previous projections about $ 440 billion
current forecast to 1,000 billion dollars (one trillion)
posted by Francesco Caselli
January 7, 2009