Thursday, March 18, 2010

How To Play Rosetta Stone


policy, if it is not intended as a place in history, is but a blind tangle of desires and vanity. - We must distinguish between the sense of opportunism and a sense of opportunity without which it governs. - The policy does not make assumptions and the riddle, but in deed as they arise. - There are few good ideas and no one can determine the 'accuracy; with the words, however, we govern men. (Disraeli) - I love people and institutions because of the valuable benefits they bring. - You have to have a logic sometimes more than partisan convenience. - Often a good policy is ruined by the extras are too high, the poor rose behind a big one. - Reality is the responsibility of power transform the 'man. We must disband by 'interest of a party to bend the ideas and acts in the service of' general interest. - Politics, like persuasion, may be exercised by a few disinterested spirit, politicians craft fail precisely because they took the ' used to profess the ideas for mischief.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wild Thornberrys Rescue Game

's only way for an old man is being nice to the old. - L 'Improving the years of old age is a flirt, especially in women. - The old are the 'nitrogen' s social atmosphere, without them life would be burned by 'oxygen of youth. - Old age can last a long time grows as long as Cicero warns, is "consituta fundamentis adolescentiae. - To see far is sad privilege of old on young people. - Everyone knows he died, few know how old. (La Rochefoucauld) - There is no man so decrepit that they still do not think the body in twenty years. (Montaigne) - The more I get close to death, I feel better. Also believe that the same will happen to you. It can not be otherwise, because life conducted in accordance with God is a joy uninterrupted until his death. (L. Tolstoy) - It is not their number you count the years, it is by weight.